/late/ - Late Nights

Long nights, sleepy days

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What's your favorite /late/ night memory?

For me, it's probably sitting at my window at 4AM with a cool spring breeze blowing, staring out on to the darkened street listening to Watermelon In Easter Hay by Frank Zappa, and just reflecting.

Or that time me and my dad some how found Pom Poko on cable and we were baffled by everything we were seeing.
Replies: >>1378 >>1404
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>>1377 (OP) 
That's hard to say, there are many. One of them is playing on a handheld game as a kid waiting for Christmas morning.
Replies: >>1379
Anyone got the anteater version?
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I used to do night photography a bit when life was a tad bit simpler. I wasn't a professional, I just liked taking pictures with a gopro my aunt bought me a few Christmas' ago.

One night, I woke up right at 3am. I tried getting back to sleep, but you know that feeling when you just can't? You can't and you know somehow that you're just gonna be laying there for hours having those half sleep half awake thoughts. It was Saturday and I knew work was out the next day, so I said fuck that.

I grabbed my gopro, mounted it to my JDM shitbox and just drove with no direction for over an hour intentionally getting lost and taking some of my most coveted pictures yet. 

It's really something when there are no other cars on the road. You feel like you're in a dream or your the only person left awake as the rest of the world sleeps. It was Winter at the time, so there was nothing but this incredible silence every time I stopped and took photos.
>>1377 (OP) 
Hacker digits gets
>What's your favorite /late/ night memory?
Me smoking heroin while listenning some comfy night radio programs and playing Fallout 3 on an old CRT I found in the trash. Stopping to cuddle and fuck with my gf.
Doing this during one week, sleeping in the day and didn't have to get out of my home because the gf went to the grocery and used to cook for us.
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