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Hey! >>>/late/ has been dead for days because the captchas broke. It gets stuck and doesn't provide the option to reload. I thought it was my browser acting up or that my address was blacklisted, but I tried different devices as well as Tor and something serverside is definitely malfunctioning.
convert: unable to read font `' @ error/annotate.c/RenderFreetype/1658.
Thanks imagemagick for breaking again...
Looks like I had to specify a full path to the font in imagemagick's policy.xml to unbreak it, even though I didn't need it in the past. I hate imagemagick.
Please try again now.
Replies: >>874
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It loads instantly now, even faster than before. Thanks, administrator! See the digits.
Replies: >>876
GG, Admin. Thanks!
>even faster than before. 
This does seem to be practically instantaneous now, AFAICT. Big difference!
Replies: >>877 >>879
>>876 I just hope that the rate limiting is working correctly, because this would be a DoS attack vector that any child could exploit, and I don't want to see a site as nice as this one have its protection used against itself.
Replies: >>878 >>879
It's a fair point Anon. Since apparently Admin has fixed your issue, then I suggest we simply delete this thread now?
Replies: >>880
There was an imagemagick update, so maybe they made some performance improvements (which would be welcome news, imagemagick can be bog slow at times).
The jschan part of the equation is unchanged, so if anything changed that would be imagemagick using less cpu to generate the captchas. (But I can't tell as I have no measurements from before, and I upgraded the server to a newer alpine version, and I'd avoid rolling it back if possible)
Replies: >>880
Security through obscurity is illusory and fallacious. I was taught to always assume my adversary knows every detail of how my system works.
I tested it now, and after about eight captchas, it tells me to try again later. This is good. However, what defense does jschan have against a robot which spawns new onion router identities as fast as the rate limiting kicks in? Perhaps I'm worrying a bit too much, but you never know who will find a reason to antagonize you.
Replies: >>881 >>882
It's going to be hard to protect against that, since tor (especially if you use it together with something like tor browser) is designed to hide as much identity as possible. But the same thing is true if someone has a large enough botnet, and starts bombarding you from millions of IP addresses, no IP rate limiting will save you.
>Security through obscurity is illusory and fallacious. I was taught to always assume my adversary knows every detail of how my system works.
It's a good point, Anon (and one I personally follow, since we literally release everything open-source as MIT).

OTOH, there are such things as skiddies, and reducing your attack surface as a form of defense is a military concept going back to pre-history, I'm sure. Some things are commonsense, and this seems one of them to me personally.

OTOOH board Admin is clearly aware of this thread, so it should rightly be in his hands now. Cheers.
Replies: >>883
Off-topic, but why choose MIT over GPL, Apache, BSD, etc...? It's something I wonder every six months or so because I can never remember the key differences between them.
Replies: >>884
We actually have a thread on just this topic. [1]  I'm personally a bit dogmatic on this topic, b/c I want a super-flourishing robowaifu ecosystem to develop for all men everywhere. But I can assure you, that not all our regular Anons on our board are in full agreement with me on this.

My personal >tl;dr on this is:
< BSD/MIT -alikes are simply the single best way to ensure an explosion of new businesses can form (if they will) around your platform. If this happens, then it will literally transform the planet (in our specific case).

Hope that gives you our take on this question, Anon. Cheers.  :)

1.  https://alogs.space/robowaifu/res/4451.html
Replies: >>885
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