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These greatest allies of imageboards will be assembling a team together. We still need ideas for our roster though.
Replies: >>250 >>1327 >>3348
>>249 (OP) 
Oh damn, I wasn't expecting you guys to reply. Glad to have you in! That is one heck of an emblem, the color coordination is sublime!
What should the team even be called? Just "/late/+/comfy/" sounds a little boring.
Replies: >>254
I've got the perfect anthem already.[Embed]
I tried assembling a nice team of /late/ and /comfy/ stuff, what do you think?
>City Lights
>Take it easy!
>Nap Time
>Tea Time
>Sweet Dreams
>Hot Chocolate
>Good Morning!

>Sleeping Bag
>Comfy Dog
Replies: >>560
I think naming it /late/ & /comfy/ would be fine, we don't need anything complicated.
goal horn[Embed]
What should our kits be? Comfy pyjamas?
The team's wiki page has been created.
The name structure of this team is kind of fucking with how the templates on the Wiki call images and whatnot, do you mind if I just call you guys /RELAX/ and just mention that both /late/ and /comfy/ are behind this team?
Replies: >>296 >>299 >>303
Either that or /chill/ would be nice.
t. rarely use either board
(It'd be more comfy in lowercase)
Replies: >>300
good point
Idk about this, shouldn't the wiki accomodate teams and not teams accomodate the wiki? Anyway, i think /late+comfy/ or even /latecomfy/would be better than /relax/.
Replies: >>304
That's a good point...
What if their page is just called /latecomfy/ or /late&comfy/?
Replies: >>305 >>307
That would be better, imo.
Replies: >>307
/latecomfy/ works. I'll do the switch.
Replies: >>317
Thanks, lad
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>still no official team
Replies: >>328
Relax, man
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I made some kits, what do you think?
Replies: >>515 >>517 >>518
they look comfy as fug
/fascist/ has to play against you guys when you're wearing your second kit, its too good an opportunity to pass up
Put the logo on them and they're perfect.
Replies: >>520
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Here's another one based more on the emblem
Replies: >>556
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Replies: >>556
This for the goalie

These for outfield players
Replies: >>559
To be honest, you only NEED one main kit, it can double for the gk's too. But it's standard practice to provide at least a GK and Primary Kit, with Secondary kits and other kits being provided as extras.
pleas respond
Replies: >>562 >>563 >>580
I responded over in the /comfy/ thread I think, it sounds good!
I like it to be honest. But what about /comfy/? Did you send it to them?
Replies: >>574
they did, here u go
Looks good, I think /ita/ still has gondola though, so you might have to swap him out.
Replies: >>592
If the host doesn't care about it, we could just have Gondola for both /ita/ and /cafe/.
Replies: >>593 >>610
We could just use a female version, "Gondolina" Also can we please agree on a name?
Gondalina is nice. Maybe something like 'serene gondola' could work too.
Our current official name is /latecomfy/
Replies: >>615
That's only for the wiki, our real name is /late/ & /comfy/.
Have to say I'm a little disappointed at the lack of jazz in our anthems.
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Ads for our comfy half.
Replies: >>1053
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And our late half
Replies: >>1054
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Oh, forgot to resize that one.
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And here we have our player cards
Replies: >>1197
Asked this on /late/ but asking it here as well: You guys do need one of your bench players to be a GK. Should I switch Gemütlichkeit to one to be compliant?
Replies: >>1199
hmm no, perhaps add another player... but who?
Replies: >>1200

Replies: >>1204
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He's pointing under this mitten I swear.
>>249 (OP) 
Comfy is the most relaxed board, until the time comes to whoop some ass THE WE GET ENERGIZED!
Replies: >>1328
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I think this is the right place to contact Dino. I suspect cockmail is getting temporarily blocked by mail servers due to low reputation, so emails are sometimes being dropped silently. I lost a job application because of it lol. switching email provider.

>Here's the updated Gondolina model.

>My guesses for issues:
>> Texture image for player should be compressed with DXT5 with mipmaps
>> Hair was colored with Blender materials, PES doesn't know what they are so materials are defined in the .xml and .mtl files using the textures.
Replies: >>1467 >>1469 >>1470
>compressed with DXT5 with
*exported with DXT5 compression, for .dds
>I lost a job application because of it
Which address did you use? I have that I use for job applications too so I'm worried
Replies: >>1471
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Thank you very much. I have made some progress on weight transferring and I can export via Arms export, but I have not gotten my .dds textures to work yet. Maybe DXT5 with mipmaps will do it. Pic is a test Lego player
Replies: >>1471
Yeah, it needs the right compression (I know its easy to do that format in GIMP when choosing as dds file). The other gotcha is that I think it has to have 2^x dimensions (like 1024x1024 or 2048x2048, which are 2^10 and 2^11)
The lego players can be a bit weird for the weight painting, since they are different shape to a person and so I made Yoda float a bit so his body parts like arms were close enough to the PES skeleton. I also made his whole leg the same type so they walk more like a lego player, kind of.
(I forget where but there was a list of what each weight represented, like left arm, right shoulder, although some are quite obvious.)

fire and air, although they all go through's mail server which I think is on
Maybe try using another service for critical stuff and try calling up to ask if they're received? It depends on the receiver's email service whether or not they go through, so a gmail might but an outlook might not, for example.
You can also go into settings (if using the web, otherwise find the equivalent on your email program) and enable delivery status notifcation or whatever, which quickly replies to your with a confirmation that the email was accepted. I've not turned this on by default.
Replies: >>1472 >>1473
>The lego players can be a bit weird for the weight painting
I just noticed the picture and manually painting them to be more static is a good idea that saves you hours of trouble for what ends up a glitchy mess no matter what. Ignore me, do that.
>I've not
I've now
>>249 (OP) 
where my /comfy/ homies at
Replies: >>3349
Right here
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Here are some changes being requested for /late/ & /comfy/
Victory anthem:[Embed]
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Portraits for Blankets and Gondolina
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Portraits for Tea Time, Nap Time and Good Morning!
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Sorry we've taken so long to get everything done, but it's looking like this is gonna be our roster >>>/comfy/7314 /
and we're gonna have one final model to be added >>>/comfy/7313
If nobody comes up with anything better in the next few hours then please just take this as official.
Replies: >>4043
Alternatively this model seems to work
Replies: >>4050
oh and since that's two versions the long dress version (with tippy on her head) would be better
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A couple more portraits
Replies: >>4071 >>4098
I can picture a player running around holding a tray of freshly baked cookies, if something like that could be put in the game that wood be a mazing.
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And Sweet Dreams! gets a portrait too.
Is there a cocoa model? I can't find one
Replies: >>4131 >>4140
There should be...
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Found a couple:
Replies: >>4141 >>4505
Cool, either of these will work. No rush of course.
Hey just wondering, has this been done?
Replies: >>4508
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read >>4424
i.e. if you wanted it done, you should have done it e.g. /v/
t. not /eris/fag
Replies: >>4510
K den. Would have done it if I had any idea how. Just thought it would be nice to have Chinos friend with her on the pitch.
Replies: >>4511
This page has the answer:
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