/britfeel/ - Feel Britannia

General discussion for British lads who feel

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10/03/2024 WE'RE MOVING IN LADS. BUNKER: https://8chan.moe/britfeel/

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Making an emergency thread here so we have somewhere to post whenever Julay goes down, because it keeps going down lately.
995 replies and 168 files omitted. View the full thread
That's funny, I'm the exact opposite now, though started out with both a shit memory and shit navigational skill. My memory has gotten really good since I've been studying Japanese. I'm learning 10+ words a day now. I felt almost braindead before though, in fact wanting to sharpen myself up a bit was one of the reasons I started. Neuroplasticity GOAT.
Replies: >>1002 >>1004
My navigation ability is still awfu thoughl. I bet I could improve it if I worked at it but I'm not terribly bothered. Some people seem to have an innate capacity, like you it seems, but that's not where my stats were distributed.
Replies: >>1003
>Stats distributed to navigation.
>Sit in a single room all day.

Maybe I was destined to be an explorer or a sailor.
You're brain dead now and gook women won't want to fuck you any more than British women do. Classic fat loser going to Japan to reinvent himself and failing.
Replies: >>1005
I really, really like your posts, they're always so thoughtful and full of insight. It's like posting alongside Plato.


Last edited by Corvus

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