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Fun With A Pencil (or tablet)

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/loomis/ Resource Hub: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/8r9omk7oj6zjg/loomis_Resource_Hub

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What kind of: 
>Tool (i.e. Pen and Paper, Stencils...) 
Do you use to make your art?
Replies: >>474 >>566 >>1058
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Krita, MSPain
A computer, an old Intuos3
>Tool (i.e. Pen and Paper, Stencils...)
Tablet, ink, charcoal, pencils, once I used blood after I cut myself by accident and didn't want to let it go to waste but it wasn't very enjoyable because I didn't know what I was doing (I could have worked at it like watercolor but I didn't know any technique at the time).
Photoshop and Krita
Computer and vertical mouse
>Style None
>ToolBlue non-photo graphite, medium and soft graphite, graphite holders, pencils, polymer and kneadable erasers, rulers, ink pens.
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Replies: >>180 >>182
Krita because I'm not giving my shekels for something that I'll probably hate anyway.
Replies: >>180
I just started, been going through drawabox with a huion graphics tablet and krita.
MyPaint seems comfy though, might try it.
What the fuck, I tried to post these together like 7 times but it always failed.
Replies: >>182
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Mostly CS6

Used Laptop from the 2015's 

Shitty ms paint doodles 


This is so infuriating yet so funny
I'm having similar troubles on /shelter/. Possibly an attack?
I'm in a dilemma right now. Ever since I kicked Windows10 to the curb and started using BSD I haven't found a solution for creating digital art.Gimp and krita are available,but my system has specific drivers for wacom tablets, so it's kinda of weird. I'd have to buy a specific tablet just for this Operating sytem. That's like buying a 200 dollar tablet and seeing if it works, maybe.

Right now I'm back to using bic pens and a 12x6 sketch book. It's comfy. It's weird again, but when I sketch on paper it's more stimulating, so like I'm not distracted by the glow of a screen after staring at it for a few hours.
Krita or drawpile, muh dick, Nep, and the cheapest clipboards and pencils money can buy.
Most involved, easiest way to solve this predicament is to contact your tablets manufacturers by e-mail or phone for support. Instead you could try some wacom driver hack people post up on github.
Sai, Photoshop. 

Shitty laptop. 

I try to draw very high quality anime with elements of realism, but I hate having to stick to one style and I experiment with all kinds of styles until I hopefully find the style I love best. 

>Tool (i.e. Pen and Paper, Stencils...) 
Paper + mechanical pencil, keyboard + mouse. I sketch out different ideas on paper, but I scan them and then trace the sketches on Sai with the lineart tool, and colour/shade it in Photoshop. 

Just run Paint Tool Sai on Wine.
Replies: >>474
Go back on Windows 10 if you can't get it to work on WINE. You don't need to be on an open source operating system unless if you're a dev or if you're facing performance issues on old hardware. Please don't gimp your creativity because of fear.

People claim that particular creators are hired because of nepotism, but it's actually because intelligent people like you do everything they can to handicap themselves from succeeding. There's no good reason to prevent yourself from having access to good tools at this point in time.
Replies: >>442 >>544
How come you went BSD? You'll find the driver situation on there is likely worse than on Linux, which does at least support the one built into my laptop and works in GIMP and Krita, but that's not saying much since it's an old laptop.

At least tell him to go 7 if it has to be Windows. I don't trust it much more than 10 but it's the last one to not be castrated by tablet UI focus and thinking it owns your computer.
>>172 (OP) 
Krita, Photoshop. Mostly Krita if it weren't prone to crashing and freezing.
Some 2016 laptop
Definitely inspired by Bruce Timm's artstyle and a dash of animu. I struggle drawing animu faces though. 
>Tool (i.e. Pen and Paper, Stencils...) 
A Nice Wide Wacom tablet
>I try to draw very high quality anime with elements of realism, but I hate having to stick to one style and I experiment with all kinds of styles until I hopefully find the style I love best. 
Mind if you show some of them? Just put it in another thread if you want to.
Get a Windows 10 Enterprise version on a torrent site (Normal or LTSC) and use this to reduce connections: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/privacy/manage-connections-from-windows-operating-system-components-to-microsoft-services
Instructions are on page.
You'll still need to manage with the tablet UI, but at least you won't be spied upon as badly as on a normal Win 10 rig.
Replies: >>554
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that list of shit to disable is why i'm on kubuntu now
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>>172 (OP) 
Krita all the way. It's better than Photoshop for painting.

Wacon Cintiq 13 HD TOUCH (Never used the touch. It's also not supported by Linux drivers. Would buy HUION next time.)

I can have every style I want.

Pencils, paper, water colors, gouache, ink, japanese ink brush
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Are you still having this problem? Get Huion.
 I'm not saying it'll be a drop in replacement for BSD systems, but the solution for me was to edit xorg .conf files on Linux. Basically tell it to use the wacom driver for any tablet plugged in. 
Might help since BSD uses xorg. 
Huion route:
Hopefully you see the light and drop BSD altogether. Since Xp-pen tablets also have linux drivers. 
Project dedicated to Linux tablet support:
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>huion tablet not working
>battery might be shot, only turns on when plugged in and the battery low indicator never stops blinking even when charged overnight
>even when turned on and plugged in it doesn't connect to the receiver, even though the dongle is detected
>warranty expired a couple months ago
have i been chinked
Replies: >>1053
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> have i been chinked
Depends on how long you had the tablet.
But I had much worse issues with Wacom.
But I guess you've been chinked the way I've been japped.

Technology in general is not to be trusted.
Replies: >>1054 >>1055 >>1056
I had it for just over a year and maybe used it for a total of 48 hours, since it mostly just sat idle while I was actually learning.
Replies: >>1056
Based and bugpilled
did some more testing
>tested on wangblows 10 machine, battery issue persists but now it's working
>letting it charge overnight again
>tested receiver on linux
>doesn't show up on lsusb if plugged into any of the back ports on the motherboard, USB 2 or 3
>shows up if plugged into any of the front ports or the card reader expansion I have
>other devices plugged in the back show up fine
what the fug
Replies: >>1057
probably some minor issues in the implementation of the USB device broadcast specification. maybe you can patch the firmware Anon?
>>172 (OP) 
Adonit note plus and an iPad Pro 2021
What's a drawing tablet I can get that has a huge work area, won't die in a year, and won't rape my wallet? I have a Huion Giano that I'm about to give up on because of how easily it breaks.
Replies: >>1259
> won't die in a year,
Buying new technology is always a risk.
There are many different tablets out there, just pick one.
People usually buy a tablet qnd use that for eternity, while the market changes, so I have no clue what the newest hottest shit it.
Is fire Alpaca any good as software?
Also, one there one program that was only to mkae Ink-like drawings? (forgot the name)
Replies: >>1339
> Is fire Alpaca any good as software?
Don't know. Wouldn't touch proprietary software.

> Also, one there one program that was only to mkae Ink-like drawings?
What would evem be a program dedicated to ink drawing?
While using Drawpile someone once told me that it feels like I'm drawing with ink.
Krita, GIMP, both support basic full opacity brushes.
Although I always recommend Krita, because it has a focus on drawing and painting.
 Inspiron 5748, Wacom Intuos CTH-490, planning an upgrade for both of them to https://pcpartpicker.com/list/P8rGMb and https://www.storexppen.com/buy/artist-13-2nd.html
There was a style?
>Tool (i.e. Pen and Paper, Stencils...) Paper, pencils(carbon and colored), sometimes sticky notes.
What would a good drawing tablet be for starters? I had a Huion Giano years ago but I didn't use it much and it died within a year. I liked how big it was but all the Wacom ones that size are $500+.
Just got a Wacom Intuos 3, it's my first tablet, it's old but it felt great to use the first time. The little practice I've done before was done using pencils and the more slippery surface feels a bit weird, but I hope I can get used to this.
Replies: >>1753 >>1754
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Congratz Anon! Cherish it. It's a good tablet, and it's what I first cut my teeth on. Cheers.  :D
I also bought my second tablet, first one was a Huion Giano that was big and felt nice but died within a year (if you scroll back up in the thread you can see me complaining about it). Bought a small Wacom and am waiting for it now.
Is there a good guide for transitioning from drawing on pencil and paper to drawing with a tablet, specifically for Krita?
Replies: >>1791
There's nothing to learn about tablets, you just need to use it for some time to get used to it.

Learning Krita or another program is an entirely separate topic from tablets. For drawing the most important thing to learn is shortcuts for moving/zooming the canvas and changing brush size. I tend to disable the tablet buttons and use keyboard shortcuts, my most important shortcuts are (some of them are probably not defaults):
- X = toggle eraser mode on/off
- Alt = color picker
- Shift + left click drag = change brush size
- Space + left click drag = move canvas
- Ctrl + middle click drag = zoom canvas in/out
- Shift + middle click drag = rotate canvas
- 0 = reset zoom
- 9 = reset rotation
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 ibis paint x
 Phone, paper
finger for digital.
pencil or pen for paper and camscanner to make em digital :]
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