>Who the hell is that eager for Looney Tunes
Surely it is as you said, nostalgia? Rather than put out a Looney Tunes set it seems they've opted to go the CMF route instead. Any AFOL buying these is probably buying these to complete the series and they'll end up display pieces too. As for eagerness, take a look at Ideas. Some people are so desperate to see [tv show/movie/cartoon/comic book] as a Lego set rather than trying to create their own version. It's emblematic of the modern AFOL and how they've just became consumers rather than creators, especially moreso of those that have grown up only ever knowing Lego producing licensed themes.
I know many in the Lego community shit themselves in rage when you even remotely defend bootlego, but I think it serves a much needed purpose and Lego should stop trying to cut them out. As far as I see it bootlego serves a purpose in providing people with licensed stuff (Lego just doesn't have the designers, the lawyers, or the money to even compete with the amount of licenses and IPs bootlego companies have yes they infringe copyright, but who really gives a fuck?) that would be too niche or just unacceptable for Lego's standards. Bringing it back to the Lonney Tunes minifigures, these could've easily been left for a bootlego company to make and Lego could've focussed on fixing their shit, because god knows why they are still sticking with this AR crap.