theres this weird site/artpiece/schizo rambling collection thing called "Spook...." . i dont think its "real", maybe some sort of early ARG/viral guerrila marketing or just weird art. the way i found it was on an ancient " /x/ creepy stuff iceberg" image, when they used to be good. the guy who did it is this fairly small artist from nyc that has done other art pieces at museums and some stuff online and seems to be active on ig. if you go on it youll understand better but it says that it was started as a project because this guy who ran an artzine back in the late 90s early 00s got a bunch of pings from a military email/ip and decided to track it(? im bad at computers) and it was basically looking at a bunch of schizo conspiracy and alien stuff. mostly alien stuff. it goes seriously deep , you can follow links that go into links for dozens of pages and different sites from back in the old internet. some of the pages are berry shrimple containing just links, some seem to be unrelated govt agencies (like a generic science grant money agency, for example), one page i got had like 20.000 word manifesto of some "alien truth" group called the nexus/nexus 7(???). about 20-25% of the links dont work anymore. artpiece or legitimate, its super creepy/interesting and has a real Deus ex vibe to it. Heres a link to it. browse at your own risk, but i think its safe(?)