/finance/ - Finance

Nobody on here is a financial advisor

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Welcome to /finance/, a board dedicated to all subjects financial and economical, both theoretical and practical! 

The rules:
>0. Take it easy!
Not exactly a rule that can be enforced, but it should be included somewhere.
>1. Obey the global rules!
They exist for our common well-being. 
>2. Don't be a nigger!
That is, try to put some effort into your posts, use proper grammar and spelling, and articulate some actual thoughts. This place is not a chatroom.
>3. Stay on topic!
By staying on topic I mean staying on the topic of the board. Discussions naturally wander all over the place, therefore it is perfectly fine to start a thread about taxation and then discuss government bonds, as both of those topics are quite financial in nature. But if you want share your essay about why Atlas Fugged is the best book ever, then you should use the designated offtopic thread; otherwise don't be surprised if your post gets moved there.
>4. Use the catalogue!
Don't be afraid to start a new thread (as long as it has to do something with the topics of the board), but at least look through the catalogue to see if there is already one that covers whatever you want to post about. There is no point in every anon starting his own ˝How do I stop being a poorfag?˝ thread when one mega-thread would serve all of us better. As such, if you make a new thread that brings nothing new to the table, then it might be moved to the appropriate already existing thread.
>5. No spamming!
Should be quite obvious, but I also consider advertising events and imageboards to be a form of spam. For the latter you are free to use the designated offtopic thread. 
>6. Make this place safe for work!
I'm not a prude, but there are better places for NSFW content. If you really have to post some, at least spoiler it. 

In general, I think moderation is better in moderation, and I don't see the point of randomly deleting posts then pretending that nothing happened.
Replies: >>3 >>5
>>1 (OP) 
Also, this is the thread where you can submit banners, ask questions, and so on and on.
>>1 (OP) 
Awesome, I was waiting for this board to come out on the webring
Anyone has ideas for banners? Of course I'd be quite glad to accept submissions too.
Replies: >>31
I wanted to try and make fake banknotes using some photoshop tutorials, if you give me some good ideas I'll give it a go next week when I don't have my shift
Replies: >>36
How about putting a good old school trash can on the bill as a central motif?
Replies: >>39
That's a funny idea. Trashcans of the world.
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I wanted to make an animated banner out of this image but I suck at it
Replies: >>51 >>118
How about like slightly moving the dollars downwards?
Replies: >>118
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Testing animated banner
I also made another one based on a classic
Replies: >>119
>200% increase in flags 
>for a grand total of €0.00 (equivalent of ~$0.00 at current exchange rates)
Thank you! Although now that I think about it, 200% of 0 would be still 0, so you really did something fantastic here.
Replies: >>122
To be honest I was the one who posted the pic, I just really slept on it. Sorry.
But you're welcome.
It might be worth adding "nobody on here is a financial advisor" or something to that effect for legal protection of the board/site owner.
Replies: >>126
That is actually a pretty nice board description.
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I've deleted that glownigger thread that has been spammed everywhere on the webring. And so this is how wielding the power to moderate a board feels like.
Replies: >>163
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Welcome to the club.
Also deleted that shit from the other boards
For the time being I have moved those schizo-tier posts to the poorfag thread, but if the posting does not improve I will resort to deleting those posts. Rule Nº 2 is not to be taken lightly.

Hello, /christmas/ here. We want to invite you participate in our annual Christmas party again this year. It's already started, and the main stream will be from Friday 22nd, through Monday 25th : 3 pm PST / 22 UTC . 

Please come and share some Christmas cheer with your fellow anons!
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Hello from your new neighbors at >>>/comfy/ . Pleased to meet you, /finance/ .  :)
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