We used to have a pet rabbit when I was a little kid, he was grey so naturally we named him Thumper. I think my dad found him in the garden and somehow managed to capture him, so we just kept him as a pet. My parents gave him a little rabbit hutch, provided food, water, etc, but he was still a wild cunt who liked to kick, bite, and scratch anyone that went near him, so I never got to hold him or play with him or anything. We went on holiday one year and gave him to our neighbours to look after (they had lots of pets, so we assumed he was in good hands), but by the time we came back he was dead. Not sure of the cause, could've been neglect, could've been old age, I don't think we ever knew how old he was so it could well have been that.
RIP Thumper, you cranky old bastard.