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With all the new boards onboard, and people coming from other engines, I decided to write some some info that's probably useful to all BOs.
After you log in on the account tab, you should find your board under "Boards you own" and a bunch of links.

This is what you should probably check.

General tab: most fields should be self explanatory, you can change the name/description that appears on the board list, theme (I've heard a lot of anons don't really like this win9x inspired theme). If you want Geo flags ping me, it's probably broken ATM (I'd need to set up a geoip db).
Also your new board will be unlisted by default, uncheck the checkboxes when you're done with the setup.

Posting, File: probably you can ignore them if you don't know what they are for

Limits: set thread, reply, bump limits. I don't recommend going over 500 posts, it can really bog down weaker computers and jschan still lacks "last 50" posts feature.
There are 10 threads per page, if you're more used to setting a page limit.

Antispam: very important
I recommend setting up PPH/TPH triggers in case bad actors start spamming your board. TPH trigger with lock thread creation is roughly setting a maximum number threads per hour (BOs/Vols can still create threads).
Also by default the board is locked which means on BOs/Vols can post on your board, unlock it when you're done.

A very useful feature, gives you the latest (and live updating!) posts on your board. Enable desktop notifications in settings, and you'll get a notification, even if your browser is in the background. Also has access to a subset of mod tools, see below.

Mod Index, Mod Catalog
The same as the normal index/catalog, but supercharged. You can also go there by clicking on manage on a normal page (after login). The [+] link next to a post will show all posts made by the same IP (or same tor bypass cookie). The triangle/arrow on the right opens a (longer than usual) menu, you can edit the post or click on moderate to have a few options. If you want to mass moderate multiple posts, check the checkboxes and open "Show Post Actions" at the bottom of the page.
Be careful with IP delete, if someone has a shared IP/VPN, you might end up deleting unintended posts.
To dismiss reports, you have to select the post, not the report. Because jschan.
Narrow Range/Wide Range are IP range bans, but I'm not sure how useful they are as you can only see IP hashes.
This is also where you make sticky and cyclic threads.

A list of reports on your board, check regularly! Unfortunately no live refresh feature here.

This is where you can add everyone's favorite feature, custom banners! And flags, and also random images to be used in css.

Custom Page
Small pages associated to the board, you can add rules here for example, if you don't want a sticky (and maybe locked) thread for it.

I have a few global filters, trying to filter out spambots, but they shouldn't affect normal users. (Except that I block the bbcode and html code for links, because 90% of spambots think this is some kind of forum or wordpress blog. Tell me if you have a technical board and it becomes a problem.)
You can also add your own filters. Strict filtering means it will also try to remove some unicode garbage and spaces from the post before matching. Be careful with shorter filters, as they're matched everywhere (so a filter code will match unicode)
Last edited by admin
Replies: >>372
>>200 (OP) 
What do the "Trigger Reset Lock Mode" and "Trigger Reset Captcha Mode" mean?
Replies: >>373
What to do when PPH/TPH triggers (defined above) are no longer active.
I can't seem to unsticky or set the sticky level for the thread that was already sticky when it was imported here.
Not that I want to unsticky it, but I'd rather the new sticky thread appear below it.
Replies: >>494 >>496
Did you try manage -> find post -> moderate -> sticky level to some number > 1? It worked for me.
Replies: >>495 >>496
Yes, I did, se-
What the fuck, it only showed half of these options before.
IIRC, I set a sticky to 1 ('on', or true) to activate it, and 0 ('off', or false) to unsticky.

Presumably, this also gives you the ability to sort stickies in a static way ('1' being lower than '2', etc.)
Last edited by chobitsu
Hey admin, what's the list of files types we can attach? Can board owners allow particular file types?
Replies: >>502
If you allow other file types, you can upload:
(So .txt, .pdf, and .swf)
This is a global setting in jschan, so no, BOs can't change it. (And besides, changing this list also requires changes to the nginx config...) I can add other types if there's a legitimate interest, but that's about it.
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