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Fun With A Pencil (or tablet)

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/loomis/ Resource Hub: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/8r9omk7oj6zjg/loomis_Resource_Hub

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A warm welcome to all the users who made it back. On /loomis/, we encourage our intrepid artistic users to achieve meaningful results in the fields of art, be it digital, 2d, 3d or in any other form, but we mainly stick to drawings. This thread doubles as the META THREAD for /loomis/, post your woes here
>Respect Global Rules 
>No IRL Gore, CP and Doxing 
>Requests only in the Request thread 
>Be polite to your fellow artist and accept critiques

>/loomis/ Resources 
>Drawthread making resources + the OP for a draw thread: 

Last edited by croquis
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>belligerent faggotry and discord tranny drama
Can't say I'm surprised but still sad to hear it. Thanks.

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I'm in need of some banners, I'll repost those I got back from the old board
Last edited by croquis
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I was thinking about the Towergirls threads on 8/loomis/ and I feel like those were always a good way to get more people drawing, so I decided to make a little something up in the spirit of those.
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Rolling three so I'll be forced to draw quickly and not get stuck on details.
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figured i'd draw this now
guess we doin comics now
i believe this is what they call "storyboarding"
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This will be a personal challenge for me. I will draw every day for 100 days straight and post my progress here. I have failed myself time and time again by losing motivation or getting distracted and I am sick of it. I've reorganized my schedule and devoted two hours each day to drawing. If I miss even a single day, I want you to bully me (all three of you) mercilessly. Nothing short of death will stop be from finishing this.
Here I go.
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DAY 99
drew some garbage
its gonna happen!! Eeeeee~
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DAY 100
Some days I drew a lot. Some days I drew barely anything. But I put pencil to paper for 100 days straight, regardless of where I was in the world or how blasted I got the night before. I'll still continue to post here for the time being, but only for stuff I'm actually putting effort into (i.e. no need to post warmup drawings every day). Thanks to the few of you that are still here and supported me through this, as there were a lot of days that really made it feel pointless.
And remember, you're gonna make it.
Replies: >>1956 >>1959
Now i am scared as you were an explicit lifeline around.
Congratulations, proved that you can draw a hundred days straight and that your word means something. When i get a pad or a scanner i will attempt something similar although with something small, i bought for pencils and things just because i thought about this thread.
Congratulations man and looking forward to your future posts.

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Replies: >>1784
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>>1716 (OP) 
deadlocked gargoyle
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Deception of eve, yada yada
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first thing I thought of
Replies: >>1878
vary nice, now draw again tomorrow
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I miss anon.cafe…

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Post your art related woes here.
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Of course, it's mostly just /v/ermin with a crab bucket mentality that do that. Just ignore them and don't take it personally if someone says "dis sux lul"
Replies: >>1943
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So i cleaned up this one and made it into a thing. >>1941 (honestly its not even that its just watching them devolve into the typical coomer who realizes his identity is secret. It will literally have a critique thread and everyone in there will be talking bout cucking kamala harris r34)
Replies: >>1944
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You're getting there, now you may want to look into perspective and proportioning. For example, her right arm is too short at the shoulder (elbow should come down to where the ribcage ends when at rest). The perspetive between the girl and the creature is a bit odd too, I'm not sure where they're supposed to be relative to each other.
Here are a few references I saved over the years, you can look into Figure Drawing For All It's Worth for some more pointers on individual body parts. But the real way to learn is to just keep drawing over and over again, paying attention to the size and shape of each part and how they line up with the rest of the body. Always take a step back from time to time to see how each part aligns with each other (after every stroke, even).
Replies: >>1945
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Oh boy that second one is literally artist's redstone.
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So thats my still life drawing from like 2 weeks ago. Not much humans  but there one

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Compilation of Useful Tutorials

- tehmeh/@simon_7617118 (Ex-drawfag at 4um /ic/)
- foervraengd/bittersweetdisease (Unfortunately a hardcore swedish feminist)
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Replies: >>689 + 1 earlier
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>>628 (OP) 
Tutorial on how to use the RGB color sliders for painting.
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Is this the resource thread? I have some stuff i want to unload from my HDD, in good will, with you fellas.
Replies: >>748 >>1793
Don't let it be gay porn and I'm ok with it.
they better go and start fishing or im gonna cry
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The most valuable and misunderstood tutorial is to copy good art. Good art is the result of most things being done right and very few things being done wrong, by copying it you're absorbing that information.

You just have to avoid doing it too much because it may become a habit to simply brainlessly copy without learning anything. First fill your brain with the right information by copying good art, then try to apply that knowledge by drawing on your own, then copy stuff again to refresh your mental model of how good art works, and keep going back and forth like that.

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What kind of: 
>Tool (i.e. Pen and Paper, Stencils...) 
Do you use to make your art?
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Just got a Wacom Intuos 3, it's my first tablet, it's old but it felt great to use the first time. The little practice I've done before was done using pencils and the more slippery surface feels a bit weird, but I hope I can get used to this.
Replies: >>1753 >>1754
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Congratz Anon! Cherish it. It's a good tablet, and it's what I first cut my teeth on. Cheers.  :D
I also bought my second tablet, first one was a Huion Giano that was big and felt nice but died within a year (if you scroll back up in the thread you can see me complaining about it). Bought a small Wacom and am waiting for it now.
Is there a good guide for transitioning from drawing on pencil and paper to drawing with a tablet, specifically for Krita?
Replies: >>1791
There's nothing to learn about tablets, you just need to use it for some time to get used to it.

Learning Krita or another program is an entirely separate topic from tablets. For drawing the most important thing to learn is shortcuts for moving/zooming the canvas and changing brush size. I tend to disable the tablet buttons and use keyboard shortcuts, my most important shortcuts are (some of them are probably not defaults):
- X = toggle eraser mode on/off
- Alt = color picker
- Shift + left click drag = change brush size
- Space + left click drag = move canvas
- Ctrl + middle click drag = zoom canvas in/out
- Shift + middle click drag = rotate canvas
- 0 = reset zoom
- 9 = reset rotation

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How do you feel right now?
Do you want to blow off some steam?
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Kind of might go back on my word probably will continue figure drawing. No one really critiques my work really anyways I even critique my own work so it either happens or it doesn't. Water under the bridge with the drawpile thing it is what it is. Not really the big of an issue I am kind of over it now but at the time it happened it felt odd.
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I agree.
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I finally got over my ass and started drawing after many months and years saying so, only problem:

Still i am only going to practice the things i need for work, that is simple perspectives and 2D facades using de-tensing line work (squibbly irregular lines) in hatch/cross-hatch/circling but i got a bit into the rabbit hole of jewtube drawing tutorials and was newly perplexed at how skilled some people are and how "easy" it looks.
I completely suck at anatomy so i will stick to objects until i get more time, which is fading due to having to learn some warez for upcoming work.
I feel like there's a problem with art and "ugly" art. I'm not sure if I'm imagining things, or projecting the resentment I have to asshole-anons who have mocked me in the past and put me down when I tried to ask for criticism. But even more, I look at youtube artists, and how fucking polarized they are on the subject of Ugly art. On top of this, you have the fucking politically-charged idiots who only have reference for ugly art is low-effort abstract garbage 

The Hater - "Your art is ugly, and sucks, you should be ashamed of yourself"
I have a lot of anger towards this mentality because these are the kinds of people that stifle the progress of artists who are trying to learn. These fuckheads encourage perfectionism, I've been trying for years to emotionally-deal with a stupid little incident that got me fucking wrecked because they thought that greentexting stupid shit would be funny when all I wanted was a fucking critique. I've bitched about that in this very thread and I want to move the fuck on but I feel so fucking afraid of being hate-bombed that I feel like it's not fucking worth doing anything at all, when I wanted to make people happy, and yet here I am getting mocked for showing something I wanted people to feel happy about.

The worst part is, haters are either very-narrow-minded artists who don't exit their comfort zone because it's inconvenient (Ex. Kooleen), clickbaiters looking for easy views and engagement, or asshole non-artists looking for a cheap fucking laugh, or lump bad artists in with the people below.

The Ivy-Leaguer - "You could've done it, but you didn't"
These fuckers are the reason there's a bunch of assholes going around, making edits of people's amateur-ish arts, and scaring budding artists away from making any fucking progress in art.

The fucking club of rich-kids with multi-millionaire-famlies, go to all these "prestigious" art schools where they paint with white on fucking white, make crude sculptures of men sucking themselves off, or just fucking paint splatters with no rhyme or reason. Not even going by their own feelings or what feels best, they fucking just slap some bullshit together, and spend the rest of the fucking time fucking jabberjawing about politics, or whatever made-up symbolism they cobbled-together in their head. Speaking, politicking and fucking "symbolism," is more-important to them than the entire fucking piece, and it's why I get so fucking mad, because the haters who put down ugly art think that every single fucking artist that doesn't make pretty art has the mentality of these retards.

I fucking hate these people, because these fuckheads from families who already had it made are acting like they're so fucking high-class when they make the laziest shit imaginable, and treat it like it's some gift from a god that doesn't exist. "You could've made it but you didn't" sums up their fucking mentality, to the art process, the emotional-process, and fucking everything about it. They either make unemotional, nonsense-abstract art, or it's shock art. They made something low-effort that 'anyone' could make, sold it for hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of dollars, and they rub it in our face that we didn't.

Fuck these people. They're the reason the haters exist and why learning-artists who make ugly art are targeted by haters.
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Replies: >>1789
I have the same problem as you regarding people who don't really care about critiquing and just want to put you down to feel better about themselves. Ignoring them is hard, especially since I can tell you think like me. It's about filtering between genuine critiques, unnecesary praise, and unwarranted insults. It can be hard to put down that knee-jerk feeling of "YOU'RE WRONG" whenever someone has some valid criticisms. What you need to do is just ignore the crabs in the bucket, find some people that will actually give you real critiques, and listen to them for advice on how you're progressing.
You're gonna make it.

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Does anyone have some quality resources for making 3D stuff? Also, general 3D art, I guess.
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It's really just comes down to preference when priracy is a thing.
mmd is my bae but I won't deny the superior quality of foss software with the functional standpoint. Just don't really see any assets that interest me and I'm bad at 3d design, I'm better at a graphics tablet than making a model from scratch in blender.
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i was bored yesterday and fucked around with blender for the first time. pic related was the best i could do in 20 minutes of trying to figure out the keybinds. got the model off smutbase and it was already rigged up and everything so it felt like cheating, however i could also see how easy it would be to throw some poses around and start a patreon around it even more so if it's futashit, people will pay out the ass for that
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>install Blender 4 on debian
>works pretty well but no GPU acceleration
>requires ROCm
>ROCm 6 doesn't support latest Debian, but debs say it will in next release
>ROCm 6.1 comes out
>still doesn't support Debian
linux is pain
but otherwise i'm going through the donut tutorial and its going ok but when he's talking about moving faces along other faces it's not working right, i have everything setup the same way but it distorts the whole geometry when I try to move anything. probably just some dumb glitch though.
My advice would be to install flatpak, and flatpak's version of blender or swap your packages to the unstable branch if you're on a debian-based distro.

Debian is so iron-hard-stability-focused that it's packages are often years out of date.
Replies: >>1788
turns out i'm retarded, i installed HIP from my package manager and it just works (was looking for ROCm packages instead of HIP, which is what blender uses for acceleration) even though it's one version below what Blender says it requires.
amd is still nowhere near as good as nvidia with cuda, sadly

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