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1990s and 2000s Nostalgia

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My grandfather introduced me to "All in the Family" the other day, and I started binge watching it out of a sense of...how edgy it was.  Like this is something that would not come out today.
Some time ago, I was reading some old Usenet posts and thought, "Holy cow, how did this not get banned/deleted?"  Post/users like that would just immediately get scrubbed now.
I recently saw "Freddie Got Fingered" and was kind of amazed that that was in theaters.

Was the 90s more tolerant than today?  Was everything really this edgy?  Or is this some sort of weird survival bias?  The only thing today that I can think of that comes anywhere close is Southpark, but I'm not sure that counts because Southpark came out in the 90s.
Replies: >>4517 >>4525 >>4581
>>4516 (OP) 
Haven't seen, but have heard. It was a matter of the Overton Window being in a different direction  back then, among other things.
It was just different attitudes at the time, different things were/weren't considered offensive. Watched WKRP in Cincinatti recently and they refer to Venus as a negro on multiple occasions and crack jokes about it (a kid even calls him "boy" to his face). Race wasn't considered as a touchy subject back then while sex was, today it seems to be the inversion of that.
Replies: >>4538
>>4516 (OP) 
I've never actually watched in episode, but from what I understand Archie Bunker was a character who was supposed to make the people he's patterned after look bad. It ended up backfiring when audiences end up liking him and identifying with him. A lot of viewers even assumed Carroll O'Connor shared the character's political views.

It kind of reminds me of how American History X was basically an anti-neo-Nazi skinhead flick but according to what I've read accidentally ended up getting a decent amount of people interested in that whole scene.
>while sex was, today it seems to be the inversion of that.
Despite the political climate, people are now prudish to an extreme. Pretty much every happening these days is zoomers clutching pearls about sex.
Replies: >>4539
I wonder if this means that gen alphas are going to flip the other way and become Brave New World tier hedonists and exhibitionist?
Replies: >>4545
Bold to assume that degree of sex-positivity will be permitted in public debauchery.
Replies: >>4548
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Yeah, ahead of its time
Replies: >>4581
Yes. We actually live in really prude times now and people don't seem to be aware of it. The 80s and 90s were sexually a lot more open. The pearl clutching started in the late 90s and accelerated in the 00s.
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>>4516 (OP) 
Browsing Negrogrounds and what the fuck happened? Since when it was fine to accept the crayon eating tards at Deviantart with open arms? Both sites were the opposite of each other and now they're the same shit?

You forced faggotry onto others, they'll snap, it's an endless cycle of the weak destroying shit and future generations will redo their shit until hey get burned out.
Replies: >>4583
Newgrounds was losing relevance after the death of flash, so when Deviantart and Tumblr went to shit NG pivoted to being the "alternative" art website. Come to think of it NG was always full of degenerates so I'm not too worried about them, I would only worry about the censorship culture that permeated DA/Tumblr seeping into NG.
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