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I wood like to invite anyone browsing to come and solve a few puzzles together. Post an image and I will make a jigsaw of it if you want. https://jiggie.fun/comfy
Merry Christmas, Trashmin! I don't think I've thanked you properly before. Thank you for letting anon.cafe's legacy live on. I hope you have a good one.
Elle fait danser anon, le fait rire, pleurer, jouir… Ici on partage de la musique.
What is your favorite operating system? Do you prefer MS-DOS, Windows 3.1, 95, or something else? FreeDOS? Some flavor of Linux?
Sorry if the answer to this is buried somewhere in jschan's docs, I'm a bit lazy. Is there a way to exclude a whole board from the overboard view in the user settings? I can't read French and I don't care about vtubers but I otherwise do like to check on the pulse of the whole site.
As the title says. Anyways, here's mine: - i5 2th gen (2c/4t) - 8gb ddr3 ram (2x4) - 256 gb ssd (sata) - Manjaro (gnome DE) It's okay for some development with python..
Post what you're working on, won't you? Previous thread: >>123
Number 3, or is it 4? Who's keeping count, anyways? Last thread hit bump limit, so now here's an all new Trashchan edition of the thread. I like this place. I think it will make a good home for us. What's on your mind, tonight?
So, what are some of your favorite memories of the old internet? Can be websites, memes, events or any other aspect of the days of Web 1.0 and 1.5 For a quick reference, here's what I would define as Web 1.0 and Web 1.5 >Web 1.0: Usenet, Geocities and Angelfire, AOL (1991-2001) >Web 1.5: Early YouTube, ED, 4chan in its "wild west" days, MySpace, YTMND, Newgrounds and the peak years of dA and Fanfiction.net (2001-2008) You also had cross-generation stuff like GameFAQs and IMDB which are still around today, although sadly IMDB's infamous message boards are gone
Post here when you visit /comfy/ Thread number ten Pour yourself a nice hot chocolate and stay warm anon :) Previous >>9418
Je n'arrive pas à comprendre les normets : Pourquoi travaillent-ils ? Pourquoi font-ils des enfants ?
Combien de temps avant que nos racailles se rendent compte qu'il existe des revolvers à six coups en vente libre en France ?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Santiago_(1962_FIFA_World_Cup) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erdstall http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/OK_Soda https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_biosphere https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crypto-Christianity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casiquiare_canal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_helicopter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_clown_sightings https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantropa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reduplicative_paramnesia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outline_of_the_Post-War_New_World_Map https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Undeciphered_historical_codes_and_ciphers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Butt_Naked https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kecksburg_UFO_incident https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skyquake
Post here when you visit /comfy/ Thread #8 Comfy UFOs and Wintertime Edition Prervious >>5351
Post here when you visit /comfy/ Thread number nine How are you today anon ? Previous >>7642
Hey everyone. What do you guys do before going to bed? Do you guys sleep well? Personally I just shut down my pc and just go to sleep. For me it takes time to actually start sleeping (usually an hour). I'll go to bed but after some time I'm just thinking my own thoughts and I can't fall asleep.
Write a few things about what keeps you going through everyday life.
Quelle est cette mode des sièges de voiture de course pour jouer sur PC ?
Let's have a new thread without a tonne of broken images. Have there been any new forms of /retro/ media (could be movies, games, anime, websites, etc.) that wanted to look old and actually succeeded? There's an artist called BlueTheBone who makes "retro"-styled animations, cheesecake, and porn. Like any modern hack, he overdoses on visual clutter and uses filters that don't actually resemble the time period he's trying to emulate - but despite that, I think his style is consistently decent. If he relied less on computers and filters, then I think he'd be a much better artist, but that goes without saying for most contemporary artists. The really weird things happen when he tries to make modern character designs and media look old, like pic 2. It isn't exactly wrong, but there is something perplexing about viewing characters and series that were developed specifically with modern aesthetics in mind.
Bienvenue à toutes et tous, petits & grands sur Déjà-vu, le meilleur forum actuellement en ligne sur le darknet francophone ٩( ๑╹ ꇴ╹)۶. (Parce que oui, quand on voit la gueule des autres forums c'est pas compliqué de faire largement mieux). http://dejavuzmognafaelr73if4564f5tfhecr4nxcoubky5qofh5urpshfyd.onion/
Post comfy wallpapers, looking at the same screen eberry day can be tiresome.
Does the community on Cinematik or Cinemageddon actively discuss cinema ? I am on secret-cinema but I do not see them discussing , maybe their discussion forum thread is locked for higher class user, Moreover is Cinematik or Cinemageddon recruiting ?
Videos/Shorts Thread. Try to keep the file sizes down a little in consideration of the server.
What’s a TV show you watch over and over? I hardly watch anything new anymore. Just Frasier, The Sopranos and House. I cycle through them yearly and want to shake it up with something new that people find rewatchable
Baking, brewing, and cooking are berry important hearth-building and health-building skills. They are a surefire way to make yourself /comfy/, Anon! What are you baking, brewing, or cooking at the moment? How is it coming out? What will you be trying next time? Is there anything you'd like to try improving? Is there something you'd like to learn? Maybe you have something you'd like to teach us? I tried some old things and new things today! Pics related are: >the bread I made earlier today; a shrimple white cobb loaf. This was the first time I was just able to make it from memory. It felt great to be able to just reach for the ingredients and go through the motions. As luck wood have it, the prove went well and the slashes formed up beautifully. I was worried that the crumb inside wood be a little wet but it turned out berry nice with a good chewy crust. The loaf is wrapped in beeswax cloth now so I can eat it over the week. I'm considering getting a sourdough starter going but I don't know if I'm good enough to handle it yet. >my first attempt at glazing carrots Apparently glazing (which I have found out is different from caramelising) is a basic technique that even professionals find difficult to get perfect eberry time. I think my first attempt here had just a touch too little water and a touch too little sugar, though I reckon I got the butter correct. See how the finished carrots don't have an even glaze? They still tasted berry good with some parsley and finishing salt. Next I'm going to try blanching with asparagus. >sous vide pork tenderloin >fell for the sous vide meme Yes, and I love it! Weirdly, the garlic I put on these pork tenderloins was stained bluish-green by the other herbs during the water bath, but they cooked down to a tasty colour during the two minute finishing sear. I had the pork together with the carrots for dinner. They tasted great and I felt a great upswell of wellbeing after I finished them. Your turn, Anon!
Questions/Comments that don't deserve their own thread. >Previous thread bumplocked >>34 https://archive.is/wip/VtFwQ https://web.archive.org/web/20231115214701/https://anon.cafe/film/res/34.html Is Hawkmenblues completely gone? Don't want to scroll through his twitter account. hawkmenblues.net is no more.
Divulge your failures, your triumphs, and your struggles from the day. No event too small to mention! Today, I had a lot of fun cleaning the floors in the home. I ran up and down the hallway with a soapy towel, got on my hands and knees and scooby-doo scrubbed the kitchen and bathroom floors, and was completely exhausted and satisfied by the end of it.
Post your comfiest webms, mp4s and others. OCs welcome.
Post your art related woes here.
Let's look into some of the famous, and not so famous, photographers' works to get some inspiration, ideas or entertainment by looking at some of their pictures in small dumps. Also serves as a way to force myself into enjoying this hobby without a camera. Anything goes as long as you like it enough to expose it, in my case i will post some of them once in a while in a constant format.
A place for all things meta regarding our small dark room. Suggestions, banners, board exposure plans, they go here. Be not afraid to comment.
>These guys think they're bad because they walk slow... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRiH3jNE7OY
Alright, this is meant to be a successor to /y2k/ on the old 8chan, however I have expanded it to include both the 1990's and the 2000's and NSFW content is allowed, provided it's actually related to the purpose of this board and doesn't violate any of the site's core rules.
Figured it would be good for others, I've been scratching my brain for hours (unhealthy?) trying to remember where the he'll I saw this scene: A man wearing a hat steps outside to smoke a cigarette, when a phantasmagorical hand appears from thin air and seems to bother his psyche... The weirdest thing about this is that it felt like a silent film, but the elements like the man and his hat felt very noir-ish... And this might be the years of substance abuse catching up to me but I even remember the scene being purple tinted and the floating hand yellow tinted... Or was it the other way round! Am I losing it!
I want to go back. When browsing the Web felt like going on an adventure. What substitutes for "Wild West" these days? All I can think of are Tor, Zeronet, and the vast array of imageboards. Discord can feel pretty wild too sometimes, that is if you can find the right servers. Post what you know, please.
You realize that you're an internet oldfag when: >You've been registered at old sites and forums with old local emails you don't use anymore and probably they don't even exist. >You have saved images at BMP. format
As our friends of /late/ are offline and posting on /shelter/ is not really convenient it may be a good idea to have a thread here for the latefrens.
>follow the rule and keep it /comfy/
I strongly dislike emojis. I am so thankful that after all these years of imageboards, even halfchan users barely ever use emojis. One time, I asked a tech support group how to configure my system such that emojis wood only display in the default colorless fallback font, and I was called a maniac and laughed out of the place. The lack of emojis is part of what makes imageboards inherently more comfy, in my opinion.
I think someone should do something about the Unicode Consortium and especially Ms. Jennifer Daniel.
What games are you playing lately? Trying to beat Battletoads 1cc but I can't get past the 4th stage where it's all ice.
Comfy is a place to relax. Please be kind and keep the things nice. The rules are: >Follow the global rules >Keep it cozy >Keep it SFW >No rabble rousing That means no unrelated political posts, intentionally provocative posts, posts insulting someone's race or religion or promoting committing crimes. >No boat rocking That means no uncalled for insults, rudeposting, or instigating drama. >No advertising You can talk about comfy places, but blatant advertising is not nice. Other nice boards: /late/ - Late Nights /kind/ - Random Acts of Kindness
Post videos that capture what life was like in the 90s and 2000s e.g. home videos, TV programs, news segments, documentaries etc.
how to draw upside down??? i literally simply flipped it but it dont look exactly what i usually do the other way
salut tous le m;onde j espere que vous allez bien quelqun sait comment retracer un numero masquee ?
In which infographics are posted. Some might work for you, some might not.
What's your favorite album or song to chill out and listen to in its entirety?
We all appreciate being comfy. Part of the process implies staying at home doing nothing but watching some enjoyable things. ITT we share good watch to spend some cozy moments in front of.
This is a thread to give some background on the illegal porn spam with links. I've seen some false guesses and claims going around on various boards so I figured it's time I made a dedicated thread to explain it. I have been a janny, mod or admin on a few imageboards for the past 10 years, and casually post on many, including anon.cafe for the last 4 (although less so recently). Those who use a few different sites at once, especially slower/understaffed boards, will soon begin to notice patterns. Posts which look out of place. Identical posts which look out of place on two different sites. Drop a quote from it into a search engine and it's on twenty different imageboards! It turns out there are a few spammers on imageboards, who go down a list of boards reposting the same post. A few years ago I made a bot to regularly check for new threads on imageboards and highlight any duplicates, documenting imageboard spam to find patterns and learn how to combat it. There are a few different main categories of this spam. One is imageboard spam (or sometimes forums or D#scord chats), many of you will have seen recent posts from two news imageboards, just posting a link to their site and leaving. Political spam is also big (almost always either generic /pol/ tripe, Christian evangelism or actual schizophrenic psychosis), and it's worth noting that politics spam was especially big around 2020 so there will probably be a heap later this year. This is easy to spot on hobby boards, although it often blends in unnoticed on politics boards and random (/b/) boards, where they're often taken seriously, and sometimes those spammers choose to just repost only on the dozen /pol/ boards online. There are some other smaller classes of spam, but we're here to talk about the biggest spam category by far: The CP spam is commercial spam. That's why they have links in them. They hit any imageboard they can find. Even test sites with no users. Different CP site owners have been doing this for at least 10 years, and probably ever since the internet went public. This isn't news to people who have been around for a while, but for fresh users on political sites it's easy to jump to the conclusion that its one person (some cryptic 'pedoposter' character), or their designated scapegoat or feds trying to take their site down. But this was happening before /pol/ was even a board on 4chan, and it was happening on even harmless niche hobby imageboards (which is where I started jannying ten years ago, to help delete the hourly CP spam until the admin programmed a hacky countermeasure). And they don't just target imageboards. This is commercial spam. They target any blog comment section or unsecured forum they can discover. You can verify this yourself by checking where the same ad link appears in a search engine. There are commercial/freeware tools made by organized crime companies for discovering and spamming unsecured forums, which brag about being able to break most captchas (and even 10 years ago you could pay $1 per 1000 Google reCAPTCHA solves by real humans in poorer countries, all plugged into your bot via an API). But there's an important point. The current ones aren't bot posting. These are humans, fresh custom-made captchas don't stop them. Simple post filters don't stop them ('post blocked, please try again' won't stop someone who is financially motivated). Anything that wouldn't stop you, won't stop them. And I say 'them' for good reason, you can verify both through basic linguistic forensics (typing styles, filename choices, filter evasion techniques, etc.) and by fingerprinting their user-agents that the same link is being posted by multiple spammers. Specifically, the current one with a child model on a purple background has the same link being posted by three distinct people, all from East Siberia and far North East Asia. They each have a list of target sites (some use imageboard lists like (historically) cc0's list or AllChans, others use custom-made spam lists with all kinds of websites on them, this can sometimes be confirmed by checking their HTTP referrers) and they go down the list, one by one, often clearly in alphabetical order, posting their garbage. They usually post on the first board they see, usually the first alphabetically or the most active/bumped board (which is why anons here correctly pointed out /comfy/ and /k/ were disproportionately targeted on anon.cafe), although they may also just have a certain arbitrary board saved (like lainchan's /zzz/, apparently), maybe because it got listed in a search first. I've seen cases where an imageboard has just locked their /a/ board due to constant spam and most of it disappeared (/a/ is first in alphabetical order, so on their homepage it was the first a spammer would click, so this wouldn't work on lynxchan/jschan's boardlist where they're ordered by activity). It's also important to keep in mind that CP sites come and go, and along with it, different spammers. There have been particularly nasty ones in the past which posted full nudes, link in the image only so the post couldn't be text filtered, random filename, and either no text or text copied from other posts. Phash techniques could be a useful approach there, and the Junkuchan admin has mentioned in the Cloudflare thread that phash filtering has worked well for them. Keep in mind, while it's possible in rare cases there is some CP posting which is different to what most people and I am describing, you can very clearly tell when it's different, the main difference being that malicious posters aren't shilling a pedo scam website. I have seen malicious CP posting only once, where a /pol/ user raided a site with child nude modelling photos posted from purchased VPS servers (this was done during a mass raid after the victim imageboard was linked in an active 4chan /pol/ thread. This was back in 2021 or 2022). That stuff tends to be either posted without any text (neither in the body nor the image) or with a taunt. Here is the monitoring system: https://xj9k.neocities.org/ It only monitors certain sites, and only OPs on some sites, so it's far from conclusive but it's demonstrative. Spam posts are grouped together under one detection (semi-automatically, so there are some small mistakes), it's worth clicking [Expand] and seeing how they differ over time and attempt to evade filters, or how the same spammer makes similar but different spam posts. Clicking the Tags button in the top corner (or clicking on a tag) will show you examples of the many categories of spam.
Does anyone have some quality resources for making 3D stuff? Also, general 3D art, I guess.
Non Anon is doing a baby food ranking stream tomorrow. Technically the following day at midnight. This one has the most potential from what I saw of Prism Project to either be a lot of fun or a complete twitch whore trainwreck, so I'm curious what's going to happen with her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcRlMxooPTM She's doing a chat a little later tonight if anons want to check that out as a pre-game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crXhUmnScl0 Meanwhile Kamizuki-chan is a lot of fun and gives off Pippa vibes, but seems to be keeping herself under control for now. Her tastes in anime are somewhat generic but show promise that she's actually an otaku. She likes vaporwave and J-rock. I'm going to wait for a few streams before forming an opinion but I like her so far. She's got the voice that with some more training and practice she could put on a good concert as well. Sumi's lithsp is cute and she seems autistic, but she didn't actually explain anything about her character and seemed underageb&. I'll form an opinion of her based on collabs. She seems fairly comfy but I don't even know much about her. Sara is a complete valley girl who talks 100kmh and has an accent. Her taste in anime is generic trash, but she has decent taste in games and likes punishment games (Dark Souls, Baldur's Gate, etc.) so I might give her a shot if she's playing something I like. She likes taim jingles and citypop though so I can forgive her shit taste in anime. Nobody who likes taims is a bad person. She's live right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQUlTNNJQ44
Is the original 8/agdg/ owner in charge of this board, or was it started by someone else? Also all-purpose meta thread I guess.
Hey Admin, I'm trying to set my custom CSS on /comfy/ but it says ''' Bad Request Custom CSS strict mode is enabled and does not allow the following: "@", "url(" ''' I believe it's because I link the background image in it, despites I uploaded it in the "Assets" settings of the board. https://trashchan.xyz/asset/comfy/6c6f248c291c7e2674e510c6cdd3f33fb2564164176ab322109fe8788c9abcbb.png and here is the line of the CSS file : ''' background-image: url(/asset/comfy/6c6f248c291c7e2674e510c6cdd3f33fb2564164176ab322109fe8788c9abcbb.png); ,,, It works well when I test my CSS in the "on the fly" settings though so I believe it may be a permission problem that prevent me to put anURL in my CSS. Please halp !
Welcome to /f/! Please post any concerns or requests you have in this thread, and I will do my best to satisfy. Enjoy your stay and remember: I still do it for free™ READ THE RULES BEFORE POSTING There aren't many, but they're all there for a reason. Board rules: https://anon.cafe/f/rules.html Friends: https://alogs.space/robowaifu/ IRC channel is not owned nor frequently monitored by me IRC channel: irc.anonops.com:6697 #/f/ugees
Retro /tech/. PDAs, pagers, old mobile phones, mp3 players. I miss them. They were so less intrusive to privacy. It sounds really weird, but I'd love it if I could somehow still have a pager as opposed to a cell phone.
The administrator fixed captchas, so /late/posting is once again possible. Thank you, administrator! I'm very thankful for you and your efforts and commitment to maintaining this website, and you resolved the issue right away. We're lucky you came along.
I can feel it in the air, it's going to come back. I can already see rumblings of it. >big(ish) name jewtubers uploading remixes/parodies of eurodance songs >more and more people discovering the Y2K/Metalheart aesthetic and making their own versions of it >gen z realizing that nu-vidya fucking sucks dick and going back to 5th and 6th gen consoles for fun games and seeing artystyles/music that actually stand out instead of minimalism and nigbonics rap obviously however as we all know they're going to fucking butcher it like they did with 80s shit (dude neon pink and purple and synths and lasers lmao), so enjoy it while you can. once they fuck it up for the next ten years they'll move onto their next artstyle to destroy like the locusts they are. we're too small and non-influential to enact pic related, so your two options are >do nothing (what you'll probably do) >make art/music/games that actually pay homage to that time period instead of butchering it (what you should do) i am working on the latter, learning how to maek gaym in the process and hopefully get something put out in the next couple of years. what about you? how are you preparing for the resurgence?
What kind of: >Software >Hardware >Style >Tool (i.e. Pen and Paper, Stencils...) Do you use to make your art?
Hello anons, what were your top flicks of the year 2024?
Alright you lazy slags? Couldn't make a thread past the bump limit this time eh? Had to wait for a natural decision maker such as myself to come around and make it for you? tsk tsk threadslaves, this is getting a bit sad thread question - how did you lads spend your new years?
Bref je suis dans la merde financierement et je sais pas comment s'en sortir help...
I wish I could sleep for that long period https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTbOLL5bC00
I really like this board and I like the stuff on it; but I feel like I instinctively cringe and avoid it at the same time. Whenever I indulge in retro games, aesthetics, etc. I have this guilty feeling. I think I have this feeling because maybe I get the sense I'm stuck in the past and I'm not able to move on to new experiences, interests, and learn new things. I battle with whether I honestly think that certain aspects of retro tech, games, culture, aesthetics were actually better and I am acting as an archeologist who is working to point out and maintain those most useful elements for the future, or whether this is all just self-indulgent nostalgia and my time would be better spent willfully ignoring it and moving on.
What did you guys get for Christmas? My family gave me these 2 this year
Comment on se sert d'une calculatrice ? J'y comprends rien, aidez moi.
I've come across enough of these sort of fancy sets that I think they deserve their own thread. For Architecture sets see: >>823
Hey! >>>/late/ has been dead for days because the captchas broke. It gets stuck and doesn't provide the option to reload. I thought it was my browser acting up or that my address was blacklisted, but I tried different devices as well as Tor and something serverside is definitely malfunctioning.
Just a reminder that there's (mostly) working AIM revival project right now. http://iwarg.ddns.net/aim/ There's also one for Yahoo Messenger but it's pretty barebones right now, very few users and doesn't even have Chatrooms. http://iwarg.ddns.net/ymsg/index.php
Anyone else here /retro/maxxing? I've realized there is no point in denying myself happiness and gigacoziness and I may as well go all in on my retro obsessions even if it's a bit weird. I could list a bunch of things I'm doing but I'll start with just a couple here >film photography I have never bought a digital camera and I have stopped being a NEET lately. I have a small comfy job so I have some money and I buy rolls of film on occasion and I carry a late '90s point and shoot camera with me almost everywhere I go. It's fun and super comfy. I also started developing black and white film myself, at home. >computer I have set up my windows machine to look like windows 98 (not completely accurate but I've changed over the icons and use a classic theme, etc. And on my linux machine I have set it up to look like some versions of UNIX from the late 80s to early 90s. And for my browser I use Pale Moon and I have it set to look like Netscape. >music I go to the record store sometimes and browse around and I have a collection of tapes, CDs, and records which I listen to. I have a lot of fun fixing cassette decks too. I could go on but what have you guys been doing? You ARE living it, aren't you anons??
Alright, I decided to expand the scope of this board a little more and include a containment thread for 80's nostalgia. I mainly created this board to serve as both a successor to the old /y2k/ board, which was my favorite board on 8chan, and also expand the scope to include 90's nostalgia too, but after checking on this board, I noticed someone mentioning 80's nostalgia and I decided I would do something about it. I personally don't care that much for 80's pop culture aside from the music and some of the old edgy anime, but 80's nostalgia did become a thing in the 2000's and I can see why others like the whole 80's style, so I'll allow it as long as it's mainly kept to this thread.
>ITT: Vidya of the 90's and 2000's Keep it limited to the scope of this board, so basically Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Generation consoles only for now. For those who don't know what consoles are part of which generation, here's a quick rundown of the time frame we're talking about... >Fourth Generation: SNES, Sega Genesis/Sega CD >Fifth Generation: PS1, N64, Sega Saturn >Sixth Generation: Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube, OG Xbox Discussion of games from the Seventh Generation consoles (PS3/Wii/Xbox 360) is allowed as well, but I'd like the thread to mainly focus on the 4th-6th console genererations since the 7th Gen era carried over into the 2010's and a lot of the games from that era onward obviously have far more in common with modern gaming than stuff from the 16-bit consoles or the PS1 and PS2 eras. You can also discuss PC games and handhelds from 1990-2009 in this thread too, as well as arcade games from that time. Any old-school gaming topic is fair game, whether it be the games themselves or old video gaming magazines, even wild rumors from that kid on the playground whose uncle worked at Nintendo...
Is it just me or was anything related to dinosaurs really fucking huge back in the 90's and very early 2000's? You had the original Jurassic Park trilogy, Walking With Dinosaurs, Dino Crisis, Land Before Time, the Dinosaurs TV show, Disney's Dinosaur movie from 2000, even PBS kiddie shit like Barney. Even the shitty 1998 Godzilla movie with Matthew Broderick tried to ape Jurassic Park. Like, this was most obvious with children's media like Land Before Time and Barney, but you even saw it elsewhere in the 90's, like the Toronto Raptors I guess the first Jurassic Park was where it all kicked off, considering how huge that movie was in the early 90's and a lot of the craze fittingly died down with Jurassic Park III, which was the worst of the original films in a lot of people's opinions (including my own)
Means for thrust, lift and things related
L'Entremonde est un espace de discussion francophone généraliste sur le modèle d'un forum anonyme. Pas de porno. Pas de gore. Merci de prendre connaissance du règlement. >>>/late/ Lonely nights. Sleepy days. Welcome; You have a friend in late. Déjà-Vu Un forum francophone libre d'expression (Tor). -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQINBGcRQT4BEACr6J45FOWmZDz3dtBL/u0c4tlpa4wdJfCfKE1E78qR7/Q6ka3z Fwfbz5pmn7A7fR88Yw9DRctjLZuNjTyiXtVKLmJIeZltm/IMHWexYXcWTrXfbTTf 7HROQ420TYCDkxFv6SaZxmVTsx3cMTv2EHCFUhTE2U3ky34mDxDfnPFS1Qz+lOyL nthgIZQkzi4eLRQelGJIh3mR2XOo1PP0FieT0TJFTZLr7C6aPIhEPEwrhScahVqe EgQRqUFu20DWU5NKSbBV4uMjU8VEsZKqQdrjx5obmpbAsgZQg2yxPG2Q7K7yGsRB os87DisGpjOhZnoPrsqj83x107iIrEmQYbFD0ZVkuwCGv2YsGLNK9iRC0kk5dPE1 +ev9OOhiL0FMzJ9n5ESbUBiAFjIVBGU3G09sqA+/0esHbLI5MbaBLmkqVwO6eHKx VgdMoabyT7YrhYA1gIOs69krJoFrW2oeHS6WreRkPdJa/6am88moXQ+U1kXk/OmN XX6PZ3ZxKFOBFgvD09cXR8DD5DDDd9eyETSEfrPhPopq8XxNR8SNn34CW+xTs98r 7Enr3I9RFoveUA7/wLyVtFJKqmfuMxZLkQ1SRAaJtadHrxO2wnDxNOZFxrQxPO2A spjXwrYAq7fv/6+q7cYIyEoRJPuBnIsYnO0KBA/cr4na531cJDnotciCYQARAQAB tDBhbm9ueW1lIChFbnRyZW1vbmRlKSA8RmFHQ3Btbm9zVjU5eE5ZOWFAY29jay5s aT6JAk4EEwEKADgWIQSL8DEi++5SseHQ+HQZEJpPpLqeMQUCZxFBPgIbAwULCQgH AgYVCgkICwIEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRAZEJpPpLqeMWC1D/48oNmzYIrL0dhIzsBw F9gjUJfd8HQAWE0PJ9tXw7kCsrDIfMrZTIluinQcU+DyXqhCvsIkvlqYQ+FjS0Lq k1sBjoVxe3ZgaNr5/0xwVRARCT0D5jdvQz+rIRlO/wlyhDzT/5EO4uqRzZQatBNP C3d9m0APYwYLWAhm8IZECjGjRCpd5gUQ6g/T/ko1l4auleHwSYsKc7I7d2FLpfRc w+ftRoXbXzPfPDY0kFRKik7a2DxTp1684KPyxN4ymrJAQekDGNnWtn0kuEqocguU FUVeEh2eTU0QPoPhrH9qH7QU71o6M6KAgxOUQ7QbSaRxJYKIzuD+FWoaZc3nwoPH /5DRzjm+72HDMSPcgpi8jZEGflQgt//BdN8OQAKJtRoDFcemvpidzHT62YVtE+mU DavP1zECfxtFvvugOwpYNAho0LJTT7d7Clyi2UTXtp8JPYSabPzCfwGoDu8rvbsw I9pCOYTOCB3CgyisWt7oNb9edOvjyoDeNR0Oh44ykzuvf3vuOksU0MNwugoQOuis jC+FPSZtXbX7wpF4KDwUMlKU/L8thCGMXVL3Kh8Q9t9NGNEyzw2hjpjBLyW9ex4x TkqylJ5uldGJBaGEJV3TetBb9G1tRHIMdjDaOtrNtRW3GJSef3GfIeAkmE+GYQyV DPKukvcirRKC0hBMtgDrsEJ4ArkCDQRnEUE+ARAAuNYHydBgASwUIMn2JEu4GS/3 0X0R/3QVRTeEycYeiJtWo+fRyZo0iE+EbaNkor0PHuuNQmZnkC9njAjF9lO+RIIJ NIkWk8wDrmZsLj2i9SmkWDdqo+oGuqCq284IEZGe7ZN3vKoWn65aYnCkHQwjwuPY espSsMxFmOa+CECrD8k0cbMxmJnTXcjsEc9dSGMtEXSWi4F6c6OsySVWGi8jCUYN iZJrXzwEXHBh8UA8VUp/LyPKZ0xYCSs+ib5DlB2Ye0T6IW69Uv6o3lEv1zOVpXRG 5wishnVQypJVwiltgyu/woPGKXbxvQIS7vXGWAqlrUvrsLiCUPV6tCyd+f+bAQqH 8W5rs8KvMGXeXuNTtGCK5LJni/o8Sota51C4pkkXnpplcwizhmiBUI5oadkYrVF/ IAtUAOi76gQDGbwSuhMXNISfuUq6SqlnnNasICyZI1CVw/KXm6drE5Swv6j7KQbO zUvlFV1csn5hfnuC1ZXwOOlosCOlMJSegxktkO9Gml5QXa/SVM5B15v1pMYPClfc LRk3vA3Ot8BTlkQ5OXFx2Quvl1wBclcgg4eattLF7VTfZZ14lmnQKm5LHL3nCLkD 9figa1yP8XFqTLskFBNEhxQz0+RqxYAEJ0q6ydQ5xxgaD+WJkDTKpr76hvBggLVR jT62PUzxsDLyigPyP/8AEQEAAYkCNgQYAQoAIBYhBIvwMSL77lKx4dD4dBkQmk+k up4xBQJnEUE+AhsMAAoJEBkQmk+kup4xA/oP/RMuGWi5X+N3IJyeEpD0CrkmLEek SkdpaHmxIkOIgdkhWcBwAmuMzqME7f39jWYIypLISfgvLf3DbO463WO5SqSfzbbJ fDo59ofrjDRjeeLfR7Yh6UYb9W2QJ9Gz9F8xtw5V5gSo42B0iUoKg9Y8fBkgJ363 OsaSSli+wjCDb6ki4LKZPupTidHfnd/pwiLsR/YII51cm+qilH6FyHzigD1ncWHx PgIktN/lIpIPEasv9LCMATidpjtjEv5LdF3iwiqEnfPTgDK1I6j9WLlPrDP843jw nNb/4YEgnXNxNxbWVLdBUBLR/JFOVPkyyDVq6izdkoH0p5ypT0y+gmDIFYheIDuq 2+k/4eLwMhKPH/dvD2lSSsrrqzoejHymeGwLcZaPkGzHkb0jmpJvb9JSwjG3ZRtj +yawzCMzubqZgg0kLWIJpLT7pxwtqsd9IT/cdlWSAZZqllWgG4qgVbl40xX5hMbc DXmQNb5PH596pPOKOEIeJTcZhNLYlt+hJXFVXoHMaQpptpp0/+UJvjo3Tigteu8j 6/5+ysj7ofgOyVfd/Oz4ri3t+riAp1LJDPYCc+FCk4aps2O2zFE0/7jvgtiHurXq voFP1n/UF5QjdkmFSB9T/bXDm8G5y0vV8oSaxCmEaO/bhwCupaBOwXNX9o8ol5wV 03spJ6Pv4OF0tueh =SicF -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Augustus ressemble à Daniel Craig. Tiberius aussi a une tête d'Anglais. Galba ressemble à un officier de la Wehrmacht. Trajan ressemble à Christian Clavier. Maximinus Thrax, c’est Javier Bardem. Decius, c’est Clive Owen. Gordian ressemble à Zelensky en plus vieux. Florianus est genre : sup, nigga ? Source de l'image : https://www.openculture.com/2020/08/what-did-the-roman-emperors-look-like.html
Welcome to /late/ The rules are: >Global rules apply >The Board is NSFW, however, just keep it to a minimum. Don't just go around posting porn just because. >No politics >You can talk about other boards. Just don't advertise them. >Don't go around stiring shit up. Links Radio - https://latestation.live/ Discord and IRC - https://discord.gg/hRe2yv96qY - IRC (Rizen) #late.city /late/ Archive - https://anon.cafe/comfy/res/1512.html#q3453 friends of /late/ /comfy/ - https://trashchan.xyz/comfy/index.html /ent/ - https://trashchan.xyz/ent/index.html
Whatever files or links you have you can post here as long as it doesn't conflict with board or site rules
Chatposting, waifus and general discussion No spam or repeated messages
Thread from /agdg/
QTDDTOT - The thread for all those burning Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread R: 80 / F: 31
So up until now, we've had a lot (lol) of off-topic posting, a lot a one-and-done "how do I make game tho" posts in various threads, especially the meta and progress threads. This is now the new dumping ground for those posts. Do try to put some effort into your posts though, you'll get more responses and won't have to face the wrath of jacked Carmack and his dragon dildo sword+2 that way.
Thread from /comfy/
I feel absolutely not horny anymore. What's going on, comrades n' frens? R: 1 / F: 1
Today I woke up and I feel relatively not lewd, which is odd. As normal, I was spending hours of last day scrolling through countless dialogues with poor translation of Last Origin bioroids talking with each other with erothemes, however I stopped. Then I went to sleep. The story is far deeper than that but I will leave at this at it now. As I wake up, I feel no sexual desire or nor carnal desire when it comes to all women, not much of serious. In fact, even then I had some kind of difficult conscience pulling me back from masturbating. So, I was thinking in this merry and VERY merry morning, that maybe Christmas spirit is merrily habbening. With grunts and few squeals I go off my bed and with awfully cheerfully open fresh air. As I take one and two bites of such air, I am wondering what made me do that? New Year! I look upwards upwards, no downards, but so hard to tell. And finished whole 8 SETS of the rep squats AND I so thought I'd never gone THERE! Then, I thought jolly thought that maybe THIS christmas buffet could last in spirit for the rest of new next year! With that, I went typing and typing on board, from the small ones to big ones, I have typed so quite lot, my hands got all rubby and my gazes were burning from the computer brights glaring and staring, but once I finished typing so long, I've decided to finish this final message. Shalom!
Being this is the board of a thousand CSSs, and the meta thread has been rife with CSS discussion, - here's a dedicated thread. This OP will be site focused. anon.cafe has plenty of boards with CSS so they are included for ease of access when relevant. >/server/ >>>/server/ https://pastebin.com/wYkLTtct >/otter/ >>>/otter/ https://pastebin.com/RppBNRNR >/cyber/ >>>/cuber/ https://pastebin.com/pU4mrRqe https://pastebin.com/0Q64atsm >/lego/ >>>/lego/ https://pastebin.com/iwiktXmn >/fa/ >>>/fa/ https://pastebin.com/JRYfkwcK >/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ https://pastebin.com/2uduWXEw
Je trouve ça scandaleux qu'une personnalité publique comme Elon Musk se déguise en Nazi.