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Since the fall of 8chan. Say 8chan did not get taken down and survived into today, how would things be? What would the culture be like in 2024? Would it have grown in more users or bled users?
Replies: >>1889 >>1892 >>1935
>>1888 (OP) 
In September we turn 10 years since some of us got out of the 4, also find funny how many forums got axed right before the pandemic
>Would it have grown in more users or bled users?
It was already bleeding hard but there were some boards which had a sweet spot of constant users contributing and things/ideas being made or developed often.
>What would the culture be like in 2024?
Very hard to predict to my guess is that it would've been very similar to the one in 2019 but more sarcastic, a bit more jaded, not that much if any new OC which is still rare nowadays but the few there is around was made because we changed sites often.
In my opinion the most fun i've ever had in the last years continued later because the boards involved got saved, problem was the webring skirmishes that settled in stone until today a certain animosity between users, events that happened because some users behaved like nigger cattle and the shit-stirrers got into good positions inside the smaller sites.
Replies: >>1894 >>1896 >>1900
>>1888 (OP) 
It was so glowed by late 2017, I only came by /late/, /4am/, and /tg/ after that, and only rarely. So, I don't know. I can't imagine what it would have looked like in the peak Qboomer years, or rather what Facebook and modern political discourse would be with a flood of 70 year olds who spend 8 hours a day on /b/.
Replies: >>1900
>In September we turn 10 years since some of us got out of the 4
Hey that's true. Exodus in 2014.
8chan was the first imageboard I ever posted on.
Replies: >>1898
I started using image boards long after 8chan's death.
>In September we turn 10 years since some of us got out of the 4
It's almost hard to believe. It doesn't feel like that long ago. The golden age of 8chan was probably the best time I ever had on imageboards, although 4chan around 2011-2012 has to be up there too.
>It was so glowed by late 2017
It did feel like the site was just limping along after a while. One thing that stuck out to me other than the lower amount of activity was how badly /cow/ went to shit.
I think there would have been a general increase of users from 2019, due to highly publicized happenings. These users would be more political in nature, and more prone to exhibit new habits, whether high quality or not. Think of more Qboomers, more young people who heard about 8chan from halfchan or social media. More crossposts/reposts from Twitter or 4chan. And I'm sure older folks would start to stay within their niche boards and communities. Perhaps a lot of boards may have developed a stronger "elitist gatekeeping culture" (by way of memes and catchphrases) to defend against these new types of zoomers and Qboomers and their posting habits. 

That's another thing. 8chan 2024 may have had hundreds of small but flourishing communities. There would be a niche and rich cultures that would cater to anyone. 

I could see another scenario where the site starts bleeding higher quality and older folks due to incessant meta happenings.
Things like complaining about the quality of X board much, then creating a new board that splits users.
Such things happened countless of times with /intl/, /animu/, /b2/, etc, but perhaps it may have happened a bit more past 2019.

And another timeline where Jim starts to favour QAnon over gaymergate, thereby shifting the tide of the entire site. Implementing more rulecuckery to uphold non-boomer frenly content. Freezing board creation. Destroying infrastructure, etc. It may lead to a similar result as our current timeline. 

Overall, I would like a site like 8chan to come back. For a time in 2020, infinityNext seemed really promising, but multiple factors drove everyone away. And the site was killed.
Of course, the users would be different, given that they are new, the old 8chan ones aren't coming back. 
Though, I'm not entirely sure how to get a mass-exodus of people from halfchan, like gamergate did. Or like how null got his kiwifarms / iFunny base over to 9chan.tw for a while.

We'll see how this plays out, but it's really regrettable that 8chan lost.
Replies: >>1926 >>1932
>Of course, the users would be different, given that they are new, the old 8chan ones aren't coming back. 
When a site goes offline, some of the users never come back because they are posting in that forum or imageboard out of habit. And when it disappears, they don't search a new one because they lost interest a long time ago.
If you want to keep it running, you need newfags. The thing is, the young autistic weirdos are a lot less social than we were in the past. I don't think we will have again communities like in 2010-12.
Hard to say for sure. I kinda figured there was a /late/ on 8chan, but I didn't know about it. Unless it was /nightwalk/, that's the closest thing to /late/ I can think of.
Seeing as it was run by Ron 'Q' Watkins, an incompetent shill, it's for the best that edgy /pol/troons got it killed.

>What would the culture be like in 2024?
We would all have taken the brownpill. It's a hard pill to swallow! Sir Reginald Brownpill developed th
Replies: >>1937
>That's another thing. 8chan 2024 may have had hundreds of small but flourishing communities. There would be a niche and rich cultures that would cater to anyone. 
This is actually one of the few values it had - cross-pollination. The downside was regular raids from evangelist spammers, but it did actually help me find some small but good boards that needed a general purpose IB to incubate and find an audience for their niche. And fortunately some of the good ones found their own bunkers. But you would get drawfags seeing your site in the top-board or attention hungry games and come do requests.

The webring, as currently implemented, does not compare. Maybe if the implementations added a recently-bumped list across the top bar so more people actually see it, it would work. But of course, that contradicts the jschan and lynxchan design where we don't have boards up the top.
>>1888 (OP) 
What went wrong? This was the promise chan. Now we are fractured and divided.
Replies: >>1936
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Sad times, a-am I right, Fellow White-man?
>We would all have taken the brownpill.
Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future.
Replies: >>1939
Woe! Woe to you who are crowned with the crown of the King in Yellow!
We had COVID, J6, and then Gamergate 2. It's possible 8chan would have blown up again and logged 5 or 6k users continuously.
I feel like a lot of people would have got up and left anyway considering how untrustworthy and weird the current administration of 8kun is.
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