/late/ - Late Nights

Long nights, sleepy days

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How does one get out of the house recreationally?
I love taking hikes and working out, but that's all I do. I need something else. I don't mind spending little money, but shopping gets stressful because I don't have a lot of space. My friends aren't in the area right now, and it's pretty tough to make any more when I don't leave the house. I don't drink and I don't particularly like boozers, so bars are off the table. Bands never come into my area, so concerts aren't viable. I've looked for stuff for ages, and come up with nothing.
Replies: >>1968
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personally i like to do graffiti or do urbex, maybe do a picnic with the friends or go for a swim. Oh yes i also i like to go read outside any manga or books i still haven't read.
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>>1966 (OP) 
Go to a place you like, perhaps a cafe, and sketch something. I've found that trying to draw what you see is a bit of a puzzle. It can be somewhat meditative, being there in the moment taking in the environment, using your mind to create, plan, and think.
Replies: >>1971
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I used to go to weird bars in random towns and chat up strangers. Find it easier to talk to people I will never see again. Other than that mostly wander around at night alone. Sometimes sit in diners, drink coffee. Being a night owl and a loner means a lot of time in diners.
I did some research and found a cafe near me. I'm gonna try to go there this week with a book.
Replies: >>1982
Well how did it go?

I have to say, reading a book in public is quite lame.
Replies: >>1983
Normally id agree with you, but not in a cafe
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