Well, sorry. You(?) said that C++ is not helping you with a design problem, and that you don't struggle with languages, so I suggested taking a peek at some languages that are radically different to open your mind to how things can be done differently in the language you're already using, not necessarily that you should rebuild everything in a different language for its own sake, which you would know if you read my post. The idea that all programming languages are effectively interchangeable is a flawed one probably propagated by OOP-oriented language dominance in universities and the industry. In a nobler less pants-on-head retarded time, Scheme (LISP dialect) was required learning in American computer science courses, now it's all OOP-only C/++/#, Python, and sometimes Java, and see where that got us.
Remember, there is a tool for every use case. Besides domain-specific languages, almost every programming language tries to be a Swiss Army knife, and all of them fail, some harder than others. Sometimes using one language to do one problem is like using English words to write Japanese. That doesn't mean that you have to move to Japan and integrate, but it can mean that learning a bit of Japanese may show you how to better express certain things in English. Do you get what I'm saying?