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It’s now 33 years since Neuromancer was published – establishing the cyberpunk timeframe as near-future – and that’s as long as either Alexander the Great or Jesus had in this world. It’s long enough for this essay to look back from the vantage point of 2017 and see how cyberpunk Planet Earth ended up becoming in this timeline.

Where Neuromancer and Snow Crash were half right was in their prediction of a matrix within cyberspace that filled the human need for societal interaction. FaceBook and the other giants of social media certainly led the ordinary citizens of meatspace to spend a lot more time in cyberspace, but we are still limited to the bulletin board model.

Advancements in virtual reality technology have been limited, to a large part, by the need for extreme amounts of processing power. A VR setup must be capable of generating a sufficient rate of frames per second to avoid latency from the perspective of the user, because this leads to simulator sickness, which decreases the level of telepresence.

So nothing really like the eponymous all-encompassing virtual environment in The Matrix, or the metaverse, has yet arisen.

Where all of the cyberpunk classics got it right was in the widespread adoption of novel classes of synthetic drugs.

Humans have always loved to experiment with consciousness – use of magic mushrooms, cannabis and alcohol all predate the use of writing. So it was fairly predictable that new advances in chemistry would lead to new frontiers in the exploration of mental space.

Although most of the chemical enhancement in cyberpunk literature has been for the purposes of increasing martial aptitude, as in Lucifer’s Dragon, most of its use in consensual reality has been psychonautic. In other words, here on Earth people mostly use the new waves of drugs to get high – but that doesn’t make for very good fiction.

Blade Runner didn’t foresee much different in the way of human drug consumption, but it did anticipate how close artificial intelligence came to passing the Turing Test. Many people chat with bots on social media without even knowing it – especially in online poker rooms and on large politics pages.
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Many past cyberpunk works include body augmentation that hasn't really materialized in reality. Other aspects such corporate power, metaverse (Internet), environmental degradation, and population crowding have come to fruition. It is likely that robotics, e.g. Boston Dynamics, will need to further mature before robotic body augmentation reaches that visioned in historical cyberpunk fiction.
Replies: >>200
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Body augmentation, especially akin to replacing a limb for a better one, has not caught up. Sure, we do have artificial limbs that range from a single digit on a finger all the way to a complete limb. But such things are for the infirmed and not for optional replacement. 

You could say its due to our quality of batteries; they suck. In practically ever other work of fiction battery technology far exceeds our current technology. Or even if its a jump straight to an actual power generator, its still beyond our knowledge to make something that small and compact that could do so much. But it isn't power that's the main issue: its the connectivity between organic and inorganic. 

Basically, with no way to properly connect our brain, or the brain of anything, with an artificial prosthetic, means that they'll remain glorified peg-legs or hooks. This "blood-brain,"-like barrier is what keeps artificial limbs that can move as fluid as a living limb, with or without an external power source, from being a reality. It is also probably the same barrier that keeps us from making chips or interfaces that directly affect the mind.  

Regarding robotics in general, we have yet to cross the uncanny valley. Sure, in an environment where you have no extra notion of who or what is saying something, you can be fooled. But if you can see what you're talking to? You'd have to be blind to mistake a computer fo
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Replies: >>204
>Brave New World / 1984.
Strictly speaking, those are not forthright prophecies ordained by the writers of the twentieth. Rather, they are amalgamations of the past adapted to what we believe may be the future. The core of human emotion and physiology has not changed, only the methods able to mend and sculpt such a sub-conscious and the reach of such methodology changed.

In  ye olden days, you needed to have a charismatic speaker, and to physically interact with  those who can be misdirected via some sort of superstition (and thus relying to a higher degree on luck). Nowadays, why take that risk when you can subtly nudge the subconscious via a concerted campaign of information overload and subliminal messaging?
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If you really want to know the answer to your question, look around. Increasingly we live in a world controlled and manipulated via the net, the wired, the metaverse. Where content and creators, programmers and artists coalesce into vast seas of content. Evermore our youth are lost in the infancy of the virtual worlds that our tablets, screens, and now headsets provide. You need not look at the specific technological forms or functions from these stories to see how well they predicted the future. If you look at the broader picture, the broader result of the technological singularity our civilization is undergoing you can see they were dead on. 

How do point of sale systems work? Via the net. How do modern humans communicate, even those born before the net. Via the net. How do government and military organizations communicate? Via the net. How do criminal organizations and rebel insurgencies communicate? Via the net. How are business and financial transactions, managed, monitored, and completed? Via the net. 

Then remember that while one is on the net they are interacting with any number of hidden algorithms, add trackers, as well as the websites and services they are using. Our entire financial system at this point is essentially just predictive autonomic algorithms trading money and stocks in such quantity on a minute by minute basis that it would make even the robber barons of the earliest 20th century blush.  

At this point farming, manufacturing, logistics, law enforce
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If you really want to know the answer to your question, look around. Increasingly we live in a world controlled and manipulated via the net, the wired, the metaverse. Where content and creators, programmers and artists coalesce into vast seas of content. Evermore our youth are lost in the infancy of the virtual worlds that our tablets, screens, and now headsets provide. You need not look at the specific technological forms or functions from these stories to see how well they predicted the future. If you look at the broader picture, the broader result of the technological singularity our civilization is undergoing you can see they were dead on. 

How do point of sale systems work? Via the net. How do modern humans communicate, even those born before the net. Via the net. How do government and military organizations communicate? Via the net. How do criminal organizations and rebel insurgencies communicate? Via the net. How are business and financial transactions, managed, monitored, and completed? Via the net. 

Then remember that while one is on the net they are interacting with any number of hidden algorithms, add trackers, as well as the websites and services they are using. Our entire financial system at this point is essentially just predictive autonomic algorithms trading money and stocks in such quantity on a minute by minute basis that it would make even the robber barons of the earliest 20th century blush.  

At this point farming, manufacturing, logistics, law enforce
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Pi network is a cryptocurrency that you can earn with your phone, just install the "Pi network" app on your phone, enter the code "Berssange" and enter the app once a day to prove that you are not a bot and that's it, you’ll earn an amount of currency per hour, the app is lightweight and doesn’t waste resources, the currency is new and priceless, it’s a good time to enter, then just sell the currency when it enters the market.
Good opportunity to get Pi for free and profit much later.
fucking scammer, suck my cock

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Hey guys, /icup/ here with a question on how we're going to handle the next iteration of the Infinity Cup ( )
We're trying to poll whether certain boards are interested in playing in the cup, or if there's some specific team that you'd like to see play. If you want to, please answer or add your own answer to the poll in

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Replies: >>181
>>138 (OP) 
whats the source for picrel?

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As 2020 comes to a close, friends and I are going to play Cyberpunk 2020 tm for the novialty of this year. I hope to have them hooked to play more.  I need help designing a tenement they will be playing in. So far I have a 9 stories building with 2 sub basement floors. 

So far the floors are
Sub basement 2: Underground parking lot, old laundry room.
Sub basement 1: Underground parking lot, a ripper doc.
Ground floor:  Lobby, managers office and room, street access laundry mat.
2nd floor: Capsule hotel.
3rd floor: Capsule hotel.
4th floor: Studios (but the size of a prison cell).
5th floor: studios.
6th floor: Converted Aerodyne hanger to Bar and bazzer.
7th floor: 1 room apartment.
8th floor: 2 room apartment.
9th floor: 2 room apartment. 
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Hey choom. Just spotted this, if you're still looking for inspiration, I'm down to help. You should have a rooftop community garden, but gangers took it over and are growing poppies instead of potatoes. Also, ALWAYS have a BrainDance parlor/studio somewhere nearby. Great source of sidework and plotlines, unless you don't like tangling with all that. Another thing I like is a body dump at one of the capsules; make the owner a retired gangoon who'll hermetically seal up a capsule for as long as you're willing to pay the rent. Awesome plothooks for days there.

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Hey there, /cyber/

We're in the process of organizing a new edition of The Infinity Cup or /icup/ for short, a virtual soccer tournament pitching various  boards and imageboards against each other, and we're trying to find out if any of the boards that previously joined us wanted to reserve a spot in the final tournament.
Since your team was already present in previous iterations, we already have both your roster, your kits and logos, so the only thing we ask of you if you want to join is the following:

1) Making sure your team has the correct number of medals (1 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze), which you can see from the wiki page; 
2) Making a thread over at with your team's pledge, you just need to make a new thread telling us that your board wants in on the cup.
Optionally) Assign player cards, roles and special strategies to your players, which can be referenced from the following wiki articles:
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So the age old question must be done.
What is /cyber/?
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I'd say yes. I am pretty much a lowlife.
As technology advances and it will get increasingly harder to answer that question until the term "cyber" or "cyberpunk" becomes meaningless. 
People will become poorer, but due to technological advances it will be easy to clothe, feed yourself and satisfy other physiological needs, however life will be devoid of all meaning, depression rampant - a fertile soil for all kinds of absurd degeneracy, so the "punk" aspect will survive.
Replies: >>77
That's why it will be increasingly important to find God in your life, or at the least have something productive to work on that will benefit yourself and at least a small cadre of others.
Replies: >>116
I have that feeling that quantum tech has already start to take over the cyber world and maybe everything connected to it will soon be that dream of mine, just imagine the zapping control operating networks coming into existance.
"Finding God" is a shit meme. What's important is to maximize your success at your biological imperatives. Maximize the number of children you have and their success rates. Create or acquire supply chains which will ensure you and your clan will survive for the foreseeable future. That is the one true goal for any living Human (and indeed for all biological life), all other goals are some kind of hedonism or a deception sold by people trying to sabotage you so that there is less competition.

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We're giving away free Punk Mate samples to hacker spaces and cyber punk communities. Interested? Send us a message (email, twitter, fb) and we'll hook you up with a crate!
You can find our contact details on
Is this just essentially a rebranded Club mate?
@Anon: Well, it's not Club Mate, but quite close. Punk Mate has more caffeine due to how the yerba mate is grown. The taste is very much the same, you'll get used to it :)
>be me
>fed or wathever bad guy
>go to undrerground communities
>hey anon, would you want some free drinkables ?
>Drinkable pozed with schizo inducing mind control poison

Also cringe.

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Hey there, cyber dudes,
We're making preparations for the Infinity Cup 2020 and we'd really love to see you come up with a team for your own board! Come to and discuss it with us!

Hey. In June I'll be launching my new cyberpunk novel, Hemispheres, through RockHill Publishing. Might be interesting if you'd like to do an interview, publish an excerpt, or know anyone who might be interested in doing so. PR is meeting with Neal Stephenson in person about it right before we launch, so it might make some waves and all that.

Feel free to visit my website at for more info - didn't want to clog this space. Thanks,
Oh and my email is at


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