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What games are you playing lately? Trying to beat Battletoads 1cc but I can't get past the 4th stage where it's all ice.
Replies: >>2859 >>2862
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Besides the countless of hours I've been logging on War Thunder as of late, I've been indulging in some Silent Hill a bit.

I use my childhood PSP Go to emulate PS1 games. The whole thing is such a good feeling. I game with bluetooth headphones and the device itself at the moment, but I plan on finding a cable to stream the game on a tv and using a ps3 controller to play.
Tried out Digital Devil Saga since I have some nostalgia for SMT from trying to use it to learn Japanese, decades ago.  It's pretty silly so far.  Edgelordy cringe-horror written at a middle school level.
I've been playing Heroes of Might and Magic 2 while listening to podcasts and such at night.
Just finished Danganronpa V3. I don't know what to obsess over now. I got too used to the suspense
Replies: >>2041
Why does Danganronpa have such an autistic fanbase (sorry if it sounds rude I just fail to find a better adjective) ?
Man I hate those youtube celebrity cunts. They fucking ruin everything with their bullshit. I used to be able to talk about games I like, but now everyone just shits all over them because of some AVGN video, so I don't even bother talking about them anymore.
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I think that is less an issue of a video blogger and more the fact that people just need to create issues to entertain themselves.
It sucks, it's funny how if you talk about something that is just everywhere people hate you because of it, even if you didn't knew about that.
Happened to me with this game Buckshot Roullete, I played it mostly to see what could be done with Godot and I was surprised to see that it was not a bad game for how long it lasts.
But lo and behold a bunch of guys with cameras played it so you can't talk about it, sucks really.
It's not so much the youtuberfags but the nigger cattle who willingly substitute their opinions with the ones from others, and that without even trying to check if said person has their same tastes.
The point of many critics existing is to find one that thinks the same or very similar as you and stick with him, sadly most people just see and talk without much sense. They want to be opinionated without doing the intellectual effort of at least understanding what they are talking about.
Replies: >>2056 >>2082
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Anon, by your definition, you shouldn't care about a game based on how many people are talking about it, who are talking about it, and on what spotlight they're talking about it.
It's funny but it's basically a contradiction where you let the influence of others affect your views on a game. Much intellectuality, very smartest.
Replies: >>2102 >>2107
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>but now everyone just shits all over them because of some AVGN video
Yeah, I know what you mean. The AVGN would say something negative about a game, and then his fanboys would act like it's the worst thing ever without even playing it. Castlevania II is one example of that. It's not as good of a game as the other two NES Castlevanias, but even James Rolfe has said that he doesn't hate it or anything. I had Fester's Quest as a kid and loved it back then, but the AVGN video made it seem like it was the worst thing in the world. It's definitely flawed, but it's not even close to the worst thing on the system. I think there was also a video that quickly mentioned North and South as being a bad game, which I think is just an asinine opinion. It's one of the best competitive two-player games on the system. It's not a game I ever hear people complaining about though, likely due to how he didn't give it much coverage or anything.

Raid 2020 and Dirty Harry were games I owned as a kid that definitely deserved the videos. Too bad those weren't covered during the AVGN's heyday.
Replies: >>2082
I can't stop playing Blue Archive
I've been playing Battlefield 2 and Urban Terror most of the time lately.
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Yeah Simon's Quest really got a nasty one two punch from James Rolph and Arin Hanson. Lead to a bunch of people hating a fun game for no real reason.
A lot of them never got that AVGN was a character and not an objective reviewer of games.
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not replaying minecraft but i remembered a story

so back in 2013 i wanted to buy minecraft on ebay since that's where my parent's would always buy the ps2 games i had, and i legit thought that minecraft was a game that came on a disc in a case like any other since all i knew was ps2 and gamecube at my house.
I remember the ebay page i asked to buy it from had this specific picture below. My parents tried to buy it from this guy but in the end it didn't come to anything, and we didn't end up buying it from this absolutely legit German seller. So my parents could have gotten scammed because of me wanting to play block game when i was 12

now i wanna print this pic and make my own fake physical copy of minecraft
Replies: >>2097 >>2098 >>2106
>now i wanna print this pic and make my own fake physical copy of minecraft
do it anon, sounds comfy.
Do it. Archeologists will find it, and will throw a wrench in their understanding of Minecraft. "What version is this? We have no record of it". Countless hours will be wasted digging around for any scrap of information for this "lost media.
You are right in a certain way but after all sometimes you need someone to cast light into something one might not know it existed, and also sometimes hear if it is any decent considering the context on how his opinion and tastes work
you're definitely a gooner
got into warhammer, realized its online only, went back to postal 2.
Replies: >>2274
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I'm gonna play this game demo later, i've been waiting for a good year for a demo. If you like VA11-LHALAL it should be your thingy

Replies: >>2333
What Warhammer game?
Played some of "Ultimate Trial" which is an Ocarina of Time romhack oriented around combat.

The attract mode has the camera flying a loop through the Lost Woods.  You play as Link, as an adult, who IIRC has gotten himself lost at some point in his adventures.

Anybody who goes into the Lost Woods will be lost and become a Stalfos.

Everybody, Stalfos.

So you find yourself in this sort of purgatory.  A sprawling fortress-town, populated mostly by original characters with repurposed OoT/MM models.  You'll find the back alley bombchu guy selling bows and bombs a few feet from where the magic bean salesman offers heart containers whose prices increase much in the same way as his beans did.  Not having played much of Majora's Mask, I don't know if the models I don't recognize are original or not.

The gameplay loop consists (so far) of combat arenas you find in various parts of the fortress.  Each is a set of gated battles excepting the Crypt area, which is more like a conventional dungeon that you try to clear without running out of hearts.  No hearts drop from enemies, only money.  And unlike in the original, you definitely give a shit about money because arrows and bombs all cost; they don't replenish from enemies, shrubs, etc.  I see people calling it "roguelite" because of this, but I think the concept stands well enough without reduction to the dark souls of ocarina of time lmao.

It has a rather melancholic original score.  It lends the setting a dreamlike feeling, which might have been intentional, maybe to diffuse the sense of being trapped in a presumptous amateur's attempt at "continuing the story."  It's not a continuation, and probably isn't even a side-story, as I interpret it.  Just a what-if whose plausibility or legitimacy you can entertain or not.

We're here for the combat, after all, and given that this is an N64 game with crusty camera issues, maybe this concept was unwise?  It's frustrating in ways that aren't always the modders' fault.  It's meant to be difficult, and pushes your combat skills in ways that the orignal games wouldn't have dreamed.

I'm interested enough in the story that I mean to continue at some point.  I recommend keeping a map or some notes as you explore the fortress, because it's big enough and has enough stuff going on (more NPCs appear as you progress) that it can be overwhelming.
Replies: >>2279 >>2875
>maybe to diffuse the sense of being trapped in a presumptous amateur's attempt
To be clear, I'm not saying the modders are presumptuous, just that people are apt to interpret fan-works in that way.
I've been playing through Unreal Tournament's single-player mode with the intent of finishing it.
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I played Minecraft Alpha 1.1.2_01 again. I built a house on a mountain (and burnt it down trying to make a fireplace), conquered dungeons, found huge caves that spawned endless waves of mobs, and built bridges connecting to other mountains.

But as much as I love being in these old janky worlds, I don't know what to do anymore. There's nothing I really want to build, and nothing I want to find. At one point I would've found no shortage of things to make and do, no shortages of ideas and anticipated adventures. But now I open the game feeling content not doing anything more. I played the Java editions, I played the Pocket Editions (the free and paid version), I played the console editions, and I played the Bedrock editions. I think I've arrived at the point where my adventure with this game is over. I think I've finally beaten Minecraft.

"And the game was over and the player woke up from the dream. And the player began a new dream. And the player dreamed again, dreamed better. And the player was the universe. And the player was love. You are the player. Wake up."
Replies: >>2320 >>2335 >>2336
Truly the most melancholy game. Along with Terraria. For similar reasons.

What happened to the VA-11 Hall-A sequel?
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it's kinda sad seeing how much of a bloated mess minecraft has become. i don't play anything above 1.8, and only played 1.12 with friends and it was a really annoying experience with all the combat changes they made. i usually only play it for a couple weeks a few times a year now, then i shelve it.
Replies: >>2336 >>2862
I played Minecraft back in the early 2010s with a few other people and had a good time, but I couldn't get into it as a single-player game. I guess I'm more into games with more clearly-defined goals.
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just trying to dig through the backlog
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Counter Strike Condition Zero. It's my favorite Counter Strike. There's something about this game that brings me back to the early 2000's. I've been experimenting and modifying the bots, adjusting their classes, difficulty, and adding some of my own. Like Spike, who'll only use a TMP or Mac but can snipe you across the map with it.

I'll also occasionally play Counter Strike Condition Zero Deleted Scenes, the campaign for Counter Strike. Terrible as it is, I for some reason keep finding myself playing it again.
Been playing a lot of Wrestling Empire lately. It's so easy to jump into and out of while every play session is still satisfyingly part of a long form narrative.
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>>2025 (OP) 
>What games are you playing lately?
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 would be touhou project fan game with  some elements of sidescrollers
Replies: >>2866
>>2025 (OP) 
Mostly old Need for Speed games and Bondage Club

I still have a 1.7.10 install with some mods installed somewhere, but I don't think I'll touch it anytime soon. I don't want a month or more lost from my life again pushing blocks around. Practically there's nothing in 1.8+ that you can't have in 1.7 with mods and makes any sense, and later versions are just slowly becoming the usual microshit garbage.
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How did this butchery of the English language catch on?
Replies: >>2868 >>2869 >>2900
>How did this catch on?
Replies: >>2869 >>2900
While "low-key" is still obviously AAVE, it's so old and well-integrated into common parlance that I don't even think of black people anymore, just millennials trying too hard (to sound like they're from television). It's on its way to becoming as unracial as "cool" I think.

Though it seems like people of all races all over the Internet and in my local area are trying extra hard to sound as black as possible, moreso every day since the pandemic lockdowns, which really annoys me, and the absence of that on imageboards (besides halfchan) is what attracts me to them.
Replies: >>2870
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>While "low-key" is still obviously AAVE, it's so old and well-integrated into common parlance that I don't even think of black people anymore, just millennials trying too hard (to sound like they're from television). It's on its way to becoming as unracial as "cool" I think.
The old version is totally different from the way it's used now though. Describing a small, relaxed, informal party as a "low-key" event has nothing to do with the people now will say they "lowkey" love something that they clearly don't make any secret of really liking. It's gone from a phrasal adjective to being misused as an adverbial word that often means the opposite of what the person using it is trying to express.

Is it really a millennial thing? I always thought of the newer usage being more zoomer wigger speech that older generations latch onto trying to sound up to date but just come across as pathetic and desperate for approval of Today's Hip Teen Youths™. Late millennials are pretty similar to early zoomers, so I guess it could be.
>Though it seems like people of all races all over the Internet and in my local area are trying extra hard to sound as black as possible, moreso every day since the pandemic lockdowns, which really annoys me, and the absence of that on imageboards (besides halfchan) is what attracts me to them.
Yeah, all that stuff just sounds idiotic. One that has become extremely common is people from outside the Southern U.S. saying "y'all." I don't know if they're aiming to sound black or more just folksy, but it sounds annoyingly affected coming from a Northerner. It's not like other groups don't have their own vernacular.

You're right to make an exception for 4chan. It's basically Reddit Lite at this point. I don't know what amount of the cancer is due to bots and other forms of astroturfing and how much is organic.

I also thought I'd clarify for the guy who first posted the wizard pic that I'm not trying to rip on him.
Replies: >>2871 >>2980 >>2984
I really would just like to forget that that whole world exists.
Replies: >>2875
I just play 2-3 games for many many years. People who play a new game each week are soulless.
Replies: >>2874 >>2980
Up until recently I thought that your lifestyle was par for the course. Apparently, for years it's been normal to go through video games like packs of cigarettes. Maybe in part because there's really that little to get out of games nowadays. I'd like to play some old online games, especially Source engine games, since I never got to try them when I was younger, but I'm really untalented gamer and after a certain point, the only people left to play with are pros who make the game feel more like chess rather than an FPS.
Replies: >>2879
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I've played a lot of stuff through the year, and took notes on most of them.
Duke Nukem 3d
Had more pop culture references than I remembered.  There are the big, obvious ones like the "innocent?" sign and the TV with the bronco chase, which went over my head at the time.

I appreciate little details of the engine, like how firing a gun lights up a dark room.  Bits of the level geometry could move, like the curtain in the porno theater, or the demolished building.  Everything feels quick and smooth.

Being dumped into a dark room, or enemies spawning in places I've cleared out is kind of obnoxious, but I guess these things are alright; there are night vision goggles, and you should stay on your toes anyway, even when backtracking.  The situation, as we're meant to understand it, is dynamic: we're in the midst of an invasion.

I haven't gotten very far, but it's been a worthwhile nostalgia trip, seeing the lewd sprites and getting flashbacks of how I imagined adulthood, as a child.

StarCraft: Brood War
Astonishingly fun!  I happened to find an old CD in my basement, ripped it, and got it to install and run under WINE.  Played through the campaign and remembered the joy of making 10 hatcheries so that you could make 60 zerglings at once and just attack-move them all into the enemy base because you're too busy macroing to pay attention to what's going on over there.

Trying to micro and multitask tickled my brain so much that I started doing 1v1s against the AI.  Learned a few build orders and designed an xmodmap config to put all the useful Zerg hotkeys under one hand.  Started crushing the AI in 1v2s, and learned silly things about how the AI works, like that if you harass the workers, every single one comes off the line to chase you around.  More workers pop out of the CC/Nexus/Hatch, so you bop one of them on the nose and they're after you, too.

Then I updated WINE and it doesn't fucking run anymore.  Fuckin' thing sucks.
>>2278 (me)
I beat it some weeks after that post.  It was pretty cool.  Still recommend if this sounds like your cup of tea:
>It's meant to be difficult, and pushes your combat skills in ways that the orignal games wouldn't have dreamed.
which is my main takeaway.  It's also a curious glimpse into the world of OoT hacking in general, full of in-jokes and references to other hacks.  The story seems like a better fit for Dragon Ball or something, but that's kinda the charm: you're in a living fanfic by someone who probably used to call himself "xXSephiroth420Xx."

At any rate, I found enough meat on the bone to find it satisfactory.
Replies: >>2877
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doesn't play for others
no audio for me
Guess I'll just use mp4!
I play single player though.
Replies: >>2885
what ◊o you play?
Lately, I've been re-playing GTA: Chinatown Wars. I don't really like the other GTA games, but something about it just really just clicks with my brain.
I'm ashamed to admit, I've also been playing far too many h-games. It's something I've been trying to quit, and yet, I keep coming back to it.
Replies: >>2980
>I don't know what amount of the cancer is due to bots and other forms of astroturfing and how much is organic.
Don't forget the degenerate mods intentionally making things worse


>I keep coming back to it
Pavlovian conditioning my dude
After your reward system was stimulated so many times (and so intensely!) your mind is forced to repeat the actions and thoughts that preceded the stimulation and it takes time and perseverance to break free. You can do it (I did)
Replies: >>2994
>One that has become extremely common is people from outside the Southern U.S. saying "y'all." I don't know if they're aiming to sound black or more just folksy, but it sounds annoyingly affected coming from a Northerner. It's not like other groups don't have their own vernacular.
This. I literally grew up in the US South, and we used 'yall' frequently when specifying 'us' (or 'me') vs. 'them'. It's simply a language artifact for that part of the world, and isn't really reflective of a low-IQ, black mentality **(though as to the origin of the term 100+ years ago, who knows?)The actually low-intellect among us were fond of "you'uns" instead, which still gives me a chuckle today.

I certainly don't understand the forms & terms of proper English as many others (yourself included), but I can instantly pick up on the affectation you mentioned if it's inauthentic pandering. Can't even explain why really, but that's the case for me.
Replies: >>2994
>Don't forget the degenerate mods intentionally making things worse
Yeah, I'm sure they have a hand in it too.
>The actually low-intellect among us were fond of "you'uns" instead, which still gives me a chuckle today.
I had an uncle whose family had some Irish ancestry (he had an Irish name and seemed to identify with Ireland, but I don't know how Irish his family tree actually was), and he used to say stuff like "youse guys" sometimes. He's the only person I've ever heard talking like that in real life. I thought it was just a Northeastern thing, but maybe not.
>I certainly don't understand the forms & terms of proper English as many others (yourself included), but I can instantly pick up on the affectation you mentioned if it's inauthentic pandering. Can't even explain why really, but that's the case for me.
Saying "folks" (or, God forbid, "folx") all the time instead of "people" is another one. It's not really associated with a specific region the way "y'all" is, but it's used in a similar way to sound like one of the lowly commoners. And for a double whammy of inauthentiic signaling, you can use both in the same sentence.
Replies: >>2995
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>I thought it was just a Northeastern thing, but maybe not.
No you're right, that's definitely a Southie (South-Boston, that is) thing. 

>Yall Folks
Heh. I can actually see me saying that (and authentically so) when I was young.
Haven't played it recently, but was reminded of it because I saw it on sale. I played Wild Hearts for free back when some stranger gave me a free game pass code. It's basically Monster Hunter, but you also build contraptions for dealing with enemies. The basic formula is that you build three smaller traps on top of one another and they combine into a larger one depending on what they are and what knowledge you have unlocked (which you get through epiphanies when doing certain actions while fighting large monsters). It also has some rudimentary base building you can do on all the maps to passively farm crafting/cooking materials, which is OK I guess. The weapons' movesets seem to be a lot more shallow than Monster Hunter's which is what the traps are supposed to make up for I guess. The only really fun weapon I played with was some wire-blade thing that made the game feel like Attack on Titan. It was really fun being airborne and orbiting monsters until lunging at them for big combo attacks. The character models have really ugly underwear, which ruins the appeal of the skimpier armor sets. Big shame because some of them looked pretty nice. It's around 10 USD now, but not too sure if I would recommend it.
Been playing unciv. Really not liking it, though I keep playing because I really want to (and because I have no money or computer for the foreseeable future and so free mobile games are really my omly options for a time sink). It's braindead easy unless you play on the higher difficulties and when you do you end up unavoidability behind in the early game since the ai just builds things faster than you. And then you work up to a military twice the size as anyone else and it's just a slog to go around killing every one one at a time since the happiness mechanic forces you to slow down and either. You can have one good big war and then you win, since.the ai is incapable of efficient warfare. Either they overrun you with numbers or you crush them with minima losses. And if you do the latter you almost certainty have an army that all the remaining nations together couldn't beat. I should just stop playing.
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