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Reeeddit onion clone that respects your privacy and free speech.


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Arch Linux, very light setup.
It runs in boot, at about 165 MiB of ram, at takes only 5 to 10 seconds to boot.
Replies: >>601
>>599 (OP) 
Well kane, looks alright can't really say anything bad. What is the theme to mkae your folders look old like that its actually dank. 

But only suggestions:
Change your time to GMT UTC+00:00 like tails and whonix uses
[code] timedatectl set-timezone Etc/UTC

>privacybadger in firefox
why even?

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The BitChan beta just got released and is looking for people to try it out. It's a decentralized imageboard that runs on top of BitMessage. You can create and completely control your own public or private board, globally moderate as an owner, add admins who can also globally moderate, moderate your own instance locally as a user, upload literally anything with size limits theoretically up to 100gb. Uploads can be sent purely over BitMessage or you can choose to use a hosting service. Uploads that use hosting are subjected to heavy duty protection: every file is zipped, encrypted/password protected, the zip's header is removed and random chunks of the file are removed before being uploaded. The removed parts are hidden in the PGP encrypted message that's sent over BitMessage. Once the upload is received the zip is put back together again, decrypted, unzipped and displayed in the thread. 100% of BitChan traffic happens over tor. Private boards prevent posting from all but explicitly added IDs. The permitted ID list can be edited by the owner at any point to include new IDs or restrict old ones. On public boards any ID can post until it is banned, but because of how BitMessage works, you can always just make another ID. Communications on every board are PGP encrypted. This means that even if someone somehow guessed the board name on BitMessage (basically impossible for reasons I won't go into here), they would be unable to read anything without also having the BitChan PGP symmet
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BitChan 1.0.0 has been released.


Try it out here (some functions limited by Kiosk owner):

This is a significant update. New features and refinements include, but are not limited to:

 - All essential features work with JavaScript completely disabled
 - All internet traffic (Bitmessage/uploads/downloads) through tor with fake UserAgent
 - All messages PGP-encrypted with user-selectable cipher and key length
 - Encryption, fragmentation, and hashing to secure and verify authenticity of received post attachment files
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BitChan Version 1.1.0 Release

Tor Address: http://bitchanr4b64govofzjthtu6qc4ytrbuwbgynapkjileajpycioikxad.onion
I2P Address: http://bitchan.i2p
I2P b32 Address: http://waycuw2c27ruakfblkf5tcegwmt3ot445dlfoypil6bzmm4yxg7a.b32.i2p

- Fix remote file exploit bug
- Fix locks not being respected by the frontend
- Fix update of board/thread timestamp when post/thread is deleted
- Fix adding to mod log when deleting post/thread from recent/search pages
- Fix being able to post to nonexistent thread
- Fix database lock issues when processing many posts
- Fix deleting post with password
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1.2.0 (2023/04/24)

This release incorporates several changes that are incompatible with the previous version. Therefore, it is recommended to do a clean install.

This release also enables BitChan to be installed natively in a Debian-based Linux operating system without the use of Docker. This is now the recommended installation method. See for instructions.

- Fix hiding posts if thread is hidden
- Fix preventing posting on hidden threads
- Fix Automatic Wipe of boards
- Fix cross-post links
- Fix starting attachment downloads from /recent page
- Fix adding boards/lists from passphrase links in posts
- Fix issue if height/width not able to be determined from attachment images/video
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The epic archive at CollectiveComputers is now gone. The 4ch library was also wiped. Only pieces remain. This thread then is dedicated to rebuilding a Cyberpunk reference library.

Some remains can be found here:
Updated FAQs will follow next. All of those are OC.
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You are welcome.
And more stuff is coming, I collected a fair bit from the old /cyb/ generals on 4chan during the halcyon days.
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Another /cyb/ FAQ update:
I am working on improving the language and structure, it will take quite some time.
Replies: >>352
Good job.
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An updated /ham/ FAQ was published yesterday:
More communication modes have been added. Some have probably been forgotten by most people.
Replies: >>590
Excellent, thanks /cyber/.

Basic story: - about your biography.

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There is a criminal organization in Brazil using NSO Group's Pegasus to infect devices for hack for hire, to incite terrorism, blackmail people, produce illegal pornography and assist in assassinations. They also have other advanced malware, like UEFI implants and even persistent implants for Kindle and Raspberry Pi. Plus face/voice recognition on every camera and microphone they can get into, in public or private places.

Brazil won't do anything to stop them. Only the FBI, CIA and NSA can stop them.

There is also the possibility that they were engaged on the hack of Bezos' smartphone.

If you know of any security researcher who wants to reverse engineer the exploits they are using, I am more than willing to help them.

If you want a story about how they operate, I am willing to work with you to expose them.
haha cool
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pissrael is a misuse of tech to begin with. Also, niggers.
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>like UEFI implants and even persistent implants for Kindle and Raspberry Pi.
Any links about this? Also don't use shit that has "Automatic Previews" enabled even if its a encrypted messageing app like signal cause thats how pegasus exploits automatic previews that automatically download the files to the disks cache that may have remote code/payloads that exploits the software.

Stay away from Matrix as its clearly a mossad honeypot (not to mention extemely bloated)
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After reading this:
and getting schizophrenia from this:
It seems like the best option is to not only remove your Wi-Fi cards from computers + use USB Ethernet adapters is to also remove the internal speakers and microphones.

To mitigate getting your anus bleached by Ultrasonic attacks

hey everyone  , i want to hack android phone so i make a payload reverse_tcp i did hack the phone by putting the payload in original apk (whatsapp) 
but i didnt get what i want i have some commands only gets calls , sms ......
my goal is to get pictures of the phone soo are there a tool who can do that or its not possible
Replies: >>565
>>564 (OP) 
>my goal is to get pictures of the phone soo are there a tool who can do that or its not possible
A loaded gun.

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Doesn't matter how much time pass, how much the life changed, i always ending here, maybe with a different feeling, maybe i am a different person, i start just a lonely day or night, procrastinating and trying to leave my mind of my house, trying to don't think on real problems, trying to think that the world is so easy that we are the lonely punk hackers that will change the world, that we will win against the big corps, life isn't that i am not the boy of 14 years that discovered this sites, the pandemic shit change everything, but doesn't matter what everything on the web seems to be dead and olvidado, when the pandemic end i left too, i feel sad because of that, but i got very nice months since, life is good when we don't give a fuck, with alcohol, drugs or maybe just a pack of cigarettes, just forgetting the world and the problems, living in the moment, i don't know what i will do in the future, i don't know if i will have time to talk to my dad and trying to fix all the problems, i don't know, i would like to do music but i need to study because i live in the third world and i'm poor, i have fear of being old and then doesn't have the energy to do the things that i like, to just look back on life and feel sad like i feel now and how i was feeling every time that i come back, maybe the next time the things will be better for everyone
Replies: >>501
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I feel you, anon. The Internet feels empty , so many site are slowly dying, it is kinda sad. 

The pandemic sucked extra hard in the third world. hope it gets better.
Replies: >>561
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>>498 (OP) 
We have agency, especially people who give a thought to the world we live in. Most people tune in to TV, Netflix or the like. And yet we can do so much more.

I have that a try, not big earthshattering things, just a few things here and there, and then I looked for the results, like rings in water, staying anonymous where I could, pseudonymous otherwise.

And the interesting thing is that it doesn't take much to effect a change, make things better, improve life just a tiny bit. It takes more patience and persistence than hard work, something that surprised me a bit. And it still does. And yet it works. Of course there will be resistance and setbacks. Yet you can bear through. In a way it makes sense, for had it not, nobody could have built a civilisation. Kings and emperors are remembered, yet success was built on the backs of nameless people.

I know what you mean about growing old and not seeing success. People have written about it more poetically, like "Because their words had forked no lightning". So give it a try, and the next time you return, it will be a brighter place.
I barely find the Internet fun anymore. You would think that now with billions of people using it constantly there'd always be someone to talk to, but that's not the case. I'm at the point where I would rather never spend time online if I can help it.
Replies: >>562
> I'm at the point where I would rather never spend time online if I can help it.
Perhaps a healthy choice. But isn't your 'disdain' for being online mostly just an artifact of the disenfranchisement by so many small & vibrant communities with the Globohomo's oppressive """vibrancy"""? That wasn't an accidental 'oh, things just turned out that way' thing, that was a deliberate destruction by the globalists of anything they could manage it with, that didn't fit into their schemes.

If you want something cool again, then be the future you imagine.

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