>>2679 (OP)
>What do you guys do before going to bed?
I turn off my PC and take medication. Sometimes, I work out. While in bed, I feel myself dip toward dreams as my mind wanders as a form of hypnagogia, so I try to think about pleasant or interesting things or nothing at all. It doesn't always work, and I have something like Exploding Head Syndrome when I feel myself going into dreams I know will be bad.
>Do you guys sleep well?
I only sleep well when I'm exhausted, drunk, sick, or injured. I think my bed is part of why I have this problem. I haven't had a consistently comfortable bed in years. I would be more comfortable sleeping on the ground or floor. When I wake up, I've forgotten who I am and feel free until I remember my responsibilities. With these responsibilities comes remembrance of who I am and what I have and done, and I'm suddenly pulled by a suffocating weight. At least my dreams are sometimes entertaining.
>I'm just thinking my own thoughts and I can't fall asleep
I have this issue when I'm on my back, yet I sleep best and have the most pleasant dreams when I'm tired enough to sleep that way.