/late/ - Late Nights

Long nights, sleepy days

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Welcome to the new /late/!

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Making a thread here now. Post any issues you have or changes you want to see in this thread

Radio worked without issues for few hours as my last post. So I think it's working

Radio: https://latestation.live/
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Station is down? The link says its not working.

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Welcome to /late/

The rules are:
>Global rules apply
>The Board is NSFW, however, just keep it to a minimum. Don't just go around posting porn just because.
>No politics
>You can talk about other boards. Just don't advertise them.
>Don't go around stiring shit up.

Radio - https://latestation.live/
Discord and IRC - https://discord.gg/hRe2yv96qY - IRC (Rizen) #late.city
/late/ Archive - https://anon.cafe/comfy/res/1512.html#q3453

friends of /late/
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Number 3, or is it 4? Who's keeping count, anyways?

Last thread hit bump limit, so now here's an all new Trashchan edition of the thread. I like this place. I think it will make a good home for us.

What's on your mind, tonight?
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>6 gorillion
oy vey
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I sorted my downloads folder by largest to maybe find something interesting. This came up, that I saved ages ago because I didn't understand it. When I uploaded it, it played for the first time for whatever reason. Great pay off.
listen to jeff wayne's war of the worlds it is so fucking good, i would go so far as to say it is one of the best albums ever made
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Came to drop by again, crazy to think we're now In the year 2025, let alone the 2020s as a whole, I hope all of you are doing great, cheers.
Replies: >>3115
Hello again, Anon. Please stick around and let us know how it's been for you!

Lol. Surely that's a blast from the past for someone. Cheers.

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The/b/random is full of loli porn and pedophiles. That's why I came here to hangout.
This board also looks more cool.
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Replies: >>3109 + 1 earlier
It's a strange mix on the chans. For some it's the libertarian secret code to get in the front door and prove you're not a glowie or something. The rest are in fact into that stuff. It makes it hard to browse around other people IRL, that is for sure. Good to chat with ya in any case; I like the slower pace and check in once a week.
Replies: >>3110 >>3111
>>3101 (OP) 
I consider myself a pretty open guy, but I've always hated that aspect of /b/ culture. /b/ never lived up to my expectations, that's for sure. I preferred early /pol/ and /r9k/ back in the day.
Replies: >>3111
When criticized they reply with more loli images.
when I'm at work I hide all images in the settings and only open them when alone

>early /r9k/
it was comfy af before incels and trannies took over
Replies: >>3112
>it was comfy af before incels and trannies took over
Exactly. The >tfw no gf fags ruined it and brought an end to the days of enjoyable discussions.

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He died 5 months ago

Rip dead yitty yat 😥
Cats and dogs are so endearing. I fall in love with strays all the time, in addition to the ones I've owned. When the strays stop visiting or the housemates die, it's a horrible feeling. I don't know if I could handle something like a parrot, though a hatchling now would probably outlive me. Turtles, definitely. Interesting how some animals that are made into pets can outlive the original owner by decades while others die within a couple.
Replies: >>3108
Sorry to hear that, it's tough losing one fo the family for sure. We just lost our dog and the house is so different without the goober calling the shots.
>like a parrot, though a hatchling now would probably outlive me.
When my grandma passed, we had to find a home for one. Cool pets but very noisy and messy!

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Let's talk, you and I
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And by the way I'm a third worlder living the West having lived decades in both. I can guarantee you the First World is leagues more stressful than back home.
Lads relax. Everyone post your favourite songs from your favourite part of your life.
Replies: >>3100
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me first. I still listen to it as if was in high school, eating blue rare barbecue in the night with family and friends and showing how good i am at using a spear. its a synthwave metal song very dreamy and very good fuel for my time travelling c200 kompressor
eghhhh fecken shet, betch
why why did you have to put it like this
picking a song out of all those I like would've been easy as pie but now you got me thinking about which part of my life i prefer for almost an hour
Fuck you

Im sexually attached to gay people, guys wearing motorcycle suit, gay furry porn, gay animals, gay dragons, gay cars with cocks, trains with cocks, gay stick mans, gay countryhumans. I don't think that this is normal, but im 15 yo guy and it all started when i was 12 and it is all the years escalating more and more where im gona end? im starting to losing controll of how mutch i watch this stuff and it is scaring me. I don't know how to stop. But i have one friend that i can talk about it and try to solve my problem so im gona discuss it with him i don't know if you somebody reading that wana see that porn or no ,so im not adding any pictures of it just in case somebody maybe disgusted
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Replies: >>2471 + 1 earlier
Can we please never say shit like this on /late/ again? Thanks.
>>2289 (OP) 
least braindead coomer
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Pride bitch

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In honor of the new board




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Oh yeah, some guy told me he tried watching Galactic Heroes with his brother and they both laughed at the naval combat in space for some reason. It was enough to make them drop the show.
finished watching the last 20 episodes of LOGH, it ended as i had suspected it would from the beginning, but it didnt make the feels any less intense, it has been a long time since an anime has made be feel genuine emotion, and now that i've finished the series, there is that feeling of loss that always accompanies finishing something truly great
Replies: >>3090
iktf. I was going to make a vapid food analogy, but I don't think that does LOGH justice. I don't really know how to put it eloquently that LOGH is, in my opinion, the pinnacle of anime as far as writing is concerned.
>required watching
I know this is a must watch but I fail to gather enough motivation to start
Replies: >>3096
it is well worth the effort to start

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What comfy niche forums and websites do you use?
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I love chatting through (long) emails and reading people's personal comfy blogs so I should make one myself. I think it's a good way to share thoughts because one has plenty of room to think and digest
>lynch me
Nah, Lainchan is  nice
Replies: >>3075
They've got a nice programming board.

>not Lainch Me
ONE JOB  :^)
JK. Let's all love Lainch.
There was one I shit you not called to.ma.to

It's finally gone sadly, it looks like it was around since the mid or late 90's. It's Japanese, I can't understand it, also means that finding any archives of it AND putting it through a translator is kinda tricky.

This might belong more in the "I miss the old internet" thread, but I used to visit it because it looked like a comfy place.
I've liked using marzichan from time to time

Hey everyone.

What do you guys do before going to bed? Do you guys sleep well? 

Personally I just shut down my pc and just go to sleep.

For me it takes time to actually start sleeping (usually an hour). I'll go to bed but after some time I'm just thinking my own thoughts and I can't fall asleep.
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Replies: >>3077 + 3 earlier
Hello. What's your favorite fantasy series? Mine's Dragonlance's golden six, The Legends are especially good, just a fun quick read without too much noise. The Chronicles are good too, just a bit not so epic.
Time is a scary monster.
My daily prayers help me get a grasp on it but as soon as I open a book or start working on something or start thinking time just dips.
>>2679 (OP) 
>What do you guys do before going to bed?
I turn off my PC and take medication. Sometimes, I work out. While in bed, I feel myself dip toward dreams as my mind wanders as a form of hypnagogia, so I try to think about pleasant or interesting things or nothing at all. It doesn't always work, and I have something like Exploding Head Syndrome when I feel myself going into dreams I know will be bad.
>Do you guys sleep well?
I only sleep well when I'm exhausted, drunk, sick, or injured. I think my bed is part of why I have this problem. I haven't had a consistently comfortable bed in years. I would be more comfortable sleeping on the ground or floor. When I wake up, I've forgotten who I am and feel free until I remember my responsibilities. With these responsibilities comes remembrance of who I am and what I have and done, and I'm suddenly pulled by a suffocating weight. At least my dreams are sometimes entertaining.
>I'm just thinking my own thoughts and I can't fall asleep
I have this issue when I'm on my back, yet I sleep best and have the most pleasant dreams when I'm tired enough to sleep that way.
Replies: >>3082
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Its March 4th, bros
You know what to do, lads.  :^)
have you tried working out in the morning instead ?
this + cold showers substantially increased my sleep quality

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