/loomis/ - loomis

Fun With A Pencil (or tablet)

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/loomis/ Resource Hub: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/8r9omk7oj6zjg/loomis_Resource_Hub

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Does anyone have some quality resources for making 3D stuff? Also, general 3D art, I guess.
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We have animation software that's 3d. The OG one I use is mmd but there is also koikatsu Chara studio with the timeline feature which is what I feel like getting into apart from live2d to make animations. Share tutorials or helpful tips on such software or even some user created animations for inspiration. 
Chara studio tumeline feature. 
I have Blender. 
Chara Stdio doesn't sound like free software.
If it is, then I'll take a look at it later.
But I doubt it can rival our supreme swiss army knife Blender.
Replies: >>1126
It's really just comes down to preference when priracy is a thing.
mmd is my bae but I won't deny the superior quality of foss software with the functional standpoint. Just don't really see any assets that interest me and I'm bad at 3d design, I'm better at a graphics tablet than making a model from scratch in blender.
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i was bored yesterday and fucked around with blender for the first time. pic related was the best i could do in 20 minutes of trying to figure out the keybinds. got the model off smutbase and it was already rigged up and everything so it felt like cheating, however i could also see how easy it would be to throw some poses around and start a patreon around it even more so if it's futashit, people will pay out the ass for that
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>install Blender 4 on debian
>works pretty well but no GPU acceleration
>requires ROCm
>ROCm 6 doesn't support latest Debian, but debs say it will in next release
>ROCm 6.1 comes out
>still doesn't support Debian
linux is pain
but otherwise i'm going through the donut tutorial and its going ok but when he's talking about moving faces along other faces it's not working right, i have everything setup the same way but it distorts the whole geometry when I try to move anything. probably just some dumb glitch though.
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