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Reminder to visit: https://prolikewoah.com/toy/ for all your other /toy/ needs and also the /toy/ general on /tg/ https://smuglo.li/tg/res/66759.html

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What do you think of Red Star Games? They're a small group of BIONICLE fans who write content for tabletop games based off BIONICLE. Their most expansive and most complete project at the moment is Doronai Nui, a D20-based role playing game inspired by the Metru Nui saga. They are also working on material for Barranai Nui, a BIONICLE-themed skirmish game based off the 8th edition of Warhammer 40,000, and Heroes of the Stars, a rules-light RPG based off the franchise's second generation.

What do you think about these people and their projects, /lego/? Do you or would you play any of their games?
Replies: >>752
Never heard of it. Thanks for the tip. Where can I buy this game?
Replies: >>751
Just look at the link in the subject line.(redstargames.org) The game is free, they're not able to put money by it since they're not officially affiliated with LEGO.
>>749 (OP) 
Seems like an interesting project and an example of what direction the Bionicle community should take. Majority of the Bionicle fanbase seems obsessed with the lore and the finer elements of it, but they're kidding themselves if they think they aren't beating a dead horse at this point. Creative projects like this that take the IP elsewhere (even if not officially) and keeps the community healthy as well as creating a whole new avenue of exploration for artists, builders, or even just story tellers. 

As for the game itself, I'm not too big on the idea of using actual figures in-game; miniatures would be better adapted for this but I understand why they haven't implemented this. Finding someone to play this with must be a pain because they have to not only be into Bionicle and /tg/ stuff, but also have a decent selection of existing Lego pieces and I can't see there being that many people out there.
Replies: >>806
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>Miniatures would be better adapted for this
Are the minifigures from the playsets close enough to miniatures? It would be easy enough to build scenery and obstacles from LEGO bricks, and the figures themselves are mostly compatible with regular LEGO. This makes them very customizable, more so than most "real" gaming miniatures. I'm honestly surprised there aren't more custom BIONICLE minifigures on the market, especially given the popularity of 3D printing.
Replies: >>812
Damn I forgot about these guys. If only Lego didn't half ass the minifig scale sets and we may have gotten more characters. The 2001 Toa would've been cool to have.
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