With large social safety net nations, they're run comparably or similarly to Universe 24 within the rat utopia experiments. You have food abundance. There's hunger within the odd individual dysfunction but there's nobody starving. The same goes for water. The same typically goes for shelter, although recently is more debatable.
Those rats are given every basic staple with which to live but intentionally and deliberately deprived of any other purposeful activity. How this is accomplished with the rats is straightforward. Just take any of the running wheels or treat balls or pipe mazes from the experiment away.
How this is accomplished within a human social experiment involves encouraging society to be incredibly high tax and simultaneously high consumption. Make the cost of land high; give the "men in sheds" no place to build them. Strip any collaborative higher goals and promote an extreme sense of individualism.
(You)s are every bit as miserable as the rats in this "utopia" experiment. In fact you're sold other ideas that you're in shame for the crimes of your ancestors and other stuff like that.
You need a sense of purpose, you need goals; shared, collaborative, cohesive, homogeneity within those goals. If you had a shared sense of purpose, you might still be unhappy, but you would not be *as* unhappy.
Any shared sense of purpose, be it Buddhism, Hinduism, Shinto, Sikh, neo-mysticism would do so long as the group that you have is able to share them and collaborate with you.
Whereas if you only have small pockets of enclaves, nobody believes in any shared goal or anything in particular; then you can justify anything within the health system. You can excuse anything in the policing system (rapes, evidence tamperings, summary firings of the non-woke etc). The people at the top move innumerable beans around but have no specific goal to target with them, beyond "efficiency" in and of it's own sake.
I get it's another 7 paragraph essay but you have to believe in something anon. Doesn't matter what it is - could be disparate from mine. But you need shared aims and a belief in inherent human dignity rather than the "scratch and bite" summation that each of us were given.
Twinings my good chap
just milk, put the sugar in a cake