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ITT, we discuss boards not yet migrated somewhere

Anoncafe Admins have created an official listing:

Thankfully, many boards have already found a home. Unfortunately some have not, and seem in danger of being lost to the winds of time. Are there ones in this group that Anons consider good enough to warrant migrating here without BOs? If so, who will step up to own & manage them here 'after the fact'?

This conversation is meant to save worthy boards from disappearing. Please contribute to this discussion if you have thoughts on the matter, Anons. 


Less than 10 days & counting!
Last edited by chobitsu
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archiving help requested
There's an anon on anon.cafe wanting help setting up Hayden so he can archive.
If anyone can help please do so.
does anyone know where i can download a complete archive of it?
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Anon.cafe... is no more...
Replies: >>698
Wakarimasen, why?
Really cool of you guys to take on as many boards as you have.

where tf is the lego board
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And the spoilers.
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it got transferred so i dont have to do anything lol
one word filter is legos = LEGO® BRAND BRICKS™
going try some more i guess
Replies: >>678
nigger = Piraka
Replies: >>678
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I've been a little wary about adding the filters because I'm not sure how this works and also because it's directly linked to automod features.
Do I put the phrase to be filtered in the box in the front or the one at the end?
Replies: >>681
You can just set it to block post without banning.
The replace text is only used if you select replace under filter mode.

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I got this message when trying to report and global report some glowie spam
Replies: >>54
>>53 (OP) 
Shit, looks like something broke with jschan 0.11.0, looking into it.
Replies: >>55
Fixed for the time being.
Hey admin why can't I report from the overboard?
Replies: >>528
Dunno, ask Tom

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Banner thread
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Any update?
Added (the last one, that's the only one that looks like a banner).
Replies: >>507
If you've got any artwork you like, I can do the rest of turning it into a banner. Assuming work leaves me energy.
Replies: >>511
I mean you wanted to fix the animation.
Replies: >>513
Different anon.
Should I dump some stuff from my Penn folder?

With all the new boards onboard, and people coming from other engines, I decided to write some some info that's probably useful to all BOs.
After you log in on the account tab, you should find your board under "Boards you own" and a bunch of links.

This is what you should probably check.

General tab: most fields should be self explanatory, you can change the name/description that appears on the board list, theme (I've heard a lot of anons don't really like this win9x inspired theme). If you want Geo flags ping me, it's probably broken ATM (I'd need to set up a geoip db).
Also your new board will be unlisted by default, uncheck the checkboxes when you're done with the setup.

Posting, File: probably you can ignore them if you don't know what they are for

Limits: set thread, reply, bump limits. I don't recommend going over 500 posts, it can really bog down weaker computers and jschan still lacks "last 50" posts feature.
There are 10 threads per page, if you're more used to setting a page limit.

Antispam: very important
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Did you try manage -> find post -> moderate -> sticky level to some number > 1? It worked for me.
Replies: >>495 >>496
Yes, I did, se-
What the fuck, it only showed half of these options before.
IIRC, I set a sticky to 1 ('on', or true) to activate it, and 0 ('off', or false) to unsticky.

Presumably, this also gives you the ability to sort stickies in a static way ('1' being lower than '2', etc.)
Last edited by chobitsu
Hey admin, what's the list of files types we can attach? Can board owners allow particular file types?
Replies: >>502
If you allow other file types, you can upload:
(So .txt, .pdf, and .swf)
This is a global setting in jschan, so no, BOs can't change it. (And besides, changing this list also requires changes to the nginx config...) I can add other types if there's a legitimate interest, but that's about it.

Here's my current plan of the rules:
>A board becomes claimable if the BO doesn't log in for one month
>If someone claims the board, I send an email to the BO. If I don't receive an answer for a week, the board is transferred.
Additional rules:
>If the board has vols, they have a priority when selecting a new BO.
>If the BO does log in, but fails to do his job (spam not deleted, piling up reports, etc), the ownership can still be transferred at the discretion of the site admin.
>Bunker boards are exempt if they have no traffic.

To claim a board, post in this thread:
>why do you think you won't end up like the previous BO
>what BO experience you have
>user name and email
Alternatively you can send me a mail with login details if you do not want to publicly disclose it after your request is accepted. I'll generate you a password if you don't specify one.

Unfortunately jschan doesn't have an abandoned board list (actually it does, but jschan only considers a board abandoned when it has no BO, so it's not useful in our case), so for the time being here's a manual list. Ping me if it looks outdated.
Last edited by admin
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Looks like clearnet is back online. Hope it stays that way.

You can use Trashchan fully again... on TOR. Clearnet is I have no fucking idea, because the only place this fucking BuyVM can manage any information is fucking dicksword, which is supposed to be bridged to matrix, but that bridge also doesn't work and doesn't bridge the channel that I'd need.

I don't know why did I even think that Francisco won't fuck up things that he wasn't even supposed to touch, but anyway, here we are. TOR works, clearnet not.

Expect 404 errors when trying to open images/videos, don't be alarmed, they're safe.

There's a scheduled downtime 2024-02-04T18:00:00Z (if I managed to parse correctly the martian time in the email). They say it's up to 8 hours, but given their track record, I recommend you double that.
Keep https://trashchan-status.neocities.org/ bookmarked, where I'll try to provide status information.
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13 replies and 1 file omitted. View the full thread
03:59 <martindoesstupidthings_0> I can't talk in that channel, I'm on 123, and it's up and running
03:59 <CrimsonPotato_0> you need the verified role it seems
04:00 <CrimsonPotato_0> not sure how to get that
Looks like it's not enough to get a dicksword acc, you also need to verify your phone to the trannies to be able to ask a fucking question about the state of the maintenance.
Do I have to start looking for alternate VPS providers?
Replies: >>459 >>460 >>469
>Do I have to start looking for alternate VPS providers?
I think we trust you to do the right thing, Trashmin. I'm sure you'll sort it all out. Thanks for all your hard work these past few weeks!
Don't try to fix what isn't broke.
Replies: >>467
>Don't try to fix what isn't broke.
<5h downtime instead of the expected 0
I'm not so sure about it. And they still haven't officially confirmed that the maintenance is complete, it just seems like things are working.
Spoiler File
(68.9KB, 750x1000)
>Do I have to start looking for alternate VPS providers?
This guy seems quite legit and competent.

Should there be a 2ch-style textboard based on Kiramoji called /text/?
Replies: >>270 >>280
>>266 (OP) 
Not sure about kiramoji, but you can get a practically text board by disabling file posting.
>>266 (OP) 
>shilling Kiramoji
Baste, that's my favorite Kareha fork.
I am reminded that 8ch once had a text board

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I highly recommend using cloudflare's csam scanning tool to stop illegal images from appearing on your site. It also helps to block proxies as well. I think as an imageboard community we can stop this shit but we need to start taking measures to put an end to it. If you want to step away from your board for awhile don't leave posting open. It will get spammed. Just put it in read only until you come back.

And yes, I'm posting this on all the imageboards I find. No I'm not a bot.
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1. It didn't exists when I started using the current solution
2. As far as I know it can only match for an exact fuzzy hash which kinda defeats the purpose, small differences are the same. I think this helped catch me CP images which were the same but with a different URL watermark.
Replies: >>175
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Fair point, you've been on jschan longer than I have. With jschan's implementation it takes some massaging to match nearly identical images, but it doesn't just match the exact file. For example, here are two hashes from spam posts:
All I have to do is filter for ff00c1d57a61a and ff00c1d57a61e to stop future spam for that specific image, variants included. Sounds like your implementation is more finely tuned, though.

Since we're on the topic of spam, I'll shill XJ-9K to you:
I haven't implemented anything from them yet but it is a pretty neat project.
Replies: >>176
Feels pretty tedious. If you calculate the hamming distance between the two hashes, you'll see that's 2. If jschan could do it, you could just add a filter for ff00c1d57a61a8ba and (say) max distance=2, and it would match both. And also ff00c1d57a61acbe, which is also bound to be similar.

My "hashes" look like this:
	'CP1': [
		0.489656, 0.0675636,  1.60258,	 1.42863,
		3.52474,   1.38529,	 3.44002,	1.75575,
		6.98833,	3.4452,	  4.3161,	2.47032,
		7.21341,   3.51376, 0.424894, 0.0113652,
		1.53821,  0.507692,	 3.73382,	1.27282,
		3.30786,   1.60575,	 6.93337,	3.04631,
		4.18564,   1.87194,	  7.0374,	4.16202,
		0.352069,  0.437672,  1.49136,	 1.54866,
		4.65797,   3.70002,	 3.47888,	3.36337,
		7.54734,   6.99339,	 4.76161,	4.24589,
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Replies: >>177 >>182
I should have given ff00c1d57a21e8ba as a second example, because what I gave is also matched by your filter.
It hasn't been too tedious on my end, but I've been stopping them in other ways that involve less whack-a-mole. I'll have to peek at your source code and see if your method works for me sometime. With regards to imagemagick, GraphicsMagick just werks for me, your mileage may vary.

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/animu/ has been requesting a news board in their meta thread and it seems like some anons are upset with anoncafe's /k/ along with /tv/ being used for news. When I asked loleron he responded with a(n understandable) strong no. I believe a news board would be a headache for any site due to its implications, but in the interest of anons repeatedly bringing it up after being shot down, I would like to request a /news/ board I can moderate here on trashchan. If it's a hard no, I fully understand why, and I don't hold that against you. As stated elsewhere, it will be advertised as existing if made.

Reposting the board application I used on PLW:
Email: takenbake at protonmail
Name: /n/ (or /happening/ or /news/) 
Description: IT'S HAPPENING (or just "Journalism & News")
Default anon name: /n/ewsman (or /news/man)
Tags: Journalism, News, HAPPENING, Recent Events
>1) Board is for Journalism & News - Thread OPs must either be news or personal investigative journalism into a topic. [1]
>2) Pundits are journalists.
>3) Moderation reserves the right to ban troublemakers.
>4) No Doxxing. Publicly available information is not doxxing. State your sources when using publicly available information to avoid an accidental ban.
>5) No schizos.
>6) Events and happenings are news. 
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Generally the lolcow sorts. You know them when you see them.

That's fine, figured I'd ask. I'm not particularly attached to the idea.
>or as nu/pol/.
Yes that's my primary concern and why I'm not pursuing this very hard. Unfortunately it would almost certainly end up with that sort of reputation as a news aggregate board, but trying to police politics would make the place too much work.
>Also, by advertising you mean this?
>I'm a gatekeeper type, I've seen too many things ruined by the hordes of normalfags.
I'm more of the "live and let live" sort but your concerns are understandable.
Thanks for the fast response.
Replies: >>25 >>28
I'm one of the other anons from the aforementioned threads
While I see where you're coming from with this decision, I'd also like to see some more boards in general on the webring, especially for topics that aren't already being discussed on a specific board. Frankly, it's kind of bothersome that the only few places to talk about current world events is a couple of threads on a gun's and gun'sbrasters board and on an alternative anime board.
As >>24 states I am also fearful of the possibility of attracting /pol/shit or /leftypol/shit, but it's practically part and parcel of dealing with world news. If anything, a moderately populated discussion board is much more defensible from their kind, as the amount of posters that don't fall for niggerpill is significantly higher in places that let them speak more freely.

Speaking of, how is a board that is being held beck by gatekeeping practices supposed to grow in size? I hope I am not coming off as uncouth, I'm just curious about how it can get an userbase by means other than advertising it in the right locations.
Replies: >>26 >>28
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> I'd also like to see some more boards in general on the webring, especially for topics that aren't already being discussed on a specific board.

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>but trying to police politics would make the place too much work.
Also, if you police not enough, anons will be butthurt about why don't you remove that, if you police too much, they will be butthurt about that. Add any kind of /pol/ content, and you just made the problem 1000 times worse. Finding a balance requires a lot of work, if it's possible at all, so if you're not ready for that, it's probably better if we don't have this board.
>I'm more of the "live and let live" sort
I'm too, as long as they're outside and don't bother me. The problem is that they're usually not that kind, so if you let them in, they'll immediately start to force their ideas on you. Also pic related.

>a moderately populated discussion board is much more defensible from their kind
The less populated the board, the more defensible is, because /cow/tard attention whores generally ignore them. If you want to do this on a board with more than two anons, you need rock solid moderation to remove any derailing /pol/shit attempts on sight, but at that point you're dangerously in rulecucking waters.
>how is a board that is being held beck by gatekeeping practices supposed to grow in size?
I'm not of a muh PPH guy, if I have a sparsely popu
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