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/loomis/ Resource Hub: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/8r9omk7oj6zjg/loomis_Resource_Hub

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Let's start with LooMiss
Replies: >>192
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You wouldn't forget about the old mascot, would you?
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Or her shapeshifting puppy she uses as a model?
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I never knew /loomis/ had a mascot until now.  She's cute.
Replies: >>193
>>173 (OP) 
That's pretty cute.
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I thought it was this cheeky blook...
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fuck, this is comf as shit. i needed more practice anyways so fuck it. Anyone got the mega links from before?
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Just posting some images I had posted on /loomis/ in the past.
Hello, frens. I missed this board. I haven't drawn much for months now. I wish I had something to show for the resurrection of this board.
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Might as well post something since we've got to get the ball rolling. I did this doodle a while back for a weekly theme which was "the deep web". Unfortunately I was pretty disappointed with how it looked when it scanned so I didn't post it. This is a photo but the scanner gave a similar result with poor contrast and made my messy lines even worse.

Anyway the idea is that the spiders are deep underground in their treasure cave with their most prized possession: a Weber Original 22-inch Kettle Grill.
Replies: >>201
It looks really cool, you should make a story out of it or something
Replies: >>214
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Replies: >>214
Just passing thru to give a warning, please do not use f.lux/redshift or those screen tinting program when colouring.
Replies: >>215 >>226
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I remember that cute mascot! I had started drawing her but never posted it.
Replies: >>214
Nice work.

What is this strange body part? I can't find it in my copy of "Figure Drawing For All It's Worth".

I like the thought of doing some more doodles and working the spiders in somehow.
I've been trying to practice drawing heads properly but it takes far too long to do just one and I'm thinking too much and still winding up with things that don't look quite right. I think I'll try drawing some blooks and see if that loosens me up because I need to be drawing a fair number of heads at a reasonable pace in order to actually get any proper practice in.
There's also an option to disable f.lux whenever a certain program is in focus. However, as soon as you're alt-tabbing to another program it comes back.Maybe it'd be better to just go to sleep as soon as f.lux starts reddening the screen. H-haha.
Replies: >>216
My creative juice only flow at nigh unfortunately. I realize using those tinting program (which supposed for sleep cycle) only make me use computer more because it not hurting my eyes at night anymore.
Replies: >>225
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No beginner thread to post, so pls no bully.
Replies: >>222
Not that bad. I can see you are trying to get proportions right by first making a big frame and then going from there and you're trying to shade so that the figure looks more three dimensional. In the picture her left leg is a bit more forward. Keep it up anon, this is good practice.
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I myself feel like I'm straining more to see the details at night with the tinting program, which actually tires and hurts my eyes more.I'm getting too old for this shit. Back then I could go full /night/ and watch a screen until the birds sang outside but now I can barely stay up after midnight.
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I read this warning a few hours ago and then proceeded to do exactly that. I don't think it hurt the final product too much anyways.
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How the fuck do I learn to draw? Studies are a coinflip, either it comes out somewhat well like the second pic, or I can't even fucking do it like third pic. Then when I try doing a slightly different pose from memory the anatomy goes to shit.
Replies: >>231
Sounds like you need some constructive anatomy
Check out how Vilppu or Hampton do it.
Replies: >>236
>constructive anatomy
How does it work?
Replies: >>237
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As far as I understand it, you learn processes to construct bodies. One way to do so is to simplify the anatomy into simple 3D forms: the head as a box for instance, cylinders for limbs, etc. It is important that these are 3D forms because then you can draw/imagine them from all angles, and thus draw a simplified body from any pose. You can place main landmarks of the human body (where the bones protrudes for instance, the famous vaganiàs bones, the navel, the sternum, etc.) onto those simplified shapes by knowing some basic measurements. You can approach muscles in the same manner, by simplifying them and knowing where they go.
Last year I nominated LooMiss for /monster/'s MFW, but I don't know what would be a good theme for her to have.  Any ideas?
Replies: >>239
My first thought was Take on Me because of the visuals and the story especially the blur between real life and drawings. https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=djV11Xbc914
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