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Here's my current plan of the rules:
>A board becomes claimable if the BO doesn't log in for one month
>If someone claims the board, I send an email to the BO. If I don't receive an answer for a week, the board is transferred.
Additional rules:
>If the board has vols, they have a priority when selecting a new BO.
>If the BO does log in, but fails to do his job (spam not deleted, piling up reports, etc), the ownership can still be transferred at the discretion of the site admin.
>Bunker boards are exempt if they have no traffic.

To claim a board, post in this thread:
>why do you think you won't end up like the previous BO
>what BO experience you have
>user name and email
Alternatively you can send me a mail with login details if you do not want to publicly disclose it after your request is accepted. I'll generate you a password if you don't specify one.

Unfortunately jschan doesn't have an abandoned board list (actually it does, but jschan only considers a board abandoned when it has no BO, so it's not useful in our case), so for the time being here's a manual list. Ping me if it looks outdated.
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