Some Redditard posted this story of a mushroom trip that I thought was interesting.
I took just under 2g… so like 1.7ish. I was lying in bed on the come-up, not really doing anything but thinking and enjoying the fractals when my eyes were closed. I was thinking tangents of thoughts that were very involved and generally about love and how things, in their underpinning, are all made with love and from love.
Eventually, I got distracted by the patterns as they got more intense. They’re ever-changing, complex, rainbow 3D geometric fractal structures, never ceasing in movement and never taking the same arrangement or shape twice. I had an eye-mask on for this, and light was blocked completely.
While watching the shapes, I suddenly was interrupted by a, like, out-of-focus blue orb flying about my vision (eyes closed, just looking at rainbow shapes on a black backdrop). This was very distinctly separate from the shapes, and I also had the sensation this was a person of some sort. So I was mentally like, “Hey… hello, who are you? What's up?” and it stopped, kind of came to the center of my vision, and then it translated forward and towards me, which made it come into focus as its own geometric 3D shape—but this one was explicitly a rotating three-sided pyramid with an eye on one side. It started to produce fractals around it of its own accord, echoing the same shape and appearance it was.
I got the sensation it was kind of just doing this to amuse me but also to show me what it was. Then it left, and the normal fractals returned. After a minute or so, I realized, “Hey wait, these aren’t random—someone is showing them to me specifically. Who’s showing me them?”
The moment I mentally asked this and basically acknowledged it was conscious, it vibrated excessively with joy and love and happiness, emanating just this absolute purest excitement and joy that I acknowledged it. I got the sensation that I was both talking to a singular but also a multiple. It gave off a strong childlike quality, and like it was so completely head over heels in love with me in a platonic sense.
It started to basically excitedly and enthusiastically answer all the questions I had for it. Which, the exchange I can remember (this stuff fades fast) is stuff like: