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Post any high res logos or box art you come across
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Replies: >>887
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Nice, but it looks like you forgot to post the best Lego theme. Don't worry, I'm here to fix it.
Replies: >>902 >>1293
God I miss canisters

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How many have you played, if any? Generally speaking I'm quite sour with TT after the unfinished mess that was the Hobbit game. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they have a day-one DLC for that one? What sad times we must be living in where even Lego is not safe from the ravages of the modern video game market.
Anyway, holy shit do I wish they would do my ideas for Lego games, which they have done a bit of in LotR and Clone Wars. I also want to see Legos torture and murder each other, and I DO NOT want them speaking anything comprehensible. I want to crucify Lego dissidents for the glory of my Lego empire. I want to massacre entire cultures that happened to be in my way. Kids would eat that shit up because kids like edge, and parents generally don't give a fuck anymore what their children play. How would an E/E10+ FPS fair, do you think? Lego Sims-clone?
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>I'd like to believe that I've played all of them up to 2011
Impressive. What flash games are you missing? I have loads downloaded and would share them here if you want. 
>Lego Star Wars: The Video Game perfected the TT formula
I replayed the complete saga not so long ago and I was shocked at how badly it had held up. It wasn't as fun or as good looking as I remembered, while other videogames of the time had aged nicely. It's very barebones, along with the other copied and pasted TT games like Indiana Jones and Batman. Indiana Jones 2 and Harry Potter pushed it further forward in that they added new features, but I haven't completed them yet. They are really enjoyable so far. LOTR is almost like a completely different formula and I don't know what to make of it. Some new features are nice, but others feel like they were added just to bloat the game a bit.

Battles is surprisingly fun and addictive. I didn't enjoy the very similar Warcraft: Orcs & Humans but the more streamlined Battles allows for quick and fast-paced levels. I'll have to remember to come back to this and decompile the .nds file so I can get that sweet concept art unlockables out of it.

http://the-eye.eu/public/rom/ is a good place to find older games. Just select which s
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Replies: >>583 >>618
I'm missing the majority of non Bionicle flash games, like Exo-Force, Lego City and Creator. If you have any of the Mars Mission games, they would be greatly appreciated.

>I replayed the complete saga not so long ago and I was shocked at how badly it had held up.
Playing the complete saga was the problem here. It opens with some of the worst levels on offer and one of the worst hubs (in my opinion). Do yourself a favor and play through the video game, rather than the complete saga. It's far more entertaining.
Only played the first Bionicle flash game, an Alpha Team flash (I think), and the Star Wars prequel trilogy on the Gamecube. Granted, when it comes to the latter, I really don't like Star Wars as a series anymore; haven't in years. But I always thought that the force mechanic as a concept perfectly integrated with the deconstruction/reconstruction aspect, in a way that the premise for most later licensed Lego games never quite struck me as doing. While I know not every character could use it, I think the "mind over matter" part, that the character had a vision of exactly how they wanted it to look and didn't even have to touch the bricks to implement it, was the key factor.

>My Favorite always has and always will be MNOG.
It wasn't much of a "game" (well, any more than most point and click adventures, anyhow), but it did a great job not only helping to build up a world behind the actual sets of the time, but also letting the player feel involved in it. Heard the second flash was a complete mess, which strikes me as a shame.
listing only the full-on games and not all the flash on lego.com
>lego star wars I and II
pretty good, played them to death though, don't think I will ever do it again
>lego harry potter 1-4 and 5-7
it's okay, don't remember much about it but it's alright
>lego star wars clone wars
not my cup of tea but I see why people like it
>lego pirates of the caribbean
played like two levels at my cousin's house, seemed fun
>lego creator knights' kingdom
bought it as a kid thinking it would be a fun lego castle game but it turned out to be just a lame ass program for setting up "scenes". I think I cried.
>lego racers
my absolute favourite(though I might be nostalgiafagging since it was one of my first games ever). Still play through it every couple of months(it takes like an afternoon). great soundtrack, great classic themes, great pace. only problems are 10IQ opponents and weird car handling
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Merry Christmas from /co/!
Replies: >>808
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>>805 (OP) 
Thanks /co/mrades
Replies: >>813
And a Happy New Year.
Those forestmen torsos work surprisingly well for elves. Was this an entry for the 2020 challenges >>198 ?
Replies: >>818
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Thanks, I used the same design for a moc I made last year (that was a contest entry for the /lg/), pic related

The one with the frozen Islanders was just for fun though. I like to make a Christmas moc every year

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What do you think of Red Star Games? They're a small group of BIONICLE fans who write content for tabletop games based off BIONICLE. Their most expansive and most complete project at the moment is Doronai Nui, a D20-based role playing game inspired by the Metru Nui saga. They are also working on material for Barranai Nui, a BIONICLE-themed skirmish game based off the 8th edition of Warhammer 40,000, and Heroes of the Stars, a rules-light RPG based off the franchise's second generation.

What do you think about these people and their projects, /lego/? Do you or would you play any of their games?
Replies: >>752
Never heard of it. Thanks for the tip. Where can I buy this game?
Replies: >>751
Just look at the link in the subject line.(redstargames.org) The game is free, they're not able to put money by it since they're not officially affiliated with LEGO.
>>749 (OP) 
Seems like an interesting project and an example of what direction the Bionicle community should take. Majority of the Bionicle fanbase seems obsessed with the lore and the finer elements of it, but they're kidding themselves if they think they aren't beating a dead horse at this point. Creative projects like this that take the IP elsewhere (even if not officially) and keeps the community healthy as well as creating a whole new avenue of exploration for artists, builders, or even just story tellers. 

As for the game itself, I'm not too big on the idea of using actual figures in-game; miniatures would be better adapted for this but I understand why they haven't implemented this. Finding someone to play this with must be a pain because they have to not only be into Bionicle and /tg/ stuff, but also have a decent selection of existing Lego pieces and I can't see there being that many people out there.
Replies: >>806
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>Miniatures would be better adapted for this
Are the minifigures from the playsets close enough to miniatures? It would be easy enough to build scenery and obstacles from LEGO bricks, and the figures themselves are mostly compatible with regular LEGO. This makes them very customizable, more so than most "real" gaming miniatures. I'm honestly surprised there aren't more custom BIONICLE minifigures on the market, especially given the popularity of 3D printing.
Replies: >>812
Damn I forgot about these guys. If only Lego didn't half ass the minifig scale sets and we may have gotten more characters. The 2001 Toa would've been cool to have.

These were posted to /toy/ but I feel they're better suited here so I'll post them here instead
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Agents is a really underrated theme
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Are you going to vote for uncle-anon, or do you have different strategy?
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You know I don't bother with bonkle fans that much but I happened to see what happened in the last canon contest (the one for Helryx). It's little wonder AFOLs ignore the Bionicle fanbase, and that's because the majority of them are whiny faggots that obsess over a dead toyline. Nothing you hand them will ever be good enough for them, they'll constantly bitch about how it isn't good enough or how Lego should do more to recognise them. Bionicle sales were dipping by 2005 and the franchise was slowly dying. Sure, G2 was mishandled, but that still doesn't explain for the piss poor sales it had or the blinding truth that the early years were simply a craze kids went through before moving onto the next one. Of course Bionicle fans interpret this as proof that everything Lego was doing during this time was flawless and Lego should just copy what they done and redo Bionicle in the current year. In many ways they're like that classic castle/space fan you can find lurking old forums or LUGs that insist that Lego should just re-release multicoloured generic spacemen or blue knights versus red knights ad infinitum. Sorry for the rant OP

That is a very nice looking Bionicle MOC though, I feel many bonk MOCs try to mask the technic pieces (in the way some system builders cover everything with tiles to avoid exposed studs) but I personally prefer the more technic approach - it looks suitably mechanical unlike CCBS.
Replies: >>654 >>656
>Bionicle sales were dipping by 2005
Lego themselves said in their backstage documentary that it was one of the best selling themes, even in 2008.
Replies: >>655
I'm not denying that, I was saying that the sales were dipping compared to previous figures. Although I have no real evidence to provide, I suspect this was because the Bionicle craze was over and a chunk of children grew up or moved onto something else. Core fans still stuck around though, which is why bonks still sold well.
>the early years were simply a craze kids went through before moving onto the next one
Well, that has always been the case with LEGO themes. Space went through the same thing, but what really set Bionicle apart was the story they've built for the theme. It wasn't just robot action figures that you could build, they were robot action figures who fought in an intercontinental, interplanetary war to save their god from eternal slumber, who in turn just happened to be a giant walking, talking exploration vessel built by mysterious beings who might just be humans like you and me. It had a gigantic sense of scale that went beyond just the sets, but I won't deny that after ten long years it kind of fizzled out. Toys are being replaced by tablets, and even Star Wars merch, LEGO or not, is collecting dust on shelves nowadays.
Replies: >>657
Even Lego seems to have noticed this trend and are desperate to keep kids interested in physical  toys with their recent AR gimmicks. If you ask me trying to mix digital games and physical toys is never going to work, how are you supposed to compete against video games and TV rolled into one convenient package?

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Starting with this. Who the fuck came up with this? It almost fucked Exo Force over.
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Replies: >>173 + 1 earlier
>>154 (OP) 
I had a Knight's Kingdom figure and these joints would always worm their way apart when you played with them. I can understand why they went with a clicky joint (stable poses) but it was still fucking annoying.>>154 (OP) 
Replies: >>176
And they were so stiff when new, which made it even worse - when I got my first (and only) Bionicle, my mind was blown away by the ball joints that allowed a greater choice of movement. I wish they'd gone for the more Bionicle route for the big figures.
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Super jumpers.
Replies: >>612
Has anyone ever got one of these working?
Replies: >>620
The minifigures jumped with the super jumpers. But it was hard to remove from the legs; some people said that the jumper broke their minifig.

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OK who of you is looting Lego sets in the middle of the riots?
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I mean, it's better than breaking stuff but come on.

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Posting these for the anons on /lg/ that were interested in them.

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