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Keep at it, Anon!

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1. Respect the global rules.
2. The board is SFW. Mature content should be spoilered.
3. Avoid shitposting and modernspeak (based, -pilled, etc.). This is a place of creation and should be treated as such.
4. Discussion regarding the board itself should be taken to the meta thread >>1.
5. Have fun.

The board was set up merely a bunker and repository for developers, waiting for 8chan to come back online, but since it's in the process of committing sudoku, this could be your new home.

List of other bunkers:
Last edited by sleepy
11 replies and 3 files omitted. View the full thread
Where's that link that explains what happened to the agdg community after the exodus? About splitting into groups and whatnot?
I can't find it.

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Post what you're working on, won't you?

Previous thread: >>123
162 replies and 99 files omitted. View the full thread
Have you considered applying a LPF on lower sounds and a HPF on higher sounds?
Replies: >>1930
I tried to look those up since they seem useful in general (for example underwater or distant sounds), but I couldn't find a clear examples about how to implement them.

On a different note, I tried to add a delay to one channel, and I'm shocked at how effective it is. Even if the volume isn't modified at all, it totally sounds like the sound is coming from the side.
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Managed to release the game unfortunately it's not very good. 
Nearly all the sprites I did went to waste. Two weeks wasn't enough time.

Here's a bunch of animations I made.

Getting back to work on my art and Kasha vs. Kritters.
Replies: >>1934 >>1935
That screen filter makes my eyes and brain bleed.
I told you (or not you) that animation is the last thing you do.

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Is the original 8/agdg/ owner in charge of this board, or was it started by someone else?

Also all-purpose meta thread I guess.
193 replies and 46 files omitted. View the full thread
Basically what I need is my personal spiritual encouragement person who makes me feel bad for disappointing them. Maybe that's why religious people achieved so much greatness in the past, because they wanted God to think well of them.
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What's your excuse in 2025, /agdg/ ?  :D
Replies: >>1864
I didn't know there was morse code for backspace.
Replies: >>1931
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It does have control codes but nothing that'd map directly to backspace so that's probably a custom macro.
The closest to a normal backspace here would be Correction but that still has different semantics.
>and just like that, we're so back

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As the title says. Anyways, here's mine:

- i5 2th gen (2c/4t)
- 8gb ddr3 ram (2x4)
- 256 gb ssd (sata)
- Manjaro (gnome DE)

It's okay for some development with python..
35 replies and 2 files omitted. View the full thread
>AMD Ryzen 7 2700
>4x8GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4
>MSI Radeon RX 5700 XT 8GB
>512GB Samsung PM951 NVMe SSD
>500GB Samsung 850 EVO SATA SSD
>8TB Seagate Barracuda SATA HDD
>Devuan Daedalus 5 (Debian Buster 12)
p much no problems, all the problems i've had are as a result of debian with its old packages and not devuan without systemd
overall i'm happy
For Heaven's sake if any of you are about to build/upgrade a computer, do NOT get two of a kind storage devices.
Replies: >>1912
Not in insurmountable task, but I did give myself a chuckle installing a few SSDs of the same make and size and trying to sort it out by UUID later. Wouldn't do it again on purpose unless trying my luck building a NAS box or something.
Replies: >>1914
It's not a big deal once you're actually using the machine, but certain Linux graphical installers (and even sometimes the CLI install) change their mind about which of the twin drives gets what nvme number partway through installation. I thought I was going nuts or that my ADHD was rewriting my memories, but I have recorded installations where nvme0 and nvme1 swap places during the automatic part of the install and would you know it, I've lost a Windows install that way twice before.
Possible but probably not? You sound like you use giant cpu towers and high-end gpus which are giant anyway.

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So up until now, we've had a lot (lol) of off-topic posting, a lot a one-and-done "how do I make game tho" posts in various threads, especially the meta and progress threads. This is now the new dumping ground for those posts. Do try to put some effort into your posts though, you'll get more responses and won't have to face the wrath of jacked Carmack and his dragon dildo sword+2 that way.
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Dwarf Fortress is a massively complex game but it's much easier to make in 2D. TABS is an arcade meme game but easier to make in 3D. Complexity is unrelated, it's specific features that determine it.
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Merry Christmas /agdg/
May you use this extra time this week to master Blender, and help you're are waifu make The Big Escape(tm)(R)(C)(Pat Pending)(Do not steal) in teh realworld!

>ps. I'm really glad you survived to make here to Trashchan, Bros! Cheers.  :)
Replies: >>1814 >>1817
Merry Christmas to you too, anon!
Merry Christmas, Chobitsu.
Replies: >>1819
You too, brother. Cheers.  :^)

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Found or thought of something interesting or helpful related to game development or design? Post it here.
113 replies and 50 files omitted. View the full thread
I try first then use the AI, it's just an easier google search
Replies: >>1759
That says more about the current state of search engines than anything else.
I finally got some time to work on stuff but I'm so drained.
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Replies: >>1788
Great stuff.

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Tenative Name : Uncommon Time Retuned

Demo day builds (Latest at feb 13th) :

I am doing a full rewrite/edit of Feralpheonix's game Uncommon Time. In addition to the purging of literal-faggotry and tumblrshit, it cuts filler and adds in new story elements. Included are more main characters, a few new side characters, real villains, and gives the both the player and characters more agency in their actions.

For the gameplay side, spells from all fronts are being tweaked to make them more useful. Characters that were otherwise shit for one reason or another are changed up to be better. Yanfly Engine Ace scripts are added, so the party limit has increased to 7, and there are various other additions to make the game better. as well as a few oversights with the scripts that I need to work around to make time less-wasted

>why are you doing this?
To prove to myself I can emotionally get over my nodev status and make "something big".

>You're not gonna fuck up Teagan, right?
Hell no, she's still snide and critical as ever. In the rewrite, she's a legit monk instead of a "fighter", no longer a carbon copy of whatever anime character FP used to template Teagan, and will still be critical about the party over their shitty playing. And for you glorious waifufags, I got you covered, fam.
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10 replies and 3 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>369 >>381 + 1 earlier
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>>279 (OP) 
Is there an archive of threads, past "fan" games/content, and/or an archive of the 2015 stream(s)? I've only been able to find a handful of those. Thanks.
It's dead, isn't it? 
A shame. Even cuckchan could finish their SJW parody game.
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>>279 (OP) 
None of the Undertale AUs /v/ermin and quasi-normalshits have made have been even close to the original in quality, so I doubt this will really make Toby Phoenix eat hir heart out, but they're still fun to play I guess.
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>mezzo is a trap
i thought you were going to REMOVE the gay from the game

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>What is demo day?
A seasonal community event in which your fellow nodev anons show off their projects, and for you anons to do what you do best.

>That is?
Play our vidya, and tell us how we can improve, show us the untapped potential you see, tell us how much our game sucks (or doesn't, after you've played it of course), and why it does or doesn't suck.

Please post criticisms/bugs/etc in this very thread.
Last edited by Hidden User
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Consider this your ANCHOR POST.
Link your submissions to this post.
sleepy/v/ thread is up:
Make a duplicate post over there with your submission.
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I was not prepared!
Replies: >>1632
Take your time. There is no rush.

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Post what you're working on.
501 replies and 320 files omitted. View the full thread
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I want to make some assets to put into my game, but I don't know what to make so I decided to try to design the home map first, and I got demotivated super fast. It's harder than I thought.

Making a map by itself isn't hard, but it's hard to figure out what I want the player to do. I have a vague idea of the player finding items for some upgrades/unlocks (like more storage containers or a better crafting table or something), but I'm not sure what. And when I started drawing a house, I feel like there's way too many containers, I want the player to feel very restricted by inventory space at first and then build/unlock more containers. It's as if I need to make the game first and then design the map, but then I'm running into a chicken and egg problem: I don't know what content to put into the game because I don't have a map design, but I don't know what kind of map to make because I don't have content.

Maybe I can just design a "final" map, and then remove most of it? Like I can put a fridge into my house design, but in-game it's not there and you'd have to first unlock it. Or an entire room is blocked/broken and you need to build it. Or you start out with a bathroom (which feels pointless, but also weird if there isn't one), but can upgrade it into an chemistry lab later.

There's also the problem that I kinda want the player to be able to build as many storage containers as they feel like gathering resources for (I don't think having a hard storage cap is very fun in
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Replies: >>1588 >>1589
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Are you trying to invent cataclysm:dark days ahead?

Why not just make everything into a storage? All existing items have to be stored somewhere, and a lot of items are both storages and "items". So simply register every item, by ID/pointer into its storage space. On loading, recursively load all used storages, starting from "the world". 
Its actually important part of the interface. Depending on number of items/buttons, game might start lagging, if every button pressed checks every other button location against it. You will need to separate them into containers anyway. 
And with everything being a container of their own, you can have "hidden" part, where item stores materials its made of.  

>how to ID
You either use half assed system, or make a proper all encompassing item ID system. 
> I want to refer to the inventory by it's name
You dont mean, you literally search all existing items via std::string or something like that?
Replies: >>1589
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I just realized that the way I explained it doesn't make any sense because I left out context. Those functions in reality are create_iteminfo() and create_inventoryinfo().

The way my stuff is organized is that I have objects and infos. The info represents the object's type and has all the static information about it, like name and description and sprite, you only modify those at game startup. The object has per-object information, like how many items are in an item stack, they are actual objects that exist in the world.

Pic related are the actual, un-edited data structures for my items. What I'm talking about is creating an Iteminfo, and connecting the relevant Inventoryinfoid into it. I don't need or want to store the inventory info's string ID into the item info, I just want the numerical ID, but the item info may be created before the inventory info so the numerical ID wouldn't exist yet.

>Are you trying to invent cataclysm:dark days ahead?
Not sure what makes you think that.
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New bread.

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Welcome to
The Second GAMEJAM!

You know the rules. This month-long jam ends on 4/4. Try to make a game based around the theme, and good luck!
<Current theme
Asteroids (1979) with your own unique twist.

>What's this?
A short exercise in creativity. Make a game in thirty days. Link your submission to the anchor post below on 4/4 or whenever you feel you're ready. Hopefully, it'll turn into a recurring event.
Because it'll give you a chance to unrust and improve your skills, and a short project helps with burnout on a longer one.
>What do I need?
Whatever language or engine you use is up to you. The only restrictions are that you need to make a game based on the current theme before the deadline.
>How do I make game?
If you really don't know where to start, give Lazyfoo's SDL2 tutorials a look.
Last edited by sleepy
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63 replies and 29 files omitted. View the full thread
It just I did everything alright the first time, but it didnt work, so I have to redo it over and over, until I learned that I simply used radians instead of degrees. Not the first time angles fuck me up, its like every fucker invented his own measurement system for them. Yeah, I should have known that this thing uses fucking quaternions, and not degrees, and I am totally heard of them before.  
I spend few hours trying to figure out why textures dont work, and it turns out directX cannot keep textures in memory, if you resize the window. Do you know how hard it is to fix a problem, if you did everything right, but something slightly related has some weird quirk? 
But the good news is, its basically done, and I needed that stuff anyway.
Replies: >>1196
>Unrust on your math skills a bit and you'll be capable of pretty awesome complexity.
That reminds me, does anyone have some relevant math resources they'd recommend? I ended up using a function for circle-line distance in >>1160 that I don't understand and I figure developing a stronger foundation will be important.
>Do you know how hard it is to fix a problem, if you did everything right, but something slightly related has some weird quirk? 
The last missing piece of the puzzle always seems to take the longest to find! Looking forward to playing your game anon.
Replies: >>1197
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>maths distance
Its always the basic geometry and right triangles. 

//lazy square distance
if (abs((int) _a1.posX - (int)_a2.posX) <= 2 ) {
	if (abs((int) _a1.posY - (int) _a2.posY) <= 2) {

You basically check x1-x2 first (and mod it to get positive values), if its below threshold("radius") it collides. And than do it for Y too, because its faster to separate them. 

//advanced distance
/*	if (sqrt(pow(TargetX - posX, 2) + pow(TargetY - posY, 2) * 1.0) <= 5) {
It just works.
Replies: >>1198 >>1199
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In case first image is 100% transparent for you too.
Replies: >>1199
Ah, thanks for the explanation.

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