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My first attempt at a mountain.
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He was in a band
It's really interesting how you can get slightly different heights for them with different "leg" parts.
Replies: >>1240
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There's also the old-style one-piece minifig legs. They're one plate shorter than standard legs, which makes them the same height as the articulated "teenfig" legs.
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I've been kinda getting into Lego again after a few years, and I built this technical gun-truck, inspired by the ones in District 9. What do you guys think?

That's actually really cool, mate! Simple yet really beautiful.

That's beautiful! I hope you don't mind, but I'll be stealing that for future MOC apartments. And even if you did mind, I'd steal it anyways - it's fucking rad, and the way you implemented those sliding doors is awesome.
Post more cute Lego girls

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How do you feel about them? Do you think recent ones are doing good at their role?
What do you think is the best one? I like those that are mainly bricks, with some slopes and jumpers/side studders thrown in.
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Replies: >>696
I've been pondering on how a new tub that balances new and old would work (we could submit it to ideas), As if there were 120 pcs for 12 colors  OR 14  of 110 (with the other 2 colors being special or shapeful pieces), or make enough special pieces to fill the gap and make it a round number.
1 Black
2 Blue
3 Dark Purple
4 Green
5 Light Bluish Gray & Dark Bluish Gray (between the 2 they have the piececount of 1 color or 1 and a half)
6,7 Lime & Medium Blue & Pink (have the piececount of two) 
8 Orange
9 Red
10 Reddish Brown & Tan (same as gray)
11 White
12 Yellow
Replies: >>696
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>>676 (OP) 
They make nice fillers to bulk out a collection and while the newer ones are excellent, I do miss the basic tubs of old. FreeStyle was the perfect theme for this and I still don't understand why this couldn't remain an evergreen theme - all Lego has to do is release a bucket of bricks and a few minifigs because the entire theme was all about creating wacky creatures/vehicles/whatever you wanted from generic bricks

I didn't get that particular one but I was gifted buckets of bricks and I'm so glad to have gotten into Lego through them.

That's a nice balance of practical and exciting colours, anon.
Replies: >>1290
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Lego is healing!
Rather, what I'm trying to say is, these new classic sets are an improvement. There is a higher proportion of common bricks. For the 333 piece ones, outside of some odd ones like the brown detail for this Ice cream or the wheel pieces, every piece is of the 6 colours highlighted on the box. Also the kind of pieces you get of each colour is nearly the same. All colours get the same amount of regular rectangular bricks, and while the decorative slopes differ, they are more or less the same amount.
Also, the biggest set takes the cake. It has less colors than previous ones (compare 10 to  to 11016's 30), which means you actually have a bunch of pieces in the same colour to actually build something (in previous sets you'd even get only a singe piece ). But maybe more importantly, it's all pure 1xn and 2xn bricks, all evenly distributed.>>696
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A lot of windows and doors and helpfully bricks for creating some buildings or for updating old city sets
Replies: >>1303
I like the blue translucent blocks.

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For all Bionicle media: biomediaproject.com
Comprehensive wiki: biosector01.com
Post your mocs or sets here!

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This theme doesn't seem to have as much praise or scorn as others of its time. And the make-over they got in 2004 doesn't help.
So what does anon think of Alpha Team, rightfully forgettable or unrealized potential that would have gotten to Ninjago levels?
Did you like the Team better, or Ogel and his drones?
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Hopefully this is of interest! The animation reel for TILT (Trans-International LEGO Team) is on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6T4tJFp_ZRk .
Replies: >>1103
Looking at that part with the drones dressed like outlaws, I think that they were meant to have a hat for each setting. Likely that was the Western level, wonder what other themes there might have been.
Replies: >>1111
>wonder what other themes there might have been
You should check this out anon https://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?/forums/topic/85196-very-surreal-alpha-team-prototype/ . According to the designers the levels would take place in different areas of a human sized house:
 >Mt Fridgy was a “snow and ice” freezer environment that included a lot of frozen foods: pizza boxes as platforms, ice cream tubs, things like that. The Boss was “Ol’ Blue Ice” and the Neanderthaws were frozen in blocks of ice. If you defrosted one, he’d starting walking in a forward line, swinging his club.
>The Roller Toaster was a roller-coaster “hot lava” environment. Roller coaster cars that looked like slices of bread would ride the rails and get toasted by hot pools of lava. The boss was King Crusty.
>Poodle Dreamland took place inside a dog pool. It was shades of pink and lavender, with topiary trees, and giant doggy bones. The boss was a killer poodle named Flea-Flea.
>Aromazona was a world of giant flowers, inside a flower pot.
Replies: >>1113
>while digging through the Alpha Team video game files, I found asset lists and files and other evidence that the game was intended to have two more zones than the final game. Details can be found here (along with more things posted later in this topic), but in short, Alpha Team at one point had Mountain and Moon (Space) zones, in addition to the four zones in the final game (Tropical Island, Subterranean, Undersea, and Arctic - all but Subterranean were turned into real LEGO sub-themes). I also found object listings for a "Cyberia" zone, and a "Neandert" listing under the section for enemies (more on that later)

Now the dev didn't recall any cyber sounding zone, but my guess is that is has to do with the part in the video with the mechanic and the insectoid turrets.
This might be off-topic, but how exactly can you datamine the LEGO Alpha Team Game (extract sound files, etc)?

Been trying to figure out how but the only possible way of doing it is enterily updated and doesn't function correctly

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Funny dark humor memes on lego!!!

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Information share thread - it may be a PDF, infographic, or just a link to a cool website.

>Classic Space Adventure
Fanmade online Classic Space Game
>1980's Something Space
Website dedicated to Classic Space
>Lego Star Wars Original Trilogy
The original Star Wars trilogy re-created in Lego. The catch? It was made in 1992, 7 years before Lego got the Star Wars IP
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Replies: >>1163
Replies: >>1164
Anyone have Brickvault studio files or instructions? Mainly aimed at the gunship and AT TE. The mega is no longer available
What happened to these videos? Did Advance Copenhagen take them down? What a shame, and there were other rare Lego ads there as well.

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Replies: >>382
>>279 (OP) 
That one was a fantastic commercial. There is so much energy in it it's incredible.
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Replies: >>417
That's a pretty accurate way to visualize how shitty the new 'launchable' helicopters from the City sets are.
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Tired of seeing all of this star wars and corporate sets just slaping a label on lego and do kids these days feel the same way?
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>- literal death of the "yellow & smiling" faces
That's been bothering me too.
It made my kid laugh and it's pretty silly. I'd rather watch that than some of the other kids shows. Hot Wheels City season 1 is in a similar vein.
Yellow smiling guy is peak comfy, now we get grimacing glasses guy or weird dirty faced sneering guy. Some of the new faces look lifted from the soyjack memes.
Replies: >>1284
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>Some of the new faces look lifted from the soyjack memes.
My family had a bunch of old medieval stuff when I was a kid, and for me that was the peak. The Rock Raiders theme never did anything for me, although when the Harry Potter stuff came around I remember thinking some of the creatures and whatnot looked pretty cool even if I hated Harry Potter and wouldn't have had any use for the human characters.

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Look at this mad cunt's fine work.
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any way to get the rct2 w/o spending money? i know there's the open version, but it seems to require you to have the game itself or a steam account to obtain the necessary assets.
Replies: >>803
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this might help
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Can i say the new trainsets fucking suck? Rc was a upgrade for me because it was easier to integrate with arduino but now they fucked everything up with fucking bluetooth. Also what the fuck is the new cargo train they used to make these carry like petrol, containers, ores, veichles... not fucking flowers and solar panels
Replies: >>1282
Do the solar panels at least function? Are they able to power the train?
Replies: >>1283
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He is talking about the printed part that has been used for flags, windows and (many times) for solar panels.

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Post comfy pics, sets, stories, etc
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I had a dream last night that I was in a lego store, it was like there was some sort of convention in a mall or similar and the lego store was seemingly a part of it, maybe some kinda event, it looked kinda dark inside and there were some guys reading in there and browsing lego sets and making comparisons and stuff
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Its been thick with fog so I can barely see the opposite side of the street and raining for 3 days straight. Feeling very comfy just sorting my pieces and listening to the pattering of the rain on my roof.
Thought this was a unibomber cabin at first.
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Does this count as comfy enough? I built a house with my gf, trying to make it actually pretty comf.

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