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Im sexually attached to gay people, guys wearing motorcycle suit, gay furry porn, gay animals, gay dragons, gay cars with cocks, trains with cocks, gay stick mans, gay countryhumans. I don't think that this is normal, but im 15 yo guy and it all started when i was 12 and it is all the years escalating more and more where im gona end? im starting to losing controll of how mutch i watch this stuff and it is scaring me. I don't know how to stop. But i have one friend that i can talk about it and try to solve my problem so im gona discuss it with him i don't know if you somebody reading that wana see that porn or no ,so im not adding any pictures of it just in case somebody maybe disgusted
Replies: >>2292 >>2471
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See rule 0, and stop being terminally online. Watch TV, draw, read a book, go out to eat, go to the grocery store with your parents, find some people to hang out at the mall with, literally anything short of smoking crack or drunk driving. Just get off the fucking internet for 5 hours a day, dude.
>>2289 (OP) 
Recognize that porn is an addiction and that it exists because somebody meant to profit by your misery.

Learn to say "no" to instant gratification.

When you get the urge to do something like watching porn, ask yourself "is this the best thing I could do right now?"  The answer is always no, because it's pretty well understood now that constantly giving in to impulses rewires your brain to be more impulsive and less intelligent.

Just like taking drugs, looking at porn overstimulates your nerves which leads you to look at more and more extreme material to get the same "high."

If you cut porn out of your life, your tastes will return to normal.

I recommend replacing bad habits with good ones.  Meditation in particular has the opposite effect of the mind-rotting effect of feeding a porn addiction.

Check youtube for "your brain on porn" for more elaboration on these points.
Replies: >>2308
Porn addiction sucks man and its only gonna get worse unless you try to stop. Try starting a new hobby that you can escape to every time you feel like watching or looking at porn. Or hey maybe you wanna try substance abuse instead.
Replies: >>2308
Porn addiction is a myth and a cope for conservative guys ashamed of their fetishes
Replies: >>2310 >>2489
I do think it can exist. I've had periods where I've had an extremely high sex drive and couldn't stop jacking off to porn.

I wonder about the escalation thing people talk about. It happened to me to an extent, but I seem to have hit a wall with it years ago. I couldn't get off to most of the stuff OP does. It might have something to do with getting into porn at an older age than OP did.
Replies: >>2319 >>2364
Cannot confirm.

I got into porn right around when OP did, granted this was over 10 years ago. I've hit a wall long ago and have been cycling through the same porn videos I've all seen probably over 3 years ago. I can watch new porn videos, but I gravitate to the ones that really struck a cord with me and rarely branch out. 

People always mention needing more intense porn to get off, but I have yet to experience it. If anything, it's been the reverse in some cases.
Usually it ends at sissy hypno.
I don't think you can really be addicted to it to the point you have withdrawals or like a chemical substance. Maybe vaguely dependent but it isn't a health hazard on its own. Usually if you're jacking off to porn non-stop you've got bigger problems in your life so you use porn or something to cope.

I personally have never gotten into any bizarre fetishes from porn that I otherwise hated. I could never be into scat or sissy hypno.
Replies: >>2368
>I personally have never gotten into any bizarre fetishes from porn that I otherwise hated. I could never be into scat or sissy hypno.
I've long been into interracial porn and even gay porn sometimes, but even I find those two repulsive. The first one I just find inherently disgusting, and the second repels me due to its self-disparaging nature. It seems like the guys who fall prey to that are in a bad place mentally. I don't necessarily see anything wrong with being sexually submissive, but the whole sissy phenomenon seems rooted in self-loathing and feelings of inferiority. I guess it's not surprising given the world we live in today and how hard men are shat on if they don't measure up to society's expectations.

I see people talking about porn giving people fetishes a lot, but for me in large part I think it just made me more aware of certain aspects of myself.
Replies: >>2369
>for me in large part I think it just made me more aware of certain aspects of myself
That you want to take it up the ass from Tyrone?
Replies: >>2370
More like having repressed fag tendencies in general.
Parasite thread, take Ivermectin.
people talking about porn addiction makes me diamonds thanks anons ;)
Replies: >>2387
Gooner spotted!
one of the most cancer threads yet
I never had that problem
pig will HUFF Daddy pits when told!!
Replies: >>2395 >>2397
Can we please never say shit like this on /late/ again? Thanks.
>>2289 (OP) 
least braindead coomer
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