/loomis/ Resource Hub: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/8r9omk7oj6zjg/loomis_Resource_Hub
how to draw upside down??? i literally simply flipped it but it dont look exactly what i usually do the other way
it looks ok but not what i imagined when its flipped...possibly also cuz i used to have a single picture i use as reference for being v good...and its now gone and i cant seem to, reproduce it strictly from, faint memory
I need a pick me up to understands this
Be more specific, are you drawing from a reference that's flipped upside down? Are you trying to draw a figure laying flat and viewed from an upside-down angle? Try to draw this image as it is: upside down. Recreate the drawing as best you can, without flipping your paper/canvas right-side up until you're finished with the drawing. This will help you see individual parts in more detail. I'd also recommend going through this book in general for a great starter on how to draw.
>>1974 exactly. except i did it from memory too. without reference. it worked easier not flipped. also everything i learned just do not, flip right away. like, almost, but incomplete.
>>1978 Try doing it from a reference and see how it turns out.