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So what am I supposed to do?

I'm new, plz dont bullie
>>422 (OP) 
>So what am I supposed to do?
Put together a team.
Replies: >>425
with what, jpgs?
Replies: >>427 >>429 >>449
and how many?
Make a roster of 16-23 palayers representing your board's culture and memes, etc.
>>422 (OP) 
Just read the wiki, and do what all the other boards are doing.
>>422 (OP) 
Team logo, a home kit, an away kit, a goalie kit, a roster of 18-23 players. That's the minimum for now. You can delve into things like formations and strategies if you want, but that won't be due until later.
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>>422 (OP) 
make this on a ball for the head as captain lol
this is the mod of /art/ btw. i have no idea how to do anything technical. I am a simple wood smith
Which /art/ board are you from? there are serveral
Replies: >>444 >>445
tvch's /art/
Its a bit of a dead board, but if this is easy enough I might do it all myself. I've seen some of the other cups before and it looks fun
Don't worry friend, it's easy.
If you have 16-to-23 memes or jokes related to your own board, just list them, then make them into players by assigning them a position, a medal (if you haven't run out of them) and a kit number.
Then go to the Meta thread and get the template kit, you can edit it to look like whatever you want, you need only one to participate but ideally you want to post a goalkeeper kit, home kit and away kit.
Look into the wiki for more information.
Replies: >>457 >>505
If you look at the other threads, you can get a good idea of what teams generally look like.
Thank you frend :)
what is a kit number?
Replies: >>506
The number that's on the back of a player's shirt.
Player #75
Replies: >>738
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Player #2
Replies: >>707 >>718
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This is the Goalie #00
Replies: >>707 >>708 >>718
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Replies: >>707 >>718
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Replies: >>707 >>718
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Replies: >>707 >>718
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Replies: >>707 >>718
I can fathom a couple names on my own, #2 Pencil, Staedtler Eraser, Tomato Boy etc but can you list them off for me? Makes it easier to bring them over to the wiki.
Replies: >>707 >>709
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Replies: >>707 >>718
>>441 Ch5ActionNews (Team Captain or whatever)
>>689 #2 Pencil
>>690 An Eraser
>>691 A Sketch Pad
>>692 Tomato "The Human Holocaust" Boy
>>693 Hazy Summer
>>694 Foggy Morning
>>695 The Beach Goer
>>696 Hog Ridin'
>>697 Gay Camels
>>698 Acrylic Paints
>>699 Kingdom
>>700 Flairs
>>701 Brutalism Piece #473
>>702 An Expensive Smartphone Camera
>>703 Highschool 4LyfeSchool
>>704 The Prettiest Waifu ;3
>>706 Dylan

Hope this helped
Replies: >>708
Just to note as well that An Eraser >>690 is the team goalie
I'm working on the kits now, I'm having trouble figuring out the kit program. Can I just MS Paint the model?
Replies: >>711
Yeah paint works fine.
Replies: >>712
Oh thank god, I'm not a technical person at all and the wiki was scaring me
Replies: >>713
Yeah, I'm trying to get that cleaned up a little, streamline things a bit. There's also this kitmaker if you find paint a little underpowered
Replies: >>714
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lmao, well i just finished these. might be the final ones but i wanna play around with that url cuz i feel like i could produce better results. Thanks!
Replies: >>715 >>723
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Yeah I like these better, much cleaner
Replies: >>723
GK: >>690 An Eraser
LB: >>693 Hazy Summer
CB: >>694 Foggy Morning
CB: >>696 Hog Ridin'
RB: >>704 The Prettiest Waifu ;3
DMF: >>701 Brutalism Piece #473
CMF: >>692 Tomato "The Human Holocaust" Boy
LWF: >>695 The Beach Goer
RWF: >>699 Kingdom
CF: >>689 #2 Pencil
CF: >>441 Ch5ActionNews (Captain)

>>700 Flairs
>>706 Dylan
>>702 An Expensive Smartphone Camera
>>703 Highschool 4LyfeSchool
>>691 A Sketch Pad
>>698 Acrylic Paints
>>697 Gay Camels

Goal theme:[Embed][Embed] (From the start and for as long as you need to)
I like that marker scribble stripe on the original alt kit, shame it didn't make it to the new version. I also take it the alt kit is meant for your Keeper or is there another one coming?
Replies: >>724 >>727
I couldnt figure out how to transfer the stripe over. I got the files saved so I could play around some more, but no I have no keeper uniform, yet
Replies: >>725
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Replies: >>726 >>727
ten outta ten. I'll see if i can transfer the scribble over on my own and I'll report back. Shouldn't be too hard, I think
Replies: >>728
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>>725 /art/ keeper kit

Glad you said something tbh because i would have let it go. but it does look spiffy and fits the board, so i fixed it up
Fantastic, thanks! Is there anything else that needs to be done before it's all official?
Replies: >>729
Nothing for now. You're good for the July 3rd deadline.
Replies: >>730
I did mean 5 of course, but I saw it was up on the wiki so no need to change it. Just clarifying if there is a check up at somepoint or somethin
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Replies: >>972
hope you can read that, every time i copy and pasted it just put it in as a png

also how many kickers am i allowed?
Replies: >>974
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easier to read png
define "kickers." Not sure what you mean by that
Replies: >>975
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for penalties and free throws, as underlined in the screenshot

also, will the players be full body pngs or just bodies with pngs for heads? my understanding was it'll just replace the heads but i dont know if thats something i should have clarified sooner or wut
Replies: >>976
Ah. Yeah you name one per line on the strategy sheet. Some of the slots are secondary, like FK Taker 2, he'll take the free kicks if something happens to the other free kick taker (injury, sub, etc.). As for the player models, you have options, I believe we can replace only the head, but we can also go full 2d PNG as well. It's up to you.
Replies: >>977 >>978
I'll just keep the pngs as heads, but I appreciate the option

And wow I completely missed that, I guess I wasn't reading lol. I'll fix that up and give you and updated sheet
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Ok fixed that up
Replies: >>979
Noted. I have realized by the way, you didn't give your bench players their positions, and you still need medal players.
Replies: >>980
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Ok, here you go. all nice n' updated.
what are medal players again? and how do I indicate whos who
Replies: >>981
There's one Gold (99 stats), one Silver (92) and two Bronze (85). When you edit the roster on the wiki, put "gold" "silver" or "bronze" between "sq" and "player".
Replies: >>982
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so that just leaves me with the playercards, right?
Replies: >>984
Yep. And you've got a couple weeks to think it over if you want.
Okay, I'm kinda brickwallking on the player cards. I dont know how to turn this: into this: and where to edit it. I could use the help of the volunteer mentioned on my board thread, but I will do the bio's
Replies: >>1088
According to, you can choose:
*2 cards for regular players
*3 cards for bronze players
*4 cards for silver players
*6 cards for gold players
You don't need to do any editing, you just choose the cards from the list for each player and post your selection here.
Replies: >>1089
Oh so I'm not making a whole list for each player? It's just grouping them? Okay thats a bit easier. Where should I post them?
Replies: >>1090
Yeah, it's just a selection for each player. Posting them here should be fine.
Replies: >>1095
Okay, I'll get them in tonight
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Replies: >>1116
Can you read that? I did it all up on a word doc and copying and pasting makes and PNG image
Replies: >>1122
yeah I can read it, all good
Replies: >>1132 >>1133
as for the roster is that super important? I'm going blind trying to figure out the formatting. If I can give you some blerbs on them through here would that work better?
Replies: >>1143
also when are all banners due?
Replies: >>1134 >>1137
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Here's one, if the ratio doesn't fully fit please distort and stretch it so it does. I just made a thread, so hopefully some will trickle in, but they'll prob be done on oekaki
I'll accept banners up to the day before the Cup starts.
Replies: >>1153
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It's not super important, but it is nice to have. This image outlines what an individual player reads like on the wiki page. I've placed the basic structure of the tables on your roster page already, you just need to fill it in.
Replies: >>1148
Awesome! thank you very much!
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Banner time.
Replies: >>1175
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...the fuck?
Replies: >>1321
What got removed?
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Player list updates. I just wanted to change the names around to make the memes more basic to the board. Hope that's an easy fix.4 This time no need for jpgs
Replies: >>2117 >>2118 >>2120
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Pt 2
Replies: >>2118 >>2120
I didnt change the numbers or anything else, just the names so I hope thats not too much of an issue. I'll get around to editing the wiki but I dunno if I should change the names on the wiki stats or just keep them as they are
Replies: >>2120
Not a problem at all. Change the names on the wiki as you please.
Replies: >>2291
>Change them as you please
Okay I just changed them lol. I'm been a bit busy lately so my bad
Replies: >>2292 >>2293
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also here's the old list if you need to match up names with their scores
Replies: >>2293
No problem. Do the new players represent the same things as the old ones? That's the reason we carry over stats. If it's a new meme/joke/player in the same position then we count it as separate.
Replies: >>2294
Yeah, I'll just keep this as the offical list until anything new updates, but yes let the stats carry over. the characters are the same just the names are different.
Is everything set up for /art/ to jump back in?
Replies: >>3107
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I see no problem with that, are you the BO?
Replies: >>3109
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indeed I am
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Here's the roster for the 5 extra players with images.

Name: Bob Ross
Replies: >>3475 >>3476 >>3477
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Name: Glue Gun
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Name: Plasticine
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Name: Retarder
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Name: William Bouguereau - Peasant Woman, 1869
Replies: >>3479
Have you written about these on the wiki too?
Replies: >>3480 >>3481
Not yet, I'm putting it together now. Are there any specific positions I need to fill?
Replies: >>3481
I already updated their main /art/ page to bet he same as what I now have in the game files, now that Action News has added these new players.
The main thing now is filling in the /Roster subpage with the correct player names and portrait images for in-game (more detail if you want, see /otter/'s as an example, but those are the important bits. Descriptions can help commentary make relevant comments and give any curious spectators some context).

Also, since your team is doing the 2D player heads like that eraser, maybe let us know if there are any you don't want to be made into a player head. Finally, with Tomato boy, do you want that whole red image to be a head, or just the tomato with no background?
Replies: >>3483
No I'm the same guy, I just mistyped the name. I still have yet fill in the new slots
>Tomato boy
Just the head would be fine
Replies: >>3484
just got distracted but should be done soon
Replies: >>3485
Sure. There's no hurry, just some time in the next couple of weeks is perfect.
Replies: >>3486

Coolio, I changed a few things around too, but the wiki should be completely updated
Replies: >>3487
Awesome! Thanks for helping out.
Replies: >>3488
Sure and I'd be down to commentate for a few games if needed. I dont think I have the best internet nor the tech know how to string everything together to stream or 3d build, but I can do what I can
Replies: >>3489
Great to hear! Commentary doesn't need super good internet, I think I accidentally did it through a VPN on the other side of the world before. I plan on doing a test stream or two (don't want it to break on the first day) and the grouping draw stream so we can test to make sure it works.
Replies: >>3490
Whenever you want to set something up you can email me at

Also what would you say would be the specific date until any more wiki changes are final?
Replies: >>3491
I aim to start the cup in August. Things that aren't 3D models are relatively quick to set up, so for the roster I'd say aim for end of July.
Replies: >>3497
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Fantastic, I have some artsy place holders up for now but I'm holding a little contest with my board to replace them. If all goes to plan they aught to be finalized by the 28th of July.
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Hey I made all the changes I'm going to make, you're good to print

pic unrelated
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Replies: >>4040
gud kaki budy
>Hold art contest for icup
>Deletes or disqualifies all entries
>none are nsfw
>expects posters to be involved
>pretends his icup participation is a community bolster instead of one more nail in the coffin.
Replies: >>4055 >>4080
Root for /loomis/!
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all those entries were blatant shit posts by one anon and the winners would have replaced the player faces whole the whole game. fuck that. If you aren't going to give me the effort or the respect than why should I to you?

Replies: >>4096
B.S, the Gahoole head and anime girl team were perfectly legit, and you deleted the three furry entries. All five would have been better alternatives to 'glue gun' and 'chunk of plaster'
Captain autism champions art by rigidly defending rules he made up to exclude posters on his board. You even deleted the threads about the contest. Next year, which there won't be, don't bother participating.
/ART/ is currently only represented by the board owner without consensus  of the posters and should be removed from the contest.
Replies: >>4122
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Replies: >>4105
The Gahoole head has been floating around this board since 2020 and (you) said so yourself that the anime girl team wasnt yours. All you had to do was try, my dude. Try better than infantile scribblings and shitty swastikas. Put some actual effort and concentration into producing something remotely meaningful. Sadly thou, you lack no creativity or any skill in craft and that's why you got out did by a 'chunk of plaster'

>"Hark, I call a pox on the BO of /art/, say back fellow posters!"
I called you out for your terrible shit posting and now you're at max seethe.  It's true thou, I am the only rep for the board since I was the only one that put everything together. I've tried getting user involvement out of the board and a good 90% of the time it's embarrassing failure. This was about my third contest and yet again it got shit posted to hell. So no, I'm sure as shit not going to validate your autistic outbursts on the Oekaki by making them permanent character heads on the /art/ soccer team.

So yeah, you just continue being mad and keep crying to the other boards about how badly I fucked you. but when you do always remember that all you had to do was try.
Replies: >>4124
>deletes the contest thread
>deletes the thread talking about the contest
>deletes all the pictures
>Lies through his teeth.
Someone's seething, but it's not me.  What happened to all the guys that drew? Oh yeah your fat loser friend Gahoole chased everyone away and now nobody wants to to anything for the site because you trash losers do everything you can to spite your own posters. You're a petty little authoritarian and you'd fit right in modding a subreddit. Enjoy your dead board, too stupid to deal with a spammer, too arrogant to admit when you fucked up. Suck an egg toothless.
Replies: >>4127
>"I-I dont care"
>continues to cry
I didnt read all of that post. maybe its best if you put this effort into some creative works.
Replies: >>4128
You'd ban me the same way you mods banned everybody else that made OC.
Replies: >>4133
I didn't ban you nor would I for just shit posting the contest thread. You're welcome to come back whenever you like and shit post in the other threads. I just didn't want 4 squiggly-line swastikas on the soccer team I spent so much effort to put together.

So yes, to admit more I did get butthurt. And I do feel selfish to a degree for throwing everything out because I did expect atleast one attempt. But it is what it is. My reasoning for it still stands so we just gotta deal with it and move on.

come back whenever you feel comfortable, no need to worry about any more contests in the near future.
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Replies: >>4330
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no one can art like otters
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Replies: >>4450
but it was 3:2...
Replies: >>4452
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Replies: >>4500
i hat mr fooball man
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