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A mere 28 years after Johnny Mnemonic hit the cinemas
God dammit. I had hoped that an adaptation would never be made. How do you think they're going to fuck this up?
>inb4 wokeshit
that's a given
-Somehow i read it as Neuron---Cancer
Honestly, I didn't think too highly of the book. I acknowledge the place it holds in cyberpunk historical canon, yet I read it many years after experiencing a lot of other cyberpunk culture so perhaps the impact was lessened. As such, no matter how they fuck up this adaptation, it won't hit me very hard. The space rastas are enough of a stretch already so doubling down on them and maybe making them matriarchal communist trannies to boot is not going to bother me. I've noticed that space niggers are promoted in other cyberpunk fiction, like CP2020/77. As if higher levels of technology will make up for the deficiencies of sub-Saharan Africans. They won't become a slightly less utopian wakanda, it'll be the same as current shitholes except for the tech.
Replies: >>521 >>724
>I read it many years after experiencing a lot of other cyberpunk culture so perhaps the impact was lessened
I think I had the same experience, it was a good book that I'll remember but I never had the urge to read the other books from the series.
It was also published a year after the movie Blade Runner, maybe this was ironically what made the book a huge success.
I rarely watch tv shows because they all seem like a bunch of infinite consumer dumb entertainment. Has apple made other good shows? I didn't know they were making original content like the other streaming platforms.
Replies: >>522
Anything by streaming platforms is usually worth avoiding, in my experience. The rare exception is likely just a case of them throwing so much shit that some sticks. I did enjoy 'Kate' (netflix iirc), think John Wick meets Crank but as a woman in Tokyo. It still boggles my mind that people pay for these services though, whenever I watch something from them it via availability for free online. They all need the internet to begin with! Why pay for what you're already able to view? Yet these mugs pay for two or three separate streaming platforms instead of using one or two websites.
Replies: >>525
It will be a piece of shit that costs a billion dollars and has some shots that look good enough for a trailer but the rest looks like a PS4 game with the writing of a PS5 game.
>It still boggles my mind that people pay for these services
Because they open the app in their smartv and watch whatever the algorithm tells them to watch. Most people aren't choosing what they want to watch anymore, it's already too much effort for them.
The same way instagram or tiktok are as popular as they are, you can open the app and scroll for 8 hours without having to search anything.
Those platform make some good shows or films but 90% of what they offer is pure trash to mindless consume.
Replies: >>526
>it's already too much effort for them
This is exactly it, the pursuit of convenience is responsible for a large amount of our modern technological woes. You can basically mistreat your users as much as you like if your service is more convenient than user respecting alternatives.
>space niggers
I had the same exact problem. I could believe people being digitally resurrected to live inside computer simulations, or an entire room full of people being entertained by illusions generated by a guy with a  single cybernetic implanted laser. But space niggers running a successful society in orbit? Gibson is out of his fucking mind. His books belong in the fantasy section, not sci-fi.
Replies: >>733
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We gwine put dem Afronauts on de moon real soon now, just as soon as you colonizers gibs us mo moneys, B'wana.
I don't think Neuromancer is really a sci-fi novel at all. It's a semi-autobiographical drugs novel, like Junkie and The Naked Lunch by Gibson's hero William Burroughs. I think Case is Gibson and Gibson was struggling with drug addiction when he wrote this.
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