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mr admin, the onion (trashchan2rvdng5zm7346sfxrrkjwvqzolw4lfdyldcsdpmsyj4dkid.onion) site appears to be down, with error code 0xF0 (Onion site not found)
This is a thread to give some background on the illegal porn spam with links. I've seen some false guesses and claims going around on various boards so I figured it's time I made a dedicated thread to explain it.

I have been a janny, mod or admin on a few imageboards for the past 10 years, and casually post on many, including for the last 4 (although less so recently). Those who use a few different sites at once, especially slower/understaffed boards, will soon begin to notice patterns. Posts which look out of place. Identical posts which look out of place on two different sites. Drop a quote from it into a search engine and it's on twenty different imageboards!
It turns out there are a few spammers on imageboards, who go down a list of boards reposting the same post. A few years ago I made a bot to regularly check for new threads on imageboards and highlight any duplicates, documenting imageboard spam to find patterns and learn how to combat it.
There are a few different main categories of this spam. One is imageboard spam (or sometimes forums or D#scord chats), many of you will have seen recent posts from two news imageboards, just posting a link to their site and leaving. Political spam is also big (almost always either generic /pol/ tripe, Christian evangelism or actual schizophrenic psychosis), and it's worth noting that politics spam was especially big around 2020 so there will probably be a heap later this year. This is easy to spot on hobby boards, although it often blends in unnoticed on politics boards and random (/b/) boards, where they're often taken seriously, and sometimes those spammers choose to just repost only on the dozen /pol/ boards online. There are some other smaller classes of spam, but we're here to talk about the biggest spam category by far:

The CP spam is commercial spam. That's why they have links in them.
They hit any imageboard they can find. Even test sites with no users.
Different CP site owners have been doing this for at least 10 years, and probably ever since the internet went public.

This isn't news to people who have been around for a while, but for fresh users on political sites it's easy to jump to the conclusion that its one person (some cryptic 'pedoposter' character), or their designated scapegoat or feds trying to take their site down. But this was happening before /pol/ was even a board on 4chan, and it was happening on even harmless niche hobby imageboards (which is where I started jannying ten years ago, to help delete the hourly CP spam until the admin programmed a hacky countermeasure). And they don't just target imageboards. This is commercial spam. They target any blog comment section or unsecured forum they can discover. You can verify this yourself by checking where the same ad link appears in a search engine. There are commercial/freeware tools made by organized crime companies for discovering and spamming unsecured forums, which brag about being able to break most captchas (and even 10 years ago you could pay $1 per 1000 Google reCAPTCHA solves by real humans in poorer countries, all plugged into your bot via an API).

But there's an important point. The current ones aren't bot posting. These are humans, fresh custom-made captchas don't stop them. Simple post filters don't stop them ('post blocked, please try again' won't stop someone who is financially motivated). Anything that wouldn't stop you, won't stop them. And I say 'them' for good reason, you can verify both through basic linguistic forensics (typing styles, filename choices, filter evasion techniques, etc.) and by fingerprinting their user-agents that the same link is being posted by multiple spammers. Specifically, the current one with a child model on a purple background has the same link being posted by three distinct people, all from East Siberia and far North East Asia. They each have a list of target sites (some use imageboard lists like (historically) cc0's list or AllChans, others use custom-made spam lists with all kinds of websites on them, this can sometimes be confirmed by checking their HTTP referrers) and they go down the list, one by one, often clearly in alphabetical order, posting their garbage. They usually post on the first board they see, usually the first alphabetically or the most active/bumped board (which is why anons here correctly pointed out /comfy/ and /k/ were disproportionately targeted on, although they may also just have a certain arbitrary board saved (like lainchan's /zzz/, apparently), maybe because it got listed in a search first. I've seen cases where an imageboard has just locked their /a/ board due to constant spam and most of it disappeared (/a/ is first in alphabetical order, so on their homepage it was the first a spammer would click, so this wouldn't work on lynxchan/jschan's boardlist where they're ordered by activity).

It's also important to keep in mind that CP sites come and go, and along with it, different spammers. There have been particularly nasty ones in the past which posted full nudes, link in the image only so the post couldn't be text filtered, random filename, and either no text or text copied from other posts. Phash techniques could be a useful approach there, and the Junkuchan admin has mentioned in the Cloudflare thread that phash filtering has worked well for them. 

Keep in mind, while it's possible in rare cases there is some CP posting which is different to what most people and I am describing, you can very clearly tell when it's different, the main difference being that malicious posters aren't shilling a pedo scam website. I have seen malicious CP posting only once, where a /pol/ user raided a site with child nude modelling photos posted from purchased VPS servers (this was done during a mass raid after the victim imageboard was linked in an active 4chan /pol/ thread. This was back in 2021 or 2022). That stuff tends to be either posted without any text (neither in the body nor the image) or with a taunt.

Here is the monitoring system:
It only monitors certain sites, and only OPs on some sites, so it's far from conclusive but it's demonstrative.
Spam posts are grouped together under one detection (semi-automatically, so there are some small mistakes), it's worth clicking [Expand] and seeing how they differ over time and attempt to evade filters, or how the same spammer makes similar but different spam posts.
Clicking the Tags button in the top corner (or clicking on a tag) will show you examples of the many categories of spam.
This is something I meant to write since some time, but now the impending doom of finally made me actually do this.

Originally this site was born as a tech demo after the demise of zchan, to modify jschan so it can run on multiple servers, for load balancing and maybe better ddos resistance. But the code never got merged upstream, so this site still runs a fork of jschan, originally on 3 servers, now on only two (and both of them at buyvm, so it's not much redundancy). On the other hand, zzzchan (probably the biggest imageboard running jschan) went with the original jschan and only using HTTP reverse proxies, so maybe this is overkill, after all. But anyway, whatever started as a tech demo pretty much stayed.
Which brings me to the current state of this site, it's pretty dead. There's /nep/, which is a copy of the old 8chan's /nep/, but at this point it pretty much functions only as an archive, it barely has any traffic. There's /quest/, it had some activity in the past, but now it has like 1 posts per week, one half-dead quest and a couple of dead ones. And /finance/, it also had some traffic initially, but now it's also pretty dead. I also have two BOs who never log in, so I have to delete the spam posted to their boards. (It's not that bad, filters catch most of the spam, and since the site is so dead, I can just open the global recent posts page, and delete any spam. I guess a dead site has some advantage too.)
In the past I didn't have any instructions on how to get a new board, because, to be honest, I didn't want to attract a lot of attention. I have better shit to do than dealing with courts and getting raided just because some anon said something on my site, or dealing with butthurt faggots ddosing my site. This site is not under cuckflare, and I'd very much like to keep it that way. On the other hand my gatekeeping was probably a bit too aggressive, even though I didn't do much (I think I only rejected one board). I guess just assuming that anons would randomly come here was a mistake. I'm also very bad at being proactive, if it's not already obvious.

So with that out of the way, I'd like to open an official board request thread. This is a free service, I reserve the right to reject any application or to shut down the service any time; don't expect 99.999999% uptime, blah blah blah. But unless you're one of those boards that are known to attract a lot of drama/shitstorm/lolcows/school shootings/etc, it's probably okay. I'd like to keep this site nice and comfy rather than having high PPH, there are better admins out there when it comes to dealing with that shit.
Required info:
>URI e.g. /uri/
>name of the board
>a short description/rationale
What is this board and why do you think I won't reject it, not the description that goes onto the board listing.
>planned rules
Include that global rules apply.
>what BO experience you have
>proof of you're the BO if you want a bunker/migrate an existing board
>user name and email
Alternatively you can send me a mail with login details if you do not want to publicly disclose it after your request is accepted. I'll generate you a password if you don't specify one.

I'd like to keep requests here, not in private emails if possible, like it happened sometimes in the past. If you're selected I'll send you an email, provided you have a mail server that doesn't block emails.
You'll receive your board unlisted and locked, it's your job to enable them when you're done with the setup. See >>200 for more info.
What's wrong with your webring? Doesn't seem to crawl, lots of sites are missing.
Merry Christmas, Trashmin!
I don't think I've thanked you properly before.
Thank you for letting's legacy live on.

I hope you have a good one.
Hey Admin, I'm trying to set my custom CSS on /comfy/ but it says
Bad Request
Custom CSS strict mode is enabled and does not allow the following: "@", "url("

I believe it's because I link the background image in it, despites I uploaded it in the "Assets" settings of the board.
and here is the line of the CSS file :
background-image: url(/asset/comfy/6c6f248c291c7e2674e510c6cdd3f33fb2564164176ab322109fe8788c9abcbb.png);

It works well when I test my CSS in the "on the fly" settings though so I believe it may be a permission problem that prevent me to put anURL in my CSS. Please halp !
Sorry if the answer to this is buried somewhere in jschan's docs, I'm a bit lazy. Is there a way to exclude a whole board from the overboard view in the user settings? I can't read French and I don't care about vtubers but I otherwise do like to check on the pulse of the whole site.
Hey! >>>/late/ has been dead for days because the captchas broke. It gets stuck and doesn't provide the option to reload. I thought it was my browser acting up or that my address was blacklisted, but I tried different devices as well as Tor and something serverside is definitely malfunctioning.
Trashmin, blacklist indiachan. They've not set up their webring correctly. I doubt they intend to.
Can we please get a /sci/ board?

Thank you!
ITT, we discuss boards not yet migrated somewhere

Anoncafe Admins have created an official listing:

Thankfully, many boards have already found a home. Unfortunately some have not, and seem in danger of being lost to the winds of time. Are there ones in this group that Anons consider good enough to warrant migrating here without BOs? If so, who will step up to own & manage them here 'after the fact'?

This conversation is meant to save worthy boards from disappearing. Please contribute to this discussion if you have thoughts on the matter, Anons. 


Less than 10 days & counting!
where tf is the lego board
I got this message when trying to report and global report some glowie spam
Banner thread
With all the new boards onboard, and people coming from other engines, I decided to write some some info that's probably useful to all BOs.
After you log in on the account tab, you should find your board under "Boards you own" and a bunch of links.

This is what you should probably check.

General tab: most fields should be self explanatory, you can change the name/description that appears on the board list, theme (I've heard a lot of anons don't really like this win9x inspired theme). If you want Geo flags ping me, it's probably broken ATM (I'd need to set up a geoip db).
Also your new board will be unlisted by default, uncheck the checkboxes when you're done with the setup.

Posting, File: probably you can ignore them if you don't know what they are for

Limits: set thread, reply, bump limits. I don't recommend going over 500 posts, it can really bog down weaker computers and jschan still lacks "last 50" posts feature.
There are 10 threads per page, if you're more used to setting a page limit.

Antispam: very important
I recommend setting up PPH/TPH triggers in case bad actors start spamming your board. TPH trigger with lock thread creation is roughly setting a maximum number threads per hour (BOs/Vols can still create threads).
Also by default the board is locked which means on BOs/Vols can post on your board, unlock it when you're done.

A very useful feature, gives you the latest (and live updating!) posts on your board. Enable desktop notifications in settings, and you'll get a notification, even if your browser is in the background. Also has access to a subset of mod tools, see below.

Mod Index, Mod Catalog
The same as the normal index/catalog, but supercharged. You can also go there by clicking on manage on a normal page (after login). The [+] link next to a post will show all posts made by the same IP (or same tor bypass cookie). The triangle/arrow on the right opens a (longer than usual) menu, you can edit the post or click on moderate to have a few options. If you want to mass moderate multiple posts, check the checkboxes and open "Show Post Actions" at the bottom of the page.
Be careful with IP delete, if someone has a shared IP/VPN, you might end up deleting unintended posts.
To dismiss reports, you have to select the post, not the report. Because jschan.
Narrow Range/Wide Range are IP range bans, but I'm not sure how useful they are as you can only see IP hashes.
This is also where you make sticky and cyclic threads.

A list of reports on your board, check regularly! Unfortunately no live refresh feature here.

This is where you can add everyone's favorite feature, custom banners! And flags, and also random images to be used in css.

Custom Page
Small pages associated to the board, you can add rules here for example, if you don't want a sticky (and maybe locked) thread for it.

I have a few global filters, trying to filter out spambots, but they shouldn't affect normal users. (Except that I block the bbcode and html code for links, because 90% of spambots think this is some kind of forum or wordpress blog. Tell me if you have a technical board and it becomes a problem.)
You can also add your own filters. Strict filtering means it will also try to remove some unicode garbage and spaces from the post before matching. Be careful with shorter filters, as they're matched everywhere (so a filter code will match unicode)
Here's my current plan of the rules:
>A board becomes claimable if the BO doesn't log in for one month
>If someone claims the board, I send an email to the BO. If I don't receive an answer for a week, the board is transferred.
Additional rules:
>If the board has vols, they have a priority when selecting a new BO.
>If the BO does log in, but fails to do his job (spam not deleted, piling up reports, etc), the ownership can still be transferred at the discretion of the site admin.
>Bunker boards are exempt if they have no traffic.

To claim a board, post in this thread:
>why do you think you won't end up like the previous BO
>what BO experience you have
>user name and email
Alternatively you can send me a mail with login details if you do not want to publicly disclose it after your request is accepted. I'll generate you a password if you don't specify one.

Unfortunately jschan doesn't have an abandoned board list (actually it does, but jschan only considers a board abandoned when it has no BO, so it's not useful in our case), so for the time being here's a manual list. Ping me if it looks outdated.
Looks like clearnet is back online. Hope it stays that way.

You can use Trashchan fully again... on TOR. Clearnet is I have no fucking idea, because the only place this fucking BuyVM can manage any information is fucking dicksword, which is supposed to be bridged to matrix, but that bridge also doesn't work and doesn't bridge the channel that I'd need.

I don't know why did I even think that Francisco won't fuck up things that he wasn't even supposed to touch, but anyway, here we are. TOR works, clearnet not.

Expect 404 errors when trying to open images/videos, don't be alarmed, they're safe.

There's a scheduled downtime 2024-02-04T18:00:00Z (if I managed to parse correctly the martian time in the email). They say it's up to 8 hours, but given their track record, I recommend you double that.
Keep bookmarked, where I'll try to provide status information.

Below is a copy of the email I received.

>Starting at 10:00AM on February 4th (this weekend) we will be performing a complete overhaul of the storage network used by our Blockstorage Slabs and private LAN connections. We are booking an 8 hour downtime window, but expect the work to be done in well under half of that.
>We request that you don’t open any support tickets about this maintenance and instead drop by our Discord where we’ll post updates.
>How the maintenance will be performed
>On Sunday Francisco will arrive at the datacenter and prep the switches (initial configuration, attach inner rails, etc). Once we’re ready we’ll issue a mass SHUTDOWN to any service with a Slab attached. We will then wait 5 minutes before we issue a HARD OFF to your service. Once the switches are installed, We’ll mass boot everyone that’s currently offline.
>If you don’t wish to have your VPS powered off during this maintenance, please make sure your slab is disconnected before hand! If your VPS doesn’t have a slab, it won’t be affected!
>So, what’d you break this time?
>Over the past 6 months we’ve had multiple outages (some lasting many hours due it happening in the middle of the night) where our current switches lock up/crash, disconnecting whatever slabs are connected to those nodes/services.  We’ve decided it’s time to completely replace them.  
>When we originally built our Slab products the platform we used took full advantage of Infiniband. As of July 2022 we replaced this system as it was also causing mass platform pauses/lockups, and also fell behind in software updates, requiring we stay on ancient kernel versions. The new system we put in place works happily with plain old ethernet.
>The final straw was a switch we replaced at the start of January, locked up again, but this time caused cascading issues on all other switches in the fabric. 
>As always, we thank you for your patronage.
>BuyVM Staff
Should there be a 2ch-style textboard based on Kiramoji called /text/?
I highly recommend using cloudflare's csam scanning tool to stop illegal images from appearing on your site. It also helps to block proxies as well. I think as an imageboard community we can stop this shit but we need to start taking measures to put an end to it. If you want to step away from your board for awhile don't leave posting open. It will get spammed. Just put it in read only until you come back.

And yes, I'm posting this on all the imageboards I find. No I'm not a bot.
/animu/ has been requesting a news board in their meta thread and it seems like some anons are upset with anoncafe's /k/ along with /tv/ being used for news. When I asked loleron he responded with a(n understandable) strong no. I believe a news board would be a headache for any site due to its implications, but in the interest of anons repeatedly bringing it up after being shot down, I would like to request a /news/ board I can moderate here on trashchan. If it's a hard no, I fully understand why, and I don't hold that against you. As stated elsewhere, it will be advertised as existing if made.

Reposting the board application I used on PLW:
Email: takenbake at protonmail
Name: /n/ (or /happening/ or /news/) 
Description: IT'S HAPPENING (or just "Journalism & News")
Default anon name: /n/ewsman (or /news/man)
Tags: Journalism, News, HAPPENING, Recent Events
>1) Board is for Journalism & News - Thread OPs must either be news or personal investigative journalism into a topic. [1]
>2) Pundits are journalists.
>3) Moderation reserves the right to ban troublemakers.
>4) No Doxxing. Publicly available information is not doxxing. State your sources when using publicly available information to avoid an accidental ban.
>5) No schizos.
>6) Events and happenings are news. 
>7) Board meta goes in the meta thread (meta thread either on /meta/ or just as its own thread).
>8) No Namefagging without a damn good reason.
[1] Private anon reporting is news. Upcoming events are news. General threads for news aggregation require pre-approval in the meta thread (for the most part this is a shall-issue matter for formality's sake but moderation reserves the right to deny a general if having it could threaten site stability).

Anything else that should be included? I figured most of the obvious rules like no spamming and no illegal content fall under rule 3.
Anons on /k/ are discussing a board to discuss economics/finance. Some are saying to call it /finance/ or /stonks/ while others are saying to keep it named /biz/. They were discussing asking trashchan if you would be interested in hosting it so I figured I would make a thread to gauge interest. I'm partial to /stonks/ because worrying about "not trying to attract the wrong crowd" is retarded.
It links to http://trashchan2rvdng5zm7346sfxrrkjwvqzolw4lfdyldcsdpmsyj4dkid.onion/ which just says "Go away" when it should link to http://trashchan2rvdng5zm7346sfxrrkjwvqzolw4lfdyldcsdpmsyj4dkid.onion/index.html
Welcome back.

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