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Minidolls! First released in 2012, they were exclusively used in the "girl" lines until The Lego Movie 2, after which time they immediately went back to being exclusively used in the girl lines. Minidolls have fewer points of articulation than minifigs and are thus more challenging to customize. Let's see your custom minidolls!
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Here are a few that I've made
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>Buy Friends sets for the amazing choice of parts and buildings compared to City, the white with purple/pink as aesthetic is also a nice choice
>Scalp the mini dolls, use the hair and the dozen Parker clones' heads (from buying multiple Hidden Side sets) to make a bigger variety of LEGO minifig girls
>Use the constant addition of little animals as vermin army units for BrikWars
Am I the bad guy?
Replies: >>483
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Nah, Friends is a great line for parting out even if you have no interest in minidolls OR minifigs. This remains one of my best scores. $75 for everything on the table. Practically brand-new, assembled and barely touched. They even threw in all the extra pieces that came in the sets.
Replies: >>484
Nice haul, anything you're planning to build with it?
Replies: >>485
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Been slowly working on this for the last couple years
Replies: >>486 >>487 >>488
Replies: >>495
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Very nice clusterfuck. Would like more pictures. :)
Replies: >>495 >>497
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My only problem with minidolls is how limited customisation is with them as there's only a small handful of torsos and legs and you can't switch out the arms or hands. The best way to increase the range would be a minidoll CMF line, although a more action oriented minidoll line would be great. 

Every time I see these they grow even higher. I don't even know if I want to see the finished stacks because they'll be massive behemoths
Replies: >>495 >>512
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Not exactly, but that's an inspiration

I have a few more but they're a little out of date and I've been intentionally not shooting the really weird stacks to keep them a surprise

>Every time I see these they grow even higher. I don't even know if I want to see the finished stacks because they'll be massive behemoths
Right now I have five drawers full of them, plus some stacked on top of the drawers
Replies: >>497
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Forgot you can post batches of images. Here's another shot of the city and some individual stacks. I made these using a 16x16 template as the standard, with a few studs along the tops of the walls to anchor them to the next level, i.e. the way the Creator Expert building floors attach to each other. A few stacks have a footprint larger than 16x16 but most stick to that size.

These are for the same setting as the hoverklocki that I occasionally post.
Replies: >>501 >>502
Obscenely detailed, especially with the piping along the walls everywhere. This stuff is just too good, you're harming my confidence.
This looks like so much fun
>you can't switch out the arms or hands
That's not true, the arms can pop out of socket and be switched. I do it all the time. You just have to pull them straight out, instead of how the minifig arms need to be popped out an an angle.
Replies: >>518
Thanks for that, I thought with how thin the arms are popping them out would be impossible.
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I'd like to see more minidoll mocs in 2021!
Replies: >>815
Beautiful LQ, just beautiful. The lighting is absolutely perfect.
Replies: >>821
Thanks! The instant I saw that 3D glasses head the idea for that picture immediately popped into my mind.
Replies: >>824
How did you get the light at the back? Was it just a simple LED light?
Replies: >>892
It's [spoiler]a shop
Replies: >>895
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No, it's a cinema
Replies: >>898
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Can't argue with that!
Didn't Lego briefly introduce sets with was basically a "Barbie's little sister" style doll back in the 90s?
Replies: >>912 >>1178
Belville and Scala were both doll-based lines
Replies: >>1178
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Some off-brand Disnep characters
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How popular were those, any way? I wonder how compatible their parts are with normal LEGO for MOCs too.

Still on a mini doll genocide kick by the way, the 'totally-not-gypsies magic carnival' summer wave has some nice new parts including glow-in-the-dark slopes. Great for fantasy/Castle themes,
Replies: >>1179
That is clearly an Elves elf
Replies: >>1180
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LEGO Friends getting isekai'd into the Elves setting, boom. New wave idea. Hire me, LEGO.
Replies: >>1181
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I once came up with an idea for a continuation of the Elves theme:

>New minidoll theme for 2019 will be Space Friends like the other anon said, but in 2023 the new theme will be magical girls in the Earth realm after the link between Elfland and Earth is severed. Main characters will be a team of teenage girls from Earth who are recruited by a handsome older man who wants to collect several hidden treasures "of great evil" scattered around Earth "to stop them from falling into the wrong hands". HOM is actually the bad guy orchestrating everything to collect the evil objects for his own use. Supposed antagonist is a thief not much older than the girls who may or may not be half-elven. Gimmicks will be magical smartphones that contact Elfland and are collectable like Nexo shields, and cute animal familiars for each of the girls. Sets will all be scaled-down versions of famous landmarks around the world where they fight the local monsters for possession of the artifact.

>Source: I squinted real hard at the wrinkles on the Wyldstyle Duplo polybag and thought I saw it in the background
Replies: >>1182
>a team of teenage girls from Earth who are recruited by a handsome older man
>a handsome older man
The gimmicks and set locations are great but that part? Let me guess, HOM has a striking resemblance to you in your mind?
Replies: >>1184
lol it was a reverse Charlie's Angels situation where Charlie is secretly the bad guy
Replies: >>1185
Oh thank god, I was worried we'd have the next Marv Wolfman on our hands.
Replies: >>1187
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Replies: >>1188
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He wrote Terry Long, which is his self-insert (a 'handsome' older man) dating one of the Teen Titans. (Emphasis on the teen part.)

The Elves sets were cool, I still want to use the giant animal heads as arm cannons for a mech. Or some fucked up hydra monstrosity.
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