>Is the scout system in Victory that different than in the Re;Birth games? I'm asking since I hear the Re;Birth games used Victory as a template to a fault at times.
Extremely. It's not like Victory had the Plan system either.
More or less, you had a menu where you could send out Scouts, which you started with a couple of. They each had their own stats and gained levels as they came back with information (I believe they only gained EXP if you accepted their report, which becomes a problem as I'll explain later). Each dungeon had its own "travel time", which meant that was the amount of "time" that had to pass for a Scout to come back with info while also being the amount of time that would pass for Scouts if you entered it. …which more or less just meant that you constantly went in and out of dungeons in order to get the reports.
You paid them different amounts of credits while sending them out to supposedly get better reports out of them but it's all RNG except for the items they could come back with being based on that amount paid so it's even more aggravating. When they returned they would either come back with some credits of their own, items (many of which were only obtainable via the Scout system), or trigger a change in the dungeon. Some of these changes made it into the Re;Birth games as item shift and enemy shift. Others included increased EXP and such.
The thing is, the Scouts could randomly be lying to you and then their report would actually have a negative effect. Also, you could send out a ton of them at one time, but you could only have one report active at once for any given dungeon. Yet the active reports went away on dungeon entry/exit anyways. So you always sent out a bunch of scouts to the same dungeon and mashed through the report screen until one of them gave the effect you actually wanted and then hoped they weren't lying.
Now, because this wasn't silly enough on its own, each dungeon also had a flag in it you had to physically go in and raise/lower to get different results. This would determine what items popped up for harvest shift, what level of stronger enemies there were, etc.
Oh yeah, since there was no Plan system, the numerous extra dungeons that you might know from R;B3 had to be unlocked by RNG. Scouts would have to report back saying they had found a dungeon, but it was very rare. Same with them coming back with other Scouts, one of the only ways to increase your Scout count.
As you can tell by my far too lengthy explanation it was a flat out mess that served to do nothing except give the player annoyances and I am incredibly thankful for Plans.