/comfy/ - A place to relax

Home of comfyness and jigsaw puzzles :)

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Welcome back to /comfy/ Anon :)
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I wood like to invite anyone browsing to come and solve a few puzzles together. Post an image and I will make a jigsaw of it if you want.

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>looking at the thumb, you thought the sky was basically done too...
Nice work, Anons.

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Comfy is a place to relax. Please be kind and keep the things nice.

The rules are:
>Follow the global rules
>Keep it cozy
>Keep it SFW
>No rabble rousing
That means no unrelated political posts, intentionally provocative posts, posts insulting someone's race or religion or promoting committing crimes.
>No boat rocking
That means no uncalled for insults, rudeposting, or instigating drama.
>No advertising
You can talk about comfy places, but blatant advertising is not nice.

Other nice boards:
/late/ - Late Nights
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Trying to be habby is a much better than my silly cocktails.  I hope you can shape things to work out.

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Post here when you visit /comfy/
Thread number ten

Pour yourself a nice hot chocolate and stay warm anon :)
Previous >>9418
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"gamer" chairs are a scam
I want to get one of these bad boys, gonna feel like a king on his throne
having a gin and coke and reading comfy. dosnt get much better
whats ur favorite drink, friend?
its tanqueray no.10 which has a lot of citrus notes. good stuff. 

i need to get back into fishing after im done with my move. 

finally starting to blacksmith again. using these few weeks i have left to get some projects done. i always feel so guilty after being inactive  so long. ah well.
Replies: >>13145
What sort of things do you make?
Target anything in particular?

Umeshu over ice is always nice.  I really like Islay single malts too.
It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, my window is open, I just exercised and showered, and I'm trying to be comfy and fight the urge to take ragebait
I've come back around to single malts. I'm thinking of getting some champagne since I really like it and realized it's not that expensive. It's kind of silly only to drink it on new years'.

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Post your comfiest webms, mp4s and others.
OCs welcome.
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Just noticed that the colour scheme of where I am right now resembles /comfy/'s css fairly well!
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It's spring!
Replies: >>13076
Happy Vernal Equinox!  :)
That's n odd idea of what is comfy.
Replies: >>13146
Alright then.

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How do you maintain a comfy and relatively stress-free internet experience? What should I cut out?
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I used to argue online a lot. On one hand I have a hang up about needing to be berry precise in my words and arguing helped me formulate my thoughts on important topics for my own purposes. On the other hand, in the 20+ years I've been using the internet I never once saw anonymous arguing produce a meaningful outcome anywhere, ever. It's less productive than jerking off. Eventually I'd get halfway through a big response, realize what I was doing, and force myself to stop and delete it. It sucks a little to lose your effortpost, but surprisingly the main feeling I'd get was relief. I'd suggest trying that out. If you find yourself engaging with something that bothers you, disengage with it cold turkey and give it a minute to see if you've actually lost anything. That seems obvious, but you probably aren't doing it.
Replies: >>13127 >>13128
Probably great advice, Anon. Thhanks!

Lol, what?  :D
Replies: >>13128 >>13143
>Lol, what?  :D
Looks like an 'AI meme' - a self correcting problem when the the bubble pops!

Similar feeling, even walking into a conversation with an open mind or willing to banter a bit rarely yields growth or understanding. The normies know that and stay out - bretty sure that's how the 'arguing on the internet' joke became a thing. Too bad too - I'm with ya, open comms has potential but all parties have to contribute for it to work.
Replies: >>13137 >>13143
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>I'm with ya, open comms has potential but all parties have to contribute for it to work.
It's simply a matter of maturity. TPTB want division & strife everywhere (online or off) since it serves their purposes best. 

But men of cool heads & sound reasoning can come to rational agreements regardless.
Its up to the old hands to show the young bucks the way forward.

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Baking, brewing, and cooking are berry important hearth-building and health-building skills. They are a surefire way to make yourself /comfy/, Anon! What are you baking, brewing, or cooking at the moment? How is it coming out? What will you be trying next time? Is there anything you'd like to try improving? Is there something you'd like to learn? Maybe you have something you'd like to teach us? I tried some old things and new things today! Pics related are: >the bread I made earlier today; a shrimple white cobb loaf. This was the first time I was just able to make it from memory. It felt great to be able to just reach for the ingredients and go through the motions. As luck wood have it, the prove went well and the slashes formed up beautifully. I was worried that the crumb inside wood be a little wet but it turned out berry nice with a good chewy crust. The loaf is wrapped in beeswax cloth now so I can eat it over the week. I'm considering getting a sourdough starter going but I don't know if I'm good enough to handle it yet. >my first attempt at glazing carrots Apparently glazing (which I have found out is different from caramelising) is a basic technique that even professionals find difficult to get perfect eberry time. I think my first attempt here had just a touch too little water and a touch too little sugar, though I reckon I got the butter correct. See how the finished carrots don't have an even glaze? They still tasted berry good with some parsley and finishing 
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I made a berry shrimple pork dish for breakfast.  A small portion of pork butt/shoulder was browned with a bit of olive oil and then braised in the same small pot at a low simmer on the stove with water, salt, and a couple pasilla chiles for about an hour and fifteen minutes. I took it out, pulled it apart with forks and served it in a tortilla with a bit of cabbage, some green onions, and some Kewpie mayonnaise.  This deserved a beer to go with it, so I had a bottle of Asahi Super Dry.

The meat wood be great used in any number of other ways.
Replies: >>13106
Looks delish! Any chance you could leave a recipe for this dish?
Replies: >>13107
The only things in it were listed.  It was probably about 7 oz of meat. I used maybe a tablespoon of oil to brown it on all sides and added about 2 cups water to the pot until the meat was almost completely submerged and then added the two torn up pasilla chiles and maybe half a tablespoon of salt. The amount of water wood be completely dependent on the size and shape of the cooking vessel and the thickness of the meat.  I like to keep braising liquids salty since they are discarded anyway.  Braising cook times will vary considerably with the size a shape of what you are cooking. It is more of a poke it with a fork a see how tender it is eberry now and then sort of affair.
I've been cooking with spelt recently, but it always comes out berry hard and dense compared to regular flour. Will be making a pumpkin pie because I forgot to do so over fall, as well as a meatzza tomorrow.
Replies: >>13139
>Will be making a pumpkin pie because I forgot to do so over fall, as well as a meatzza tomorrow.
Sounds nice, please post pics & recipes Anon!  :)

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Eberryone's known an animal that was different from the rest, special. This thread is a place to remember them, tell their stories, and pay tribute. Dogs, cats, birds, horses, or any others you'll never forget, all are welcome. And while it may get sad to say goodbye sometimes, don't forget to keep things /comfy/.

My sister's dog fell ill, practically overnight, and while she's still processing it, I'm afraid I know what's coming. I've been thinking about the kind of dog he's been. I've never seen a dog more dog-like than him. A German Shepherd, 80 pounds of raw muscle. If you flicked water out of a bucket, he'd do insane flips and twists to try and catch it. He'd bark at all our cars and try to bite the tires and run in circles to try and herd us if we drove where he could get at. If he got frustrated, he'd go find the heaviest log he could get his mouth around and whine while dragging it, or trying to. He loved barking at birds. But he wasn't just a brute, he was a sweet dog, and always knew to be gentle with kids. And eberry single day he wood run, run, run, even after 10 years. He was just always excited. Maybe none of that sounds berry specific or special, and I'm sorry that I can't think of any specific stories about him, but there will never be another dog like him, for any of us. He was endless.
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Thank you for the stories.
>I didn't want to get my hands dirty. I regret that now.
I feel that. I've grown increasingly germophobic the past few years and haven't been petting as much as I should. Thankfully there's still time to make it up to our old girl
Lovely comic, anon.
my cat listens to me sing. he comes from wherever he is and watches me. he must enjoy the patterns/harmonies, he seems pleased and paws at me. it is berry nice.
Replies: >>13111
Sounds cute, like it would make a good cat video.
My mother got rid of our cat behind my back thinking it wood be no big deal. I think he was my soul cat.
Replies: >>13129
It's hard to guage that on the parent side. We just lost the family dog and it didn't seem to bother our kid too much. I guess pets affect different people differently.

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What's your favorite album or song to chill out and listen to in its entirety?
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Acidentally found this artist called PERSONΔ a couple of years ago, he made an album inspired by serial experiments lain, it's a bit weird but comfy

Replies: >>13101
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how bout some comfy vidya music
Replies: >>13101
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These are just albums I picked out to listen to today.  The Thantifaxath album is on one of my absolute favorites. The last two tracks  in sequence are a berry nice pair.

Hive Mind Narcosis by Thantifaxath:

Il était une forêt... by Gris:

Diaspora by Cormorant:

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i <3 jeff wayne's war of the worlds, it is so quacking good, even better when intoxicated
Replies: >>13122
>>13121 (me)
addedum: 'thunderchild' and the 'spirit of man' are some of the greatest tracks ever written, and i will fight anyone who says contrary

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Because greenfriends are /comfy/
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Bonus: this gorgeous little aeschynanthus and some random lichens I've seen during my last walk outdoor.
Replies: >>13086
Excellent work.  The teapot is berry cute.

Any idea what the plant with the bulbous sections is? Some kind of succulent?
Replies: >>13088
Near the lichens ? I don't know but there are a lot here. They usually grow on rocs with lichens and mosses.
With my gf we like 'em a lot, they are so cute.
I'll try to identify them next time. I'm not sure it's edible but it looks delicious xD
NTA but when I buy kuri squash at the market they last me 2-3 months before I find the motivation to cook em.

>a few flowers for the bee friends.
God's work. 🫡
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Comfy thread, tbh.

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Replies: >>13087
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Quacking love that pic
Replies: >>13087
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Replies: >>13087
Cute stuff.  Thanks for sharing.

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