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This whole room stinks like grape cough syrup.
You lift your head out of the puddle of dried vomit on the floor and look around in the dim light.
You see a cell. A bed. A sink. A toilet. And behind you a heavy metal door.
You are wearing an orange boiler suit, like prisoners wear. The numbers that you know once were on the chest of this suit have been blacked out with some sort of dye, or maybe a marker.
Your hands are badly burned, and your body hurts all over.
You don't remember anything about who you are, or what this place is.
Clearly, a prison of some kind.
It is deathly quiet all around.

A. Try to open the door.
B. Holler in hopes of getting someone's attention.
C. Search the cell for signs of your identity.
Replies: >>1430
>>1429 (OP) 
Replies: >>1431
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You notice small white crystals accumulated around the air duct.
You notice stringy bits of half digested beef and carrots in the puddle of vomit on the floor.
The steel plate screwed to the wall above the sink, once polished to work as a mirror, is now covered in some sort of chalky white scale.
Checking under the mattress you find a rolled up and well used issue of Playboy Latam from January 2029, a cheap fantasy novel called "The Spirit of the Elk" with a library sticker on the spine. On the inside cover a stamp reads "PROPERTY OF KELLER PRIVATE PRISON CORPORATION" This has been striked out with black marker.
You notice a piece of paper folded inside the book. It seems to be a rough draft of a letter.

"Dear To Whom It May Concern at the Adm Innocence Project of the USA

I write to you not because I am innoci innocent, but because I believe I have s I have served the term of my sentence, but have not been released. Several years ago I was transfered from the Federal Prison in Macon County to this other prison. I am not sure what it is called or how long I have been here. There are no windows. By the time I lost count of the days it was already pas I was scheduled for release on April 28th of 2031. I have committed no infractions and been a well behaved prisoner for the entirety of my term.
Please help me. If this is not the appropriate agency group to contact please forward my letter to the right one. They do not give us mail or let us send anything. I'm going to do my damnedest darnedest to get this letter out of the place and"

The letter ends unfinished. You must have been interrupted by something.
You search further under the bed, and find a crushed pack of cigarettes. Inside there are three cigarettes, two nicotine pouches, and four one dollar bills. Presumably the sum of your worldly wealth.
You collect your belongings.

A. Try to open the door.
B. Holler in hopes of getting someone's attention.
C. Pass some time by reading The Spirit of the Elk
Replies: >>1433
Inventory Updated
>Prison Boiler Suit (WORN)
>Prison Shoes (WORN)
>Playboy Latam - January 2029
>The Spirit of the Elk
>Letter to the Innocence Project
>Crushed Cigarette Pack
<3 cigarettes
<2 nicotine pouches
<$4 US
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