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Starting with this. Who the fuck came up with this? It almost fucked Exo Force over.
Replies: >>164 >>173
>>154 (OP) 
As a kid I fucking hated these pieces, they were so unbelievably annoying. I would've much preferred a ball joint that can easily be moved in plenty more directions. On top of that, trying to move them really quickly just made a sound that sounded like the piece was snapping, which unsettled the younger me as I was always careful when playing with my Lego
>>154 (OP) 
I had a Knight's Kingdom figure and these joints would always worm their way apart when you played with them. I can understand why they went with a clicky joint (stable poses) but it was still fucking annoying.>>154 (OP) 
Replies: >>176
And they were so stiff when new, which made it even worse - when I got my first (and only) Bionicle, my mind was blown away by the ball joints that allowed a greater choice of movement. I wish they'd gone for the more Bionicle route for the big figures.
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Super jumpers.
Replies: >>612
Has anyone ever got one of these working?
Replies: >>620
The minifigures jumped with the super jumpers. But it was hard to remove from the legs; some people said that the jumper broke their minifig.
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