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>there are no servers
Replies: >>1157
>>1156 (OP) 
What kind of servers do you mean?
Maybe the real servers were the friends we made along the way?
Replies: >>1159
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That's pretty deep.
The caffe thread is full of them.

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Hey guys, /icup/ here with a question on how we're going to handle the next iteration of the Infinity Cup ( https://anon.cafe/icup/ )
We're trying to poll whether certain boards are interested in playing in the cup, or if there's some specific team that you'd like to see play. If you want to, please answer or add your own answer to the poll in https://poal.me/6x3j1u

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This is your dark cave for discussion surrounding everything from the musical genres of rock and metal, along with its rolling prototype form.
"Quick" riff samples and licks of history from its creators right here for your back & forth movement necessities.
Nowadays i only listen to certain sub-genres, mainly the psychedelic, but sure as hellfire will upload artists of old playlists of mine ranging from progressive to the classic hardies and heavies.

Check our mother thread /musicprod/ as well for more discussion: >>42
Not to be confused with the fine lads at /rocks/: >>2
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How popular is rock with young people nowadays? I imagine it's kind of a niche thing nowadays. I went to school back when its glory days were over, but it still seemed to be the music of choice for adolescent males. I might dislike the metalcore music that was popular then, but at least it wasn't rap.
Replies: >>1131
As far as i've seen it became underground or "obscure" again, something ironically many of us wanted back in the day. I also found myself in the days of metalcore/emo, which i disliked, but among them there's was also oldheads (Toto, Scorpions, Deep Purple, etc, "dadrock") the tougher chain draggers (death/black metal, some thrash metal), the goths popular with women (Nightwish, Stratovarius, basically Goth and Power Metal along with Evanessence)  and the actually rare stoners, which i related the most despite actually not using substances hence why i separated myself from them (Psychedelic Rock, Shoegaze, Stoner Metal, some electronica like Goia Trance).
Nowadays i've identified that only a strange combination of the oldhead/chainman exists in the teenager/high school years, dudes who really like rock/metal in general and may know stuff far away from the mainstream but who never go the distance of using leather items, square metal belts or sometimes even the classic black shirt under the school uniform.
In my region these days it's mostly nigger babble rap, events around rap battles, abstract nigger sounds akin to Death Grips, hipster pop or /mu/ pop (popular with women), the much maligned reggaeton/dance hall pop and, thank God, a lot of country/regional music (belittled but never dies because the people never do unless replaced)

So in short, a much smaller presence but it's
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Replies: >>1132
>Nowadays i've identified that only a strange combination of the oldhead/chainman exists in the teenager/high school years,
That part sounds like how I was back then. I don't listen to much '60 and '70s rock anymore, but I used to listen to pretty much anything hard that wasn't what the Hot Topic kids were listening to. These days I'm even willing to give some of their music a chance.
>I can imagine the only trace Punk has nowadays is some chicks wearing Misfits t-shirts and some legit madhouse material breaking glass bottles for fun outside bars.
Even a decade ago it seemed to be getting less popular. A lot of the time you'd see people mention "hardcore," but by that they'd mean metalcore crap and not actual hardcore.
Replies: >>1133
>These days I'm even willing to give some of their music a chance.
Same here, i did venerate the classics back in the day but i was also fond of the then-new efforts from a bunch of euro psychedelia, nowadays kinda faded away but other than that i am more willing to explore the stuff from 2005 and on... except the metalcore/deathcore thingies, i just don't feel them yet.
Although some other things are confusing, Math Rock is nowadays called Djent and practically became a meme, it is the natural evolution of technique bragging some bands did in the progressive and even death metal sub-genres. And to this day my favorite instrument, the bass, is still ignored by all of those except some psych bands.
>but by that they'd mean metalcore crap and not actual hardcore.
Back in my day (mid-late 00s) Hardcore was still a thing among a couple dozen guys but they were hated by everyone, they didn't kid around the anarchy thing and didn't leave anything valuable behind like, for example, the others did with local scene bands or special places with particular rituals (going to a soda bar, drinking cream soda with ice cream and blasting only classic rock from 2 to 3). I've seen a couple of those old punks "recently" and they stayed high in their substances, real deadbeats but one thing is true, nobody messes with them other than hit
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Replies: >>1134
>except the metalcore/deathcore thingies, i just don't feel them yet.
I don't either and am not sure I ever will. I hardly listen to much rock from this century as it is.
>And to this day my favorite instrument, the bass, is still ignored by all of those except some psych bands.
It always bothered me how bass is underutilized in most rock music. You can do a lot more with it than just play simplified version of whatever line the guitarist is playing.
>My concern is that back then urban groups were highly recognizable and varied, nowadays it's 3 brands of afro-american shit mixed together, some candy pop girls/homos and the regional style. It seems tastes in music and shows became substituted with identity politics, ironically those urban sub-groups practically were identity warring bands and worked somewhat the same in terms of bragging/social brownie points/signaling but they focused more on things you could set aside at the end of the day to drink a few beers with others instead of what's happening nowadays.
I only ever really identified with a musical subculture for a pretty short time, but I miss the variety there used to be. Now everything has become completely bland and homogenized.

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This is the coon thread. Wanna see if there's any interest here. Post and discuss anything procyonid related.
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Seals are more closely related to coons than tanukis
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Suddenly pocahontas
Blond raccoons.
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>>>/pro/ is arrived

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Teto Kasane thread
Utau, vocaloids, voiceroids and other wholoids also welcome
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This is a Teto

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