>2D is easier because making a 2D asset is easier
>Almost all 2D art is made by hand
>2d art is easier than 3d
And your source for that information is what exactly?
>waste of effort unless you're planning to zoom
What an amazing insight, especially as a rebuttal for my points.
>Actors, like pedestrians. Maybe a monster attacking it, sine he talked about "spooky" version. I used skeletal animation as the example of superiority of 3d, over pure sprite based games.
Can you read, son?
And I can make walking cycle for a pedestrian in 5 minutes in blender, its super fucking easy.
What is easier, walking or driving? Of course walking, because effort is too hard, and choosing short term convenience, over long term productivity is easy. And never plan ahead, why make it harder on yourself today, if you can make it impossible for yourself tomorrow.
You have no idea what you are talking about. And let me guess, you think he should use assembler, because its the proper way to do it, because its how transport tycoon was made?