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Looks like clearnet is back online. Hope it stays that way.

You can use Trashchan fully again... on TOR. Clearnet is I have no fucking idea, because the only place this fucking BuyVM can manage any information is fucking dicksword, which is supposed to be bridged to matrix, but that bridge also doesn't work and doesn't bridge the channel that I'd need.

I don't know why did I even think that Francisco won't fuck up things that he wasn't even supposed to touch, but anyway, here we are. TOR works, clearnet not.

Expect 404 errors when trying to open images/videos, don't be alarmed, they're safe.

There's a scheduled downtime 2024-02-04T18:00:00Z (if I managed to parse correctly the martian time in the email). They say it's up to 8 hours, but given their track record, I recommend you double that.
Keep https://trashchan-status.neocities.org/ bookmarked, where I'll try to provide status information.

Below is a copy of the email I received.

>Starting at 10:00AM on February 4th (this weekend) we will be performing a complete overhaul of the storage network used by our Blockstorage Slabs and private LAN connections. We are booking an 8 hour downtime window, but expect the work to be done in well under half of that.
>We request that you don’t open any support tickets about this maintenance and instead drop by our Discord where we’ll post updates.
>How the maintenance will be performed
>On Sunday Francisco will arrive at the datacenter and prep the switches (initial configuration, attach inner rails, etc). Once we’re ready we’ll issue a mass SHUTDOWN to any service with a Slab attached. We will then wait 5 minutes before we issue a HARD OFF to your service. Once the switches are installed, We’ll mass boot everyone that’s currently offline.
>If you don’t wish to have your VPS powered off during this maintenance, please make sure your slab is disconnected before hand! If your VPS doesn’t have a slab, it won’t be affected!
>So, what’d you break this time?
>Over the past 6 months we’ve had multiple outages (some lasting many hours due it happening in the middle of the night) where our current switches lock up/crash, disconnecting whatever slabs are connected to those nodes/services.  We’ve decided it’s time to completely replace them.  
>When we originally built our Slab products the platform we used took full advantage of Infiniband. As of July 2022 we replaced this system as it was also causing mass platform pauses/lockups, and also fell behind in software updates, requiring we stay on ancient kernel versions. The new system we put in place works happily with plain old ethernet.
>The final straw was a switch we replaced at the start of January, locked up again, but this time caused cascading issues on all other switches in the fabric. 
>As always, we thank you for your patronage.
>BuyVM Staff
Last edited by admin
OK, thanks for the heads-up for everyone, Trashmin. I wonder if this might be a good 'window of opportunity' to do pickups for any minor admin tasks on your bucket list?
Replies: >>416
Not really, since even I won't be able to do anything on the VM. Unless I do something stupid, like run the site without the files.
A tiny break, huh?
>Smug and Trashchan are going down at the same time
Replies: >>428 >>431
Probably not unrelated. Is Smug also hosted with BuyVM (or some derivative hosting brand)?
[Hide] (1.3MB, 770x817)
If not, you can join with us on /comfy/'s speakeasy for those few hours:

Cheers. :)
Last edited by chobitsu
AFAIK smugloli is also on BuyVM, and given that both slabs and internal networking goes down in LV, I expect that it will affect many sites hosted there.
I will attempt to make some workaround to have the site up in a limited manner (without the files), but no guarantees.
Replies: >>433
I don't think you should if it can compromise your opsec.
Replies: >>435
It won't, the proxy VM should be unaffected by this outage, and the backend will stay too if I get rid of the files. That is, of course, Francisco doesn't fran it
So I removed the slab from the VM, so it'll hopefull survive the maintenance. BuyVM since said that private lan will continue to work. (If not I think I can solve that with wireguard, but that'll be a little downtime.)
Looks like smug is down
Replies: >>439
Yup. Just happened.
Wait, what happens if files are uploaded now?
Replies: >>445
Nothing, I'll copy them back when it's done. But don't dump too many files, we don't have a lot of free space now.
03:59 <martindoesstupidthings_0> I can't talk in that channel, I'm on 123, and it's up and running
03:59 <CrimsonPotato_0> you need the verified role it seems
04:00 <CrimsonPotato_0> not sure how to get that
Looks like it's not enough to get a dicksword acc, you also need to verify your phone to the trannies to be able to ask a fucking question about the state of the maintenance.
Do I have to start looking for alternate VPS providers?
Replies: >>459 >>460 >>469
>Do I have to start looking for alternate VPS providers?
I think we trust you to do the right thing, Trashmin. I'm sure you'll sort it all out. Thanks for all your hard work these past few weeks!
Don't try to fix what isn't broke.
Replies: >>467
>Don't try to fix what isn't broke.
<5h downtime instead of the expected 0
I'm not so sure about it. And they still haven't officially confirmed that the maintenance is complete, it just seems like things are working.
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(68.9KB, 750x1000)
>Do I have to start looking for alternate VPS providers?
This guy seems quite legit and competent.
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