/late/ - Late Nights

Long nights, sleepy days

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Write a few things about what keeps you going through everyday life.
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For the current moment, knowing that /comfy/, /retro/, and /christmas/ have a good home after the end of Anoncafe brings me a little joy. Knowing that /late/, /shelter/, /christian/, /loomis/, and /server/ may have one soon also brings me hope at the moment.

How about you, Anon? What keeps you going daily?
Replies: >>1604 >>1612
Oops! Scratch that typo. I 'repeated' /server/ there. :P
Religion I’d have to say, other than that, the awe at the small blasts of beauty in the normal; a beautiful sunset, soft cold breeze that feels like it’s kissing your cheeks, or the insects waddling around on brick tiles in your backyard. 

Things like that really make life worth living, especially religion, which gives you that mindset to be happy with what little you receive, and to make the most of it
Replies: >>1616
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>>1602 (OP) 
Gloating over the misery of others.
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Nice. Definitely agree with you, Anon (though I see 'religion' more as a personal relationship with Jesus Christ tbh). This universe is utterly amazing -- from the largest scales all the way down to the smallest scales. And here we are, right in the middle... and seemingly it has all been designed to support our existence! (see: Anthropic Principle)

Clearly a God who would invest this much time, space, matter, and energy to accomodate us for such a relatively-short period of time, our 'window of opportunity' so to speak (apprx. ~120Kyrs) is a rather extravagant being. It certainly conveys a sense of loving kindness and attention to detail on all our behalfs.

Open your eyes anons, and consider the wonders all around you!!  :)

Replies: >>1617 >>1626 >>2626
A shame this god didn't leave out disease while lovingly accommodating us
Replies: >>1618 >>1625
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Free-will and our own sin brought a plethora of problems with it, that's true. There's only one door of escape now. OTOH, it's freely offered to any anon who will take it!
Replies: >>1619
>Free-will and our own sin brought a plethora of problems with it
Those a very different from the likes of yellow fever, munchmeyer disease, and tuberculosis
Replies: >>1620
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The solution was ready-to-hand, had we not chosen the wrong path back in the Garden of Eden. Today, the course of sin and destruction is already set. Only one choice will free you from the burden of this mortal coil, and into a new body and new existence for all eternity.

But it takes faith to please God, Anon. So reach out for help in your time of need. Do it today!  :)
Replies: >>1621
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Well, I feel stupid now. I've either been baited or have been talking to a bot.
Diseases and things that are painful always depend on how you want to see it; I remember being younger and hearing about a Buddhist monk named Thich Quang Duc setting himself ablaze on gasoline as a form of protest, although he looked quite calm about it from the get-go 'til the end from the photographs I saw, so I guess it really just depends on what you want to see pain as, meaningful or just meaningless suffering.

Pain also just exists in our world, sometimes, it's a mercy and hope for those that believe it's retribution for their mistakes or a way to gain favor with God, other's see it as just a price for life and the good things you received. Every coin has two sides, right?

But going back to the original point, what keeps you going in life anon?
Replies: >>1630
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Agreed, I've spent a large portion of my life doddering here-there struggling to find something to stick to: lovers, wealth, friends and family. Just never worked out, and if it did, it was for a while before it crumbled down. 

It reminds me of a time long ago when I made a paper boat and rested it in a water creek that was cuddled by concrete slabs on the side to guide it; the boat rocked side to side before the water from below forced itself through the paper, and it was carried away by the stream, that's what a lot of endeavors in this life feel like to me. 

What about you anon? Is there a similitude you could think of that explains the things you've learned in life?
Fear of death. Literally nothing else. If I knew there was an afterlife I would immediately off myself and get the hell out of here.
Replies: >>1629
Are you always hesitant around death or has there been times you’re indifferent about it?
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The way I see it, anyone who intentionally creates and releases anything specifically designed to ail and torture another person even to the point of death, is not loving or praise worthy.
Replies: >>1631 >>1636
And if they created good and blessings as well?
Replies: >>1632
They still cannot be considered loving or worthy of praise for the same reasons a serial killer that's good to their family shouldn't be viewed as loving and praise worthy. Intentionally harming/killing the innocent and helpless (with tortuous means no less) is not something to be overlooked, especially not for someone who claims to be perfect and loving.

BTW BO, I'm not trying to stir pots or planning to turn this thread incendiary for the sake of any argument. I just want to talk to anons with different points of view.
Replies: >>1633
It’s okay, I understand; the way I’ve been taught was that mercy was divided into two ways, general and specific; general is for everyone, being provisioned for, taken care of, so on and so forth until your death comes, specific is instilling and perfecting faith in the breasts of the believers. 

I’m not Christian, so our theology is different from what some parts of Europe believe, diseases to us are a blessing: we suffer and have our sins erased, the rank of martyrdom for abdominal and plague related illnesses and if neither of the ones before, then a better reward later in life or the hereafter. So in my eyes, even if I get diseased in the outmost worst way, I’d logically consider it a good thing even if I dread its effects, if that makes sense.

So where you see it as suffering, I just see it as a means for a better life or end. That’s the Islamic Way watered down if you wish to research our views on diseases in your spare time.

But other than that, what keeps you going in life?
Little bro looks pretty cool.
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Dreams, wonder, the quest for unique experiences. 

Change, emotions, the lust for understanding of myself and the way I feel. 

Accomplishing goals. Strengthening relationships. Proving my worth to the person I see myself as in my mind.

Mysteries. Overcoming fears. Chasing something, even if it makes me feel uncomfortable in the moment.

Creativity. Expressing myself through the things that I enjoy doing. Making other people feel understood. Protecting people from other people.

Making good decisions. Applying principles to my life and standing by them through thick and thin. Becoming a person.

The knowing that love exists. The knowing that death exists and that my world is not guaranteed not even for a second after I finish this sentence.

>what keeps you going through everyday life

Replies: >>1639
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Where does this lust for life come from?
Replies: >>1651
My dogs, my gf, and the beauty of the world around me. Whenever I take my dog for a walk I try to go without my phone so I can soak in the little things all around me:)
Replies: >>1646
Joy in the simple things yeah? X)
Replies: >>1648
I'm a simple anon with simple pleasures. How about you anon?
Replies: >>1652
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 More than anything, I feel it stems from there being true good and high quality things that exist made by people with passions. Notice them enough and you can derive your own self replicating passions from them. This isn't the one all be all, but it's how I enjoy things and keep life interesting in my own way.

Natural beauty will always be a thing, at least for the foreseeable future. Getting out into nature, especially at night when no one is around is a truly good thing. Not everyone has the luxury of this experience whether that be from an unsafe area they live in or being completely localized in a giant decrepit city. If you aren't predisposed to the aforementioned living conditions, I highly recommend getting outside ASAP and being alone for a bit. 

Relationships are a big one for some. Cultivate them or they wither and die. You meet people and there's a connection you both share. If either party isn't putting in the effort, then there is no more connection. Keeping in touch with family and friends that you recognize as people that reciprocate your feelings is a good thing. Bonding with people you really care about can make you feel on top of the world if done right.

You are gonna be okay
Replies: >>1653 >>1692 >>1694
Torn between simple living and having to strive to live within the current economy
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Thank you for your wisdom, I'll try to remember it when the time comes for it to come to fruition
Getting out into nature definitely helps and its great to see the high quality products other people's passions for inspiration to make your own. 

Though never meet your heroes.
I just want to belatedly commend for your POTD, Anon. It's both inspiring and encouraging to us all! Thanks.  :)
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>>1602 (OP) 
For me, it's Akagi.
Replies: >>1696
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For me, it's Akagi.
Deep in my heart I know that while my quality of life continues in an ever-downward spiral, if I were to give up I would be a disgrace to my waifu and to god. I have a duty to push myself. If I can't improve then at bare minimum I must maintain a managed decline.
Also lots of spite. I can't bring myself to stay mad at someone. Even the worst criminal elements of society I just want to give a quick death rather than make them suffer. I hold others in contempt until they make an honest effort to stop being a fag because it's in my nature.
Only the fear of death, though bit by bit I'm getting less afraid of it.
a hot chocolate and a blanket while watching anime hoes
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The vague possibilities that things might improve.  Visions of a life worth living.  People whose hearts and minds are still their own in this age of ubiquitous retard propaganda.

Also, shitposting.
Music, and I'm kind of curious about the future
>>1602 (OP) 
>The great outdoors
>Smoothies and milkshakes
>Tasty food
>Good tunage
>Driving around
>My friends
>Cool nights
>Warm nights
>The eternal glory of the Sun
>The mysteries of fungi
>Esotetic knowledge
>Having fun
The wife, honestly. If she didn't depend on me, I don't know if i would have the strength.
I appreciate the late night ib shitposting with a nice coffee or a monster, playing competitive games online and reading sci-fi novels. But it feels more like a way to see the time pass by rather than to truly enjoy those moments.
Talking to someone. Most of the time, its myself, because I know he'll understand me. Had a deep conversation with him while in public transport
1) Mysteries because I love some intrigue in life
2) Japanese games, because they make me believe in myself
3) Obsessing over books/anime because they help me temporarily exist in my own vacuum, even in public
4) The beautiful moments of focus when I work on something alone or achieve a small goal like learning something new about computers
5) Encountering the remnants of the awesome internet like this one
i wake up everyday so that I can have revenge against everyone who has wronged me
Replies: >>2068
None frankly. I can't think of any single reason, yet I somehow keep going on. I guess it's because I still have food and housing. Once I don't I'll just kill myself and that's it.
Replies: >>2243
I still have my VNs to start and finish.
My work take a lot of my time and I can't find the right free time.
Getting money to buy great tools to then start trying to get good at my hobby to the point of local museum level, despite that right now i can do that with my current tools if i move to my town again.

Getting the good stuff is just an excuse to not look at tools and gear for the next decade or so and thus alleviate my consumer anxiety, i have a date where i will stop saving all the money and return to normal life so that's what makes me wake up and go to work despite losing some things i will never recover once i go back, that's something that gets me sometimes but i try to ignore it meanwhile.

Also constantly the thoughts of trying to be a good person but also being bothered that i am not able to tolerate silly shit which makes me fight with others or try to kill shit, i guess that comes from stress and lack of social interactions but i do need to control my mental justifications for it, killing an armed robber is doing good to society even if he begs for his life but it is wrong after all in terms of christian theology.
Replies: >>2232
>killing an armed robber is doing good to society even if he begs for his life
But in reality most armed robbers are simply desperate scared people with terrible childhoods and resultant chemical dependencies.
Not to say it's not fair to blast one in self defence, or cathartic to imagine some bald headed evil goon you can take out your pent up aggression on. And not to say there aren't genuinely bad people out there, because there are, but there's a lot more who are just fucked and deserve a little empathy.
Replies: >>2250
the need to learn farming and look forward to how much more shittier society can get. 
(and the fallout modding wackjobs)
Replies: >>2245
Personally if that were to happen to me I might just hitchhike across the world.
Replies: >>2246
I got a free one this year, a pumpkin vine has grown out of the compost pile from last year! I think it's a sugar pumpkin so at least I can eat it when the world goes full Fallout. Reminds me that I need to water it!
Replies: >>2253 >>2254
I like that actually. If I ever get down to no job/car/housing, I'm taking that last $200 (or whatever is left) and heading south. Something either happens or it doesn't but it will be plenty of time to think.
Replies: >>2247
we're all going to die eventually, so might as well have those last days to live
>desperate scared people
Who damage other people's psyche, environment and assets. They are to be destroyed and not precisely by killing them, education and a good form(s) of rehabilitation if caught particularly if the case is like you said. But who knows the proportion of victims of society and actual shitty people? how can a victim of assault deduce that when both want his cellphone?
Too late
>there's a lot more who are just fucked and deserve a little empathy.
That's true, that's the thing that bothered me, trying to live calmly while supporting the people you like, obviously after picking them carefully, is what i want in terms of social goals but i am too hotheaded and i highly dislike seeing my neighbors/friends/people get harmed by lowlifes.
At some point i had very little to lose so if it happens again i don't know what i will do to try and fix or help my community, i did think of ending it all but i found it is too wasteful, a life is too precious to squander it without doing something with it. At some point later i got distracted and "forgot" i was in a low mood and ended up enjoying life after a quick string of trivial but cool and upbeat events.
Some people just need a few laughs and the reassurance they are valuable to someone by means of their personality/person alone, sometimes families are supporting but the downbeat person knows they are merely because of being blood.
Replies: >>2403
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The thing about fallout(or similiar) is that you atleast have a purpose to survive and you dont have to become a wage slave for it. Back to being nomads and hunters (yay)
pretty much live at work.  bring my energy and presence and work turns out to be fun.  joke around and sprinkle in some serious chat seems to make work/life better.  it helps that i rarely meet the same people and keeps things interesting.  on top of this a small group of funny, but loyal friends along with listening to podcasts or music when driving.

use to be angry and depressed, but that seemed to change lately when i got a routine work day.
Like I said, you gotta do what you gotta do, and sometimes you gotta shoot a guy, and if you gotta shoot a guy and you shot a guy you should torture yourself over it, but you should never delude yourself into thinking they weren't a person too. With a life and hopes and dreams. Nature is brutal, but it doesn't mean the gazelle is bad, nor is the lion. Screwflies are just doing what they do. You can't begrudge them for doing what they were designed to do, but if a screwfly is trying to fuck on you, you can't be begrudged for doing what you have to do. In the same way most of these people were designed to do just what they do by their parents, and by society. There's not a lot you can do about it, but it doesn't mean it's not fucked. There's a sort of fucked-zen that I think is key to understanding the world.
Replies: >>2404
>but you should never delude yourself into thinking they weren't a person too
They aren't sometimes, that's how it is buddy. he might've been a human or something related but not a person as it implies a urban and social code related to the living context.
>Nature is brutal, but it doesn't mean the gazelle is bad, nor is the lion
I haven't seen it like that, you are right i think, that's one interesting way to see it and it makes sense across our history.
>There's a sort of fucked-zen that I think is key to understanding the world.
I am inclined to agree, i think i kinda get what you were saying before. Thank you.
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>>1602 (OP) 
My children, my wife, my friends. I know that the bad times are coming soon and doing my best to keep sharp for them. For some reason, God has decided to bless this evil retard with these incredible gifts and my main motivation is to take care of them best I can.
Replies: >>2488
>saved to monarchy folder

Proud of you, Anon.
>"Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;"
https://biblehub.com/proverbs/3-5.htm  (BSB)

right now, the gym is my only solace. i train not to fight demons, but to fight God itself.
Replies: >>2791
>>1602 (OP) 
unironically knowing that God exists is such a reassuring thought
not really the "God loves you and planned good things for you" angle, but his simple existence is enough
I know everything was planned, not just my life, but everything, with wisdom beyond our comprehension. I know that there is more to this existence than this life.

It's not so much the expectation of new good things, but rather the knowledge of all past things we take for granted like sight, audition, health, free time (not so much now because wageslaving but i know itll come back as it has)

>Clearly a God who would invest this much time, space, matter, and energy to accomodate us for such a relatively-short period of time, our 'window of opportunity' so to speak (apprx. ~120Kyrs) is a rather extravagant being
from a human's perspective, is dropping crumbs to an ant extravagant ? God could spend entire eternities for his creation and it still wouldn't even register as an effort

and I'll even point out a blessing more precious than all the material things we have: the ability to find joy in contemplating the creator instead of crying like about every disease, most of which have cures and treatments anyways
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The only thing keeping me alive is that I don't want to die a retard.
My whole life, I have been put down and looked down upon and ridiculed by everyone due to my incompetence in daily life , my inability to communicate with others, my low executive function etc.
My family constantly reminds me that I am a complete failure and that I would be helpless without their hand holding.
I have a great desire to make myself better, and I have belief that I will improve one day, so until that day comes I will keep living and I will keep trying to improve myself.
Replies: >>2629 >>2791 >>2792
Things will be better as long as you fight for them to be.
Don't judge yourself too harshly by what others think of you, even if it's important for self-judgment. In any case, don't let them destroy your self-esteem and your will to move forward.

are you korean by any chance

very based, never give up
>My family constantly reminds me that I am a complete failure and that I would be helpless without their hand holding.
sounds like a nightmare
even tho a few of my relatives are like that, I thank God that most of them aren't
Proud of you, Anon.
Keep moving forward.
Just take it one day at a time, OK?
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I would want mayuyyyybe to be like him. or at least I want to be the guy who can actually hurt women
For me, it's a couple things. I really don't live life for myself, not saying I make decisions based entirely off of what others say. I just wouldn't want to stick around if it was soley for me. I'm in this weird middle ground where I don't like life enough to want to participate in it, but I don't hate it enough to kill myself. But since other people like me being in their lives, I stick around. I don't particularly understand why they like me, but I don't have to. Not only that, I'm in a place where I get to help people almost every day. Most of the time, it's not much. It's just being polite when other people aren't. but sometime I get the opportunity to make a larger difference in a person's life, even if I'm just a trasiend chapter in their story. 

The other thing that keeps me going is nature. Sometimes, if I feel like crap and want to lie on death's doorstep, I'll go take a walk in the woods. It doesn't matter if it's a clear winter morning when the woods lie quiet or a humid summer evening in a feild filled with an ochestra of crickets singing as the day fades. It all seems to say to me "one day, it'll all be okay. God will bring the dawn agian."
Replies: >>2930
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Admiring the creation and helping creatures are the best ways to serve God
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