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Long nights, sleepy days

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Watching episodes from the simpsons.
Replies: >>428 >>485 >>499
I want to get back into  watching cartoons like The Simpsons and Family guy again. Its been a while
Replies: >>422
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Good for you.
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>>388 (OP) 

I need to watch that one again. Last time I rewatched the show I only made it into the third season.
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>>388 (OP) 
Good evening. I noticed a strange clip from the phantom menace. Since both The Simpsons and Star Wars were distributed by Fox, I beg the question:  What was going on at 20th Century Fox?

Why is Disney acquiring Star Wars and The Simpsons, and how did the Simpsons predict the acquisition all the way back in 1998? How did George Lucas presciently hide the Ukrainian flag in the ending scene back in 1999? What is Disney trying to steal from Fox?
Replies: >>486 >>488
It's just a yellow and blue color scheme. That hardly means anything. It could just as well be the work of the eternal Swede.
it's an attractive color combination that's all over the place if you go looking for it. These two colors just fit well together.

The joke was disnep gobbling up all kinds of companies, which they always did.

>>388 (OP) 
I love the simpsons
>The U.S. conducted a Manhattan Project tier temporal science experiment, or it's conspiracy theory spanning 3 decades.
Or you're reading too much into things.
My HS teacher's father used to work at Brookhaven. His other friend was a national park service ranger.
Pills, now
That looks like a fishing link
My gf and I have recently began watching Family Guy when we're bored. I forgot how funny the earlier seasons were.
Replies: >>611
Early Family Guy is pretty comfy, American Dad too. IIRC Seth moved on from writing FG around 2010 or so.
I recently watched from season 4 to 10. Is there much point in watching past season 10? I was noticing diminishing returns in 9 and 10. Does it funny back up?
Replies: >>1280
Imho the show is still good till season 17 but then it starts to decline. I enjoy to watch it after the 17 but it's definitively not the same. Season 1 to (around 15) is peak comfy.
Currently I'm watching last seasons and I can't wait to finish to go back to the classics of my childhood. It's not really bad but it definitively evolved in a way I don't get the feeling.
Replies: >>1281
Seasons 4 to like 7 are just so good. Past the growing pains and utterly stuffed to the brim with jokes.
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