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Sorry if the answer to this is buried somewhere in jschan's docs, I'm a bit lazy. Is there a way to exclude a whole board from the overboard view in the user settings? I can't read French and I don't care about vtubers but I otherwise do like to check on the pulse of the whole site.
Replies: >>906
There is, but it looks like it's disabled by default. Should be a customization dropdown now there.
Replies: >>895 >>905 >>906
I don't see it. (What's a post stub? I haven't seen that setting before.)
My bad, I see it now, thanks administrator, you're a champion.
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>Should be a customization dropdown now there.
Ohh! That's very cool, thanks Admin! Should be handy for some Anons.
>>892 (OP) 
>I can't read French
Just learn, you're missing some high quality discussion xD
Nice setting, thanks.
Ayei, just realized that it's just a way to automatically generate a query string for the overboard URL and not a cookie like the user settings, so it's not persistent. Sad! I wonder if I should submit a pull request to Tom. Back on 8chan this would be handled by the Multiboard function, but there's nothing like that on jschan as far as I know.
Replies: >>918
Can't you just bookmark the url?
Replies: >>923
NTA, but this seems like a useful idea actually.
>block different boards during some kind of shitfest or other going on
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