Anons on /k/ are discussing a board to discuss economics/finance. Some are saying to call it /finance/ or /stonks/ while others are saying to keep it named /biz/. They were discussing asking trashchan if you would be interested in hosting it so I figured I would make a thread to gauge interest. I'm partial to /stonks/ because worrying about "not trying to attract the wrong crowd" is retarded.
>>37 Yeah, that's what you can get. Also, I'll send an email, no need to rush.
>>38 Now I'm the one who is getting worried, because I have received nothing.
>>39 Hmm... I think I copy-pasted the email.
>>40 Well then, let's try an other throwaway e-mail:
>>41 Everything is going according to the keikaku, I see.
It links to http://trashchan2rvdng5zm7346sfxrrkjwvqzolw4lfdyldcsdpmsyj4dkid.onion/ which just says "Go away" when it should link to http://trashchan2rvdng5zm7346sfxrrkjwvqzolw4lfdyldcsdpmsyj4dkid.onion/index.html
So does the other frontend links, but it should be fixed now.
Would you guys like to be friends with As you can see, we're already both part of the webring but also have a dedicated affiliates page.
>>8 Um, we don't have any dedicated affiliates page, and I suck at finding friends to warrant a dedicated page.
Welcome back.
>>4 (OP) T-Trashu!