/loomis/ - loomis

Fun With A Pencil (or tablet)

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/loomis/ Resource Hub: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/8r9omk7oj6zjg/loomis_Resource_Hub

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So... what made you get into drawing?
Replies: >>494 >>575 >>1355
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Probably hanging around on imageboards for years and seeing gigabytes of great artwork. I think what finally made me want to get into artwork was meeting a famous animator and later going to a convention and seeings dozens of talented artists, while I was doing pretty much nothing with my life. Still a beginner, but I'm getting there.
no pic related is not mine
>>489 (OP) 
I really, really wanted to draw smut
And I really, really cannot
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To make comics and be a drawfag on /tg/ and /monster/.
It feels great to see someone enjoy the drawing I make.
Replies: >>496 >>497
Nice cartoon, kek.
Oh gosh did you make this? I remember that /v/ thread, thanks for the laughs.
I wanna draw lewds and get praise.
>>489 (OP) 
Drawing and sculpting are very useful tools for creating new things.
Most of the man-made things you see, were visions, which were first manifested on paper or in clay, wither digitally or traditionally.
Replies: >>576
throd. sculpture is certainly yuge benefit to being a top-flight 3D character modeler in my opinion.
Replies: >>578
I actually had to look up what "throd" is supposed to mean.
Looks like it's an insult.
Would you mind elaborating on how that's meant?
If not, then that's alright as well. uwu
Always liked to draw as a kid. As i grew up i developed a dream/ambition to become a great artist, but later my motivation devolved to just wanting to impress some chick that frequented the same drawing studio, in the end my superior drawing skills didn't help me woo her, because i was a coward at heart, but i did get a love letter from some other chick that i didn't care about. Eventually my romantic interest moved to another country, i quit art and started wasting my time on imageboards, and doing drugs. After a wasted decade i got bored from being a degenerate and became a somewhat productive normie, now all that's left from my artistic past is this bump on my middle finger from holding the pencil.
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I personally always used to doodle on the border of the notebook and always wanted to get into an arts career, but knowing that I would end up with no job with that I decided to get into STEM.
I ended up going nowhere for four years and this quarantine finally made me get into it. Now the issue will be not throwing the towel.
Wanting to get a hobby, although I dont spend too much time since I prefer writing for the moment.

And also wanting to learn the ability to draw anime
to draw my nice dreams, nightmares and my ancestor guardian that has been passed down to me, protecting me from a personification of dark entity sent by envious people to ruin our life by the service of a witch. you can see him and her(the devil) if you're my boyfriend when you sleep.
to share my stories and make my ideas come to life
I was like 4 years old and the crayons were colorful. They still are.
I wanted to make my own hentai mostly.
literally for no reason at all. figure drawing is just so fun on the other hand and life drawing classes are an awesome experience and environment to be frank.
Replies: >>1279
> figure drawing is just so fun
Replies: >>1283
Yeah but there is one underlying issue I have I feel like I only figure draw because I want to fit in to life drawing classes but I know deep down I don't stand a chance to fit in  with these sort of people. Think I want to just pursue my own art that I feel I want to do for fun whatever that is that I find at least I know that its my choice and that I want to do it for myself. Just feel empty doing figure drawing I just don't see an end goal I see one with loomis books
I like cute girls and war machines
I want to create my own doujin works too
Replies: >>1320
what is doujin works?
Replies: >>1337
fanmade manga (also applies to any self-published fanmade content but in my case manga)
Replies: >>1346
sounds awesome. Hope u share ur work.  Soon I will share mine which will be art of dolls
>>489 (OP) 
I'm too brainlet for coding and really bad at discrete math.
I wish I could actually do codings so I could make my own game using my own drawings. No, I don't want to do VN. I want actual game like Legend of Zelda 2 but with elaborated route and stories.
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