Eberryone's known an animal that was different from the rest, special. This thread is a place to remember them, tell their stories, and pay tribute. Dogs, cats, birds, horses, or any others you'll never forget, all are welcome. And while it may get sad to say goodbye sometimes, don't forget to keep things /comfy/.
My sister's dog fell ill, practically overnight, and while she's still processing it, I'm afraid I know what's coming. I've been thinking about the kind of dog he's been. I've never seen a dog more dog-like than him. A German Shepherd, 80 pounds of raw muscle. If you flicked water out of a bucket, he'd do insane flips and twists to try and catch it. He'd bark at all our cars and try to bite the tires and run in circles to try and herd us if we drove where he could get at. If he got frustrated, he'd go find the heaviest log he could get his mouth around and whine while dragging it, or trying to. He loved barking at birds. But he wasn't just a brute, he was a sweet dog, and always knew to be gentle with kids. And eberry single day he wood run, run, run, even after 10 years. He was just always excited. Maybe none of that sounds berry specific or special, and I'm sorry that I can't think of any specific stories about him, but there will never be another dog like him, for any of us. He was endless.