/comfy/ - A place to relax

Home of comfyness and jigsaw puzzles :)

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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
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I wood like to invite anyone browsing to come and solve a few puzzles together. Post an image and I will make a jigsaw of it if you want.

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Comfy is a place to relax. Please be kind and keep the things nice.

The rules are:
>Follow the global rules
>Keep it cozy
>Keep it SFW
>No rabble rousing
That means no unrelated political posts, intentionally provocative posts, posts insulting someone's race or religion or promoting committing crimes.
>No boat rocking
That means no uncalled for insults, rudeposting, or instigating drama.
>No advertising
You can talk about comfy places, but blatant advertising is not nice.

Other nice boards:
/late/ - Late Nights
Last edited by anonyme
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same for me, in alogsspace it's even worse...

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Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread number nine

How are you today anon ?
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There's an updated thread on /christmas/ for this year but I looks like the BO forgot to unlock the board.
Replies: >>11128
I really hope this isn't enough to get fired.
> >>>/christmas/ needs to get activated so eberryone can get their plans in order.
OK, it should be up now. What's /comfy/ 's plans for Christmas?

>There's an updated thread on /christmas/ for this year but I looks like the BO forgot to unlock the board.
Sorry about that, the settings are a bit different here and I missed that in the antispam settings. Should be good now.
Replies: >>11134
>What's /comfy/ 's plans for Christmas?
Well I can't say for the rest of the board but for myself I'll definitely have some 4 packs of puzzles up for anyone who stops by.
Felt bretty bad, did some weights, feeling really great. Strangers and coworkers suddenly find me extremely approachable and I'm flawlessly chatty.
It's like magic, eberry single time, I swear!

Hahahah, that's awkward. Far from the end of the world though I'm sure. It'll be something funny to look back at bond over, I'd bet.

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Divulge your failures, your triumphs, and your struggles from the day. No event too small to mention!

Today, I had a lot of fun cleaning the floors in the home. I ran up and down the hallway with a soapy towel, got on my hands and knees and scooby-doo scrubbed the kitchen and bathroom floors, and was completely exhausted and satisfied by the end of it.
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Managed to get the new LinkedIn type soydev manager to delay a project he dumped on me against my will to please a toxic neighbor at the office
When he realized the deadline was close (the manager who joined not long ago) he thought he could have me slave away to complete it in time and take all the credit when it's not even my job.
Now it's due to January which is plenty of time to laze around and make progress on projects with other teams, but he doesn't know that because the goober took too many projects and doesn't have the time to take a good look at this one.

so took an L, then turned it into a W
Replies: >>11112
Spent the early morning hours fixing the last scan-build and valgrind errors out of a program.

Written in C (no library wrappers to quack around with) and hotloaded, so that the edit->compile->run cycle just becomes edit->save and the changes are instantly reflected in the running program.


Gonna do some squats and contemplate gamedev ideas.

Congrats.  Dealing with office dickwads sounds like literal Hell and I'm glad you could overcome the chaos.
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I am tired and always trying to distract myself, wanted to get good at my productive hobbies and right now i have eberrything i want: entire day of free time (for months now) and decent money, but i keep feeling tired and never do anything but being passive, eat and sleep.
It's been months and i am in shambles, i know what i need to do but when i start the first day, i stop the next one. There must be a technique, but right now seeing the profiles of some of my friends i haven't been in contact was enough motivation, they got really good at their stuff i am also trying to do, they worked hard to reach a point in which they could finally try it without burden and i realized i already reached that level, just need to "enjoy" and start trying constantly.
Today is the day, i saw one of my i suppose former buddies do the same things i did and became as knowledgeable in certain topics apart from being berry good at what i want to do. 
He's smart and a good dude but this is ludicrous, his hard-working attitude really made him reach a good level and i am filled with envy yet i don't want him to go down at all, i want to be as good and compete because i usually was as good in some things and better at most, the pandemic really stunted me hard and now that i think of it that started months before when i was spending lots of time on the screen since 8ch fell down and we started searching for imageboards.

Comparison is usually bad for the soul and the t
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Realized I don't really have any life skills or ability to have adult responsibility as of right now because of mental health. Let's change that. Can definitely relate to >>1329 >>1334 with the dopamine fixation that my mental illness and screen addiction kinda facilitate. Feels like I'm moving forward like a chicken without the head right now
Took what I've recently learned about defensive coding in Bash and applied it to some of my scripts.

Just looking for those small moments of satori.

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Post your comfiest webms, mp4s and others.
OCs welcome.
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I remember minigolf courses with similar statues (I recall a couple dinos as well). They really are peak comfy, perfectly encapsulating chill summer vibes.
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Replies: >>10530
I thought this one was posted before on here. Weird. Maybe I was thinking of /late/.
added to archive!
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What was the most comfiest time in ur life anon?
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Replies: >>11129 + 13 earlier
That is awesome. Black powder is great.
What charcoal do you use as your base for your powder?
Replies: >>10925
I've ground up mesquite lump charcoal at first and it's usable. The last I made I was using willow chips I bought online and cooked myself in a paint can. Works perfect as far as I can tell. I came across a can of old authentic black powder and lately I've been using that because I haven't had the time to make my own. Pyrodex is the only synthetic brand in stores near me and in my experience it has a weird split-second delay I can't stand.
I'll probably make bullets again this week. Been stressed lately. I can feel the call.
i wood really like to learn how to hunt. My comfy time is swinging sticks and spears in the forest. Possibly finding dead kites and taking their talons.
>>869 (OP) 
When I used to browse this board back when I graduated high school. I was so depressed I was completely numb and had nothing to do except browse boards all day. Now my life is improving and I'm kind of realizing I feel caca all the time, first time I've really been given the chance to see my life that way. Hopefully one day soon I can come back to this board and say I'm truly /comfy/

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Replies: >>11020

I ended up reading bout the Great Artesian Basin.

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This is just a shrimple article on sand dunes but it's really informative.
Galaxies that orbit other galaxies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_galaxy

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Lets create and share /comfy/ banners.
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It's from the puzzles.

gg team /recola/
Replies: >>10813
Yes I understood later. Was not totally awake earlier xD
It's a combination of /retro/ /comfy/ & /late/
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Replies: >>11121

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What's your favorite album or song to chill out and listen to in its entirety?
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Ordinary Songs 3 by Snail's House 


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Post comfy wallpapers, looking at the same screen eberry day can be tiresome.
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Been using this one for over a year at this point.
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Replies: >>10988
It might be a hoax and all, but I've always found that Billy Meier photo aesthetically pleasing.
>those lush green hills
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