/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality!

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“The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value. I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.” -t. Thomas Paine

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Post cool robot designs here. After all, this is an aesthetics-centered project.

If you can, post character name and franchise.
Ex. V from Murder Drones
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Various Nandroids from the Emmy the Robot fandom
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Quori (IRL robot)
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A potentially fun route for simple and dirt cheap waifu is to go 2.5D. By using sliding and rotating layers, you can produce a cute&light waifu. Laminating cardstock produces a durable, cleanable, low friction that can look like anything. For inspiration, look at this Gawr Gura. Imagine how her arms could be made of segments that rotate about the shoulder and elbow. How her head could rotate about a hidden pin behind it. How her clothes could be printed onto cotton sheets. There's heaps of potential for a creative Anon to pioneer a new road for roboflatties!

Wasu Art paper figure, that shows a chibi which uses scalable mechanisms;

Melonshu Acheron automata to show how such a waifu would look IRL;
Replies: >>203
Thanks, Kiwi.  :^)

>Wasu Art
Always cute to watch these performances.  :^)

>Melonshu Acheron automata
Wow, neat find.


*  I think papercraft waifus are still a good idea in many ways. First & foremost is the cost (super low), ease of design & construction, ready access to materials, light weight, ...(and others I'm sure).
*  The downsides are low strength, low durability (very fragile -- especially by moisture), not very comfy-feeling as a shell material *, ...(and again, probably others).

I think if its used conscientiously in relationship with other materials (wood, metal, plastic, etc.), then many of it's downsides can be at least partially-addressed, while still maintaining most of it's upsides. And its still a very-strong contender as the primary source material for production of extremely low-cost robowaifus for everyman around the world (a personal dream of mine.  :^)
Last edited by chobitsu
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Post robowaifu propaganda, /robowaifu/ recruitment, or advertisements for your designs.
Feel free to post ideas for others to make
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List of marketing aesthetics
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I've been studying space age advertisements from the late 50s-early 60s, especially ones that were made to recruit engineers.
Replies: >>124
These are good, GreerTech.
We need to make a version of this. It's one of the best pieces of robowaifu media ever made.
Replies: >>156
>We need to make a version of this.
Our own Robowaifudev created some pretty masterful edits. What kind of approach would you suggest, Kiwi?

BTW, we have a bunker DCC throd now : ( >>154 ). The actuall tools for creating such AMV, etc., works should be referenced there, I suppose?

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For the past year, I have been working on my own robowaifu design. Her name is Galatea v3.0. The design is very easy to build with the instructions and files, and is relatively very cheap, less than $400 to make. It's also very customizable, you can choose the color, dress, hair, and even AI.

I intend this to be the Model T of humanoid robots and robotic companions, while it is not the most complex, it is easy to mass produce and cheap.

Previous version >>36
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The aforementioned Anime Catgrill Meido. Miniskirt still pending.
Replies: >>115
LOL. Where's the tail, bro!??? Catgrills have tails, bro!111  :DD
I'm reading through your instructions, and they're great. I like the mini-phone idea. They have plenty of sensors, Bluetooth, and a battery, and it looks like they're very cheap. They're probably loaded with spyware though, and they never get updates so they'd probably get hacked very quickly, so those should never be connected to the internet or cell towers. It's good to know about UV wands too. I hadn't heard of those before.

The eyes are the part that seem most off. It seems like it would be better if those could be inside the head, though the shape of the heard makes it difficult. Any thoughts on flexible/bendable displays? There's a $30 Bluetooth enabled one on Amazon (HOIOS). It's not battery-powered, but it's easy to find small and cheap battery packs.
Replies: >>127
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>I'm reading through your instructions, and they're great.
Thank you!

>They're probably loaded with spyware though, and they never get updates so they'd probably get hacked very quickly, so those should never be connected to the internet or cell towers.
I don't connect mine to the cell network, and I only use them on absolutely-trusted password protected networks. I personally factory reset them as well, though that seemingly doesn't change anything on the phone.

>It's good to know about UV wands too. I hadn't heard of those before.
It really does feel like something from Star Trek TNG. They're really useful, both for disinfecting, and for having a robot easily clean things. Some commercial medical robots use UV-C light

>The eyes are the part that seem most off. It seems like it would be better if those could be inside the head, though the shape of the heard makes it difficult.
The shape of the display lends itself to a goggles-like shape. I tried to make them not stick out too much, but at the same time not just have a canyon where the eyes are.

>Any thoughts on flexible/bendable displays? There's a $30 Bluetooth enabled one on Amazon (HOIOS). It's not battery-powered, but it's easy to find small and cheap battery packs.
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3D Designing programs, tutorials, and resources.

Good places to start

> (thread-related : >>154)

add crosslink
Last edited by chobitsu
Replies: >>86 >>92
>>85 (OP) 
Robot in picture
>>85 (OP) 
You're forgetting blender.

-rm uri fingerprinting
Last edited by chobitsu
Replies: >>96 >>116
I knew I was forgetting one. Thank you!
Nice video, Anon. Thanks!  :)

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Virtual Robowaifus, VR, AR, or simply just games. AKA waifus in cyberspace.

Image is MyRobot by sgthale
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My visual waifu setup. Works for PC and Android phones.

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The physical brain of the robowaifu.
I use a separate laptop to run the AI. I also use a moderately good smartphone.

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This thread is all about language processing and speech generation

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Backups of the main site/other robowaifu media
Text + Thumbnail Archive of /robowaifu/
Text + Thumbnail Archive of /robowaifu/
To use, unzip and click index.html
Replies: >>57
Your work on these backups is much-appreciated, Anon. Cheers.

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For the most of 2024 and the beginning of 2025, I have been working on my own robowaifu design. I call her Galatea. The design is very easy to build with the instructions and files, and is relatively very cheap, less than $400 to make. It's also very customizable, you can choose the color, dress, hair, and even AI.

I intend this to be the Model T of humanoid robots and robotic companions, while it is not the most complex, it is easy to mass produce and cheap.
4 replies and 5 files omitted. View the full thread
I really like where you're going with dear Galatea's eyes, GreerTech. Cheers.  :^)
Last edited by chobitsu
Instructions File
3D printing files
Google Drive Archive of v2.1.0, instructions, and accessories.
Replies: >>56
Really liking the slow, steady progress you're achieving ATM, GreerTech. Keep moving forward. Cheers.  :^)

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